I already did... But, DASH didn't want it.
Cryptic? My gawd, it's as plain as the nose on my face... that's just how bad the echo chamber has gotten. Absolute reality detachment. Would you trust a multi-million dollar endeavor to such an environment?
If DASH could grow up and act like adults for just a few minutes, this would be a done deal.
There are defunct and failing economies all over the planet for which crypto is a better option. Instead of trying to sell it to people who don't have shoes, much less phones for the non-working mobile appp... Plug into a global economy that isn't dead and busted. Sell it to the leadership of failed nations instead. Sell it to the incoming replacement politicians. Let it be the "Look how we saved you from the previous regime!" You talk about revolution? Fucking start a real one. Governments are always unstable, bickering, petty little shits. You don't have to incite revolution. Shitty pig politicians incite it on their own all the damned time.
If you want to make an omelette, you gotta break some eggs.
OK, obviously a great idea. But HOW do we do that? We have at least two people from Africa on our team, actually I believe it's at least 4 now. We have many South Americans as well. They are spreading the word. But that's one meeting at a time. Better apps would help a small Congo business manage their stores, but we don't have that. I doubt most small stores, they're probably mostly farmer's markets there, even use anything but cash. So there is that hurdle.
I mean, it's easy to say lets do this or that, it's obvious that they need us, but reaching them, providing them with what they need (maybe the overwhelming population needs to be completely educated and needs to develop trust in this system) is an overwhelming task for us. Sure we tend to push here at our homes, because most of us, if not all of us, can only go so far.
There have been a few African proposals, and I believe the only one rejected was very expensive, and nobody knew the person, at least at the time (my memory... gold fish... can't remember who made the proposal...)
Anyway, please share the plan, I still don't see it, honestly. Sure, I see the need for Dash in countries with failing economies, I just don't see how to reach them. If we could figure out a plan, I KNOW everyone would get on board. And again, I'm not on these boards every day, I'm about to go work again and probably won't be back for a while (in fact I shouldn't be at this computer right now!!!) So if you made a proposal, I probably missed it. Part of getting your proposal accepted by a lot of people is advertising it, being persistent, answering questions and getting the attention of as many people as possible. And this dang forum is impossible to search to be honest!
Anyway, in case you don't come back again in time for me to say so, I hope you have an AWESOME Christmas! Lots of fun, doing whatever you enjoy with your son and / or a pretty and nice lady

You know, here we are again, chicken or egg. Thing is, a person in the Congo has to get Dash. The best way for them to do so is to request it from their customers. Lets say a group have a basket weaving company that sells to the west. This is an example of the best way to draw in Dash into such locations. They request payment in Dash. They then buy local goods with Dash and Dash enters the economy. So really, those are the people we would need to connect with. People that sell to the west, so they can import Dash to their locations. This requires educating such businesses, getting them on board. How do we, mostly westerners, get this cycle started?