We need Merchants USING Dash!

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Well I dont think this is necesary, most business can do accounting perfectly fine using cryptos. However most business won't take that risk initially. However you want to have a solution that can at least make it easy to document the Crypto-FIAT movements and wont represent any accounting risk. Many people have issues regarding captial gain taxes on stocks and other investment since some stocks gained while others lost money. So calculating those, it makes it nightmerish, however with the blockchain API, you can automate the whole transactions.

Also not sure how regulation has shaped the idea of storage over commerce.

'However you want to have a solution that can at least make it easy to document the Crypto-FIAT movements . . . '

Bingo, JZA! I put the quote below up on a thread just the other day:

'a software system or computer protocol needs to be developed so that any user or investor of cryptocurrency can compile a report at the end of the fiscal year, showing unrealized gains and losses from their entire virtual currency portfolio, and hand it to their accountant in a format that is easily understood, consistent, and accurate; one that would become a national standard.'

'However you want to have a solution that can at least make it easy to document the Crypto-FIAT movements . . . '

Bingo, JZA! I put the quote below up on a thread just the other day:

'a software system or computer protocol needs to be developed so that any user or investor of cryptocurrency can compile a report at the end of the fiscal year, showing unrealized gains and losses from their entire virtual currency portfolio, and hand it to their accountant in a format that is easily understood, consistent, and accurate; one that would become a national standard.'

yeah but there is nothing simple about that, forget cryptocurrency, you have that with multi-currency all the time. Accounting wise your crypto is just like having stocks or bonds or foreign currencies, or any type of assets. You just report it, valuate it, and declare their gain or loss.
Most ERP that have multi-currency has those properties already, thats why ERP are ideal to get cryptocurrencies into their database.
If you watched the last episode of DASH Detailