We need Merchants USING Dash!

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Trying to push the world into adopting crypto will never work.

Fortunately, bitclones have fucked up over and over again for almost a decade. Every time the Sun sets, bitclones have fucked the dog again. Its pathetic that DASH insists on following the pattern of failure.

There are tons of people who would love to use their crypto IRL.

All you have to do is be available.

Not that anyone here would listen. I'm just a troll....

Fucking Hell, Camo, you're not a troll!! You're just cryptic! I think you are saying that the tools need to be made available?? Mostly merchant tools??? I think you sort of agree with me there?? I remember you were building up an actual POS tool, with a rpi, which I think would be awesome, so that retailers wouldn't have to deal with installation and setup, etc... Obviously, retailers are NOT programmers, and actual, inexpensive tools that allow them to accept Dash would be a huge inroad.

Unfortunately, I can't build that, or anything :( I'm not a programmer. I could help build and install stuff on a system though :D So if we can ever get a project off the ground like that, I'd be able to help :D
Trying to push the world into adopting crypto will never work.

Fortunately, bitclones have fucked up over and over again for almost a decade. Every time the Sun sets, bitclones have fucked the dog again. Its pathetic that DASH insists on following the pattern of failure.

There are tons of people who would love to use their crypto IRL.

All you have to do is be available.

Not that anyone here would listen. I'm just a troll....

"All you have to do is be available." that's pretty vague, can you be more specific? and any thoughts within the context of Evolution? which pretty sure is going to change the landscape when it comes to availability of crypto payments for every-day users.
"All you have to do is be available." that's pretty vague, can you be more specific? and any thoughts within the context of Evolution? which pretty sure is going to change the landscape when it comes to availability of crypto payments for every-day users.
I've been thinking about how mass payments adoption could happen. The biggest obstacle imo is currency risk. I like the plan for auto conversion into crypto. That would solve the problem for merchants.

But it doesn't solve the problem for your average consumer.

I've been thinking how a credit card company could use dash for backend settlement. They could preload a consumers account with dash (which the consumer wouldn't see). Then the credit card company could assume the currency risk on behalf of the consumer.
Yes, but that's still a 3rd party solution. Unlike where Bitcoin has been going, we want to make Dash an alternative currency, meaning people would hold and trade with it like they do the Euro or Dollar, etc... We want Dash to be so useful, there is no reason to move to fiat unless you have to.

How do we get there? Well, probably 3rd parties are unavoidable, but I'd like to see Dash solve problems that can be solved as much as possible. The only problem Dash will never be able to solve is Dash to Fiat conversions, though a marketplace could do that, just like you could buy socks, blankets etc... you could buy/sell fiat. But all marketplaces have their risk, and Dash hasn't got a "market place" like Open Bazaar or anything (though we could do a kick ass market place using Masternodes as it could "feel" like a centralized market place a la Ebay style with nodes running the service in a secondary dash-drive or something.)

If Dash Drive works, it'd be awesome if someone took that on as a new project even if we have to make a second drive "market drive" that mimics Dash Drive, makes sure nodes are collateralized, or something, and then those nodes could earn a % of the sales (very small) it would be a great service to offer and a great way to increase Masternode income.
I've been thinking about how mass payments adoption could happen. The biggest obstacle imo is currency risk. I like the plan for auto conversion into crypto. That would solve the problem for merchants.

But it doesn't solve the problem for your average consumer.

I've been thinking how a credit card company could use dash for backend settlement. They could preload a consumers account with dash (which the consumer wouldn't see). Then the credit card company could assume the currency risk on behalf of the consumer.

I think reducing the need for fiat conversion is the key.
But the mass payments industry is always going to be FIAT based, right?

I actually think that we need to either replace or parallel fiat. Replace a lot of the day to day functions currently performed by fiat, and only enter fiat when we have to, such as when paying taxes, etc...

Or at minimum, we need to reach for being parallel to fiat, where people generally hold their Dash instead of automatically exchanging for fiat because it's useful and they don't need the fiat. That's the ultimate goal. If Dash were so useful, and it didn't have inflation up the ying yang (like fiat, which you can feel losing value every trip to the grocery store) then people would undoubtedly want to keep their funds in Dash vs fiat as the more adoption Dash has, the more each coin will be worth.

So yah, we want to get to the point where people aren't thinking in fiat but rather thinking in terms of Dash. It's always been the goal of Bitcoin, but I don't see bitcoin ever being able to function as a currency unfortunately. Maybe their convoluted lightning network will work, but it will ultimately be more expensive and so much more restrictive than Dash, it's a no brainer that it won't compete.

Fiat is debt based, so all debts will have to be paid off with fiat. You can't lend on a deflationary currency. If the world were all crypto, we would live under completely different rules. Hayek vs Keynes 'n all. Because there is so much debt in the world (pretty much all fiat is debt based, rooted in debt because 100+ years ago, everyone went full on Keynes) there may be no way to completely clear that out. It's a house of cards. But crypto could possibly help support the world if that house of cards collapses, as it's bound to. Unfortunately there will be no way to keep a lot of people from getting hurt.

I shouldn't say there will be no way to lend on crypto. Some day crypto will stop increasing in value so fast. When that happens, when the value only increases, say 2% per year, and you take a loan out to start a business, and you can increase the value of those funds 5% per year or more, certainly you would be able to take out a loan in crypto. It's just impossible with crypto increasing 300% each year or more and as adoption increases, the value will continue to go up like crazy for many years to come. So in all practical terms, you won't be able to lend in crypto because you'll never be able to buy it back.
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I can't build that, or anything
I already did... But, DASH didn't want it.

Cryptic? My gawd, it's as plain as the nose on my face... that's just how bad the echo chamber has gotten. Absolute reality detachment. Would you trust a multi-million dollar endeavor to such an environment?

If DASH could grow up and act like adults for just a few minutes, this would be a done deal.

There are defunct and failing economies all over the planet for which crypto is a better option. Instead of trying to sell it to people who don't have shoes, much less phones for the non-working mobile appp... Plug into a global economy that isn't dead and busted. Sell it to the leadership of failed nations instead. Sell it to the incoming replacement politicians. Let it be the "Look how we saved you from the previous regime!" You talk about revolution? Fucking start a real one. Governments are always unstable, bickering, petty little shits. You don't have to incite revolution. Shitty pig politicians incite it on their own all the damned time.


If you want to make an omelette, you gotta break some eggs.
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I already did... But, DASH didn't want it.

Cryptic? My gawd, it's as plain as the nose on my face... that's just how bad the echo chamber has gotten. Absolute reality detachment. Would you trust a multi-million dollar endeavor to such an environment?

If DASH could grow up and act like adults for just a few minutes, this would be a done deal.

There are defunct and failing economies all over the planet for which crypto is a better option. Instead of trying to sell it to people who don't have shoes, much less phones for the non-working mobile appp... Plug into a global economy that isn't dead and busted. Sell it to the leadership of failed nations instead. Sell it to the incoming replacement politicians. Let it be the "Look how we saved you from the previous regime!" You talk about revolution? Fucking start a real one. Governments are always unstable, bickering, petty little shits. You don't have to incite revolution. Shitty pig politicians incite it on their own all the damned time.


If you want to make an omelette, you gotta break some eggs.

OK, obviously a great idea. But HOW do we do that? We have at least two people from Africa on our team, actually I believe it's at least 4 now. We have many South Americans as well. They are spreading the word. But that's one meeting at a time. Better apps would help a small Congo business manage their stores, but we don't have that. I doubt most small stores, they're probably mostly farmer's markets there, even use anything but cash. So there is that hurdle.

I mean, it's easy to say lets do this or that, it's obvious that they need us, but reaching them, providing them with what they need (maybe the overwhelming population needs to be completely educated and needs to develop trust in this system) is an overwhelming task for us. Sure we tend to push here at our homes, because most of us, if not all of us, can only go so far.

There have been a few African proposals, and I believe the only one rejected was very expensive, and nobody knew the person, at least at the time (my memory... gold fish... can't remember who made the proposal...)

Anyway, please share the plan, I still don't see it, honestly. Sure, I see the need for Dash in countries with failing economies, I just don't see how to reach them. If we could figure out a plan, I KNOW everyone would get on board. And again, I'm not on these boards every day, I'm about to go work again and probably won't be back for a while (in fact I shouldn't be at this computer right now!!!) So if you made a proposal, I probably missed it. Part of getting your proposal accepted by a lot of people is advertising it, being persistent, answering questions and getting the attention of as many people as possible. And this dang forum is impossible to search to be honest!

Anyway, in case you don't come back again in time for me to say so, I hope you have an AWESOME Christmas! Lots of fun, doing whatever you enjoy with your son and / or a pretty and nice lady :D ::hugs::

You know, here we are again, chicken or egg. Thing is, a person in the Congo has to get Dash. The best way for them to do so is to request it from their customers. Lets say a group have a basket weaving company that sells to the west. This is an example of the best way to draw in Dash into such locations. They request payment in Dash. They then buy local goods with Dash and Dash enters the economy. So really, those are the people we would need to connect with. People that sell to the west, so they can import Dash to their locations. This requires educating such businesses, getting them on board. How do we, mostly westerners, get this cycle started?
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But the mass payments industry is always going to be FIAT based, right?
Not really, it could be straight crypto, I rewrote an article of Bitcoin use on the Philippines, Fiat is going down

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This thread is now on my daily-reading list. Will work to decrease my ignorance of DASH's structure and programmes.

And JZA,'s claim, 'This sucker is going down'? I agree wholeheartedly.

[And bought a chunk of DASH today!]
Was just lookin' at the Masternode-distribution chart (over on BCT). This has come to mind before: there is truly disproportionately high adoption of some cryptos in some countries. In DASH's case, Costa Rica and Lithuania.

Well, my question is . . . why?

Because if we, the merchant-adoption crew, could figure this out, we could -- [sigh] assuming the reasons are positive -- use this knowledge to our advantage.

EDIT: okay . . . here's one reason: http://www.virtualcurrencytoday.com/news/avalon-life-puts-renewed-focus-on-dash-cryptocurrency/
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I think reducing the need for fiat conversion is the key.

Um no - the key is enabling converting to fiat really easy for merchants. Remember merchants could care less about Dash now. So give them a solution that is better than a credit card or cash. They want fiat, give them fiat with less fees. Once they get it, they will cut out the fiat conversion.

Kodaxx has the right idea. A real way to acknowledge a Dash payment without actually using a phone wallet. Then the Dash goes to the merchants wallet - the risk is away from the device taking the payment. Next, adding IX and converting to fiat automatically and the problem is solved.

(FYI, crypto debit cards are NOT merchant solutions. Not only do they take away from any advantage with Instantx, but they are the most expensive way of paying for something.)
Try to get new launching internet services on board ?
Megaupload 2.0

Or any other tech innovating company . They are less scared about new technologies and the conversion to fiat for them is less of a wizardry .
Was just lookin' at the Masternode-distribution chart (over on BCT). This has come to mind before: there is truly disproportionately high adoption of some cryptos in some countries. In DASH's case, Costa Rica and Lithuania.

Well, my question is . . . why?

Because if we, the merchant-adoption crew, could figure this out, we could -- [sigh] assuming the reasons are positive -- use this knowledge to our advantage.

EDIT: okay . . . here's one reason: http://www.virtualcurrencytoday.com/news/avalon-life-puts-renewed-focus-on-dash-cryptocurrency/
I don't see how masternode geolocation has anything to do with merchant usability.
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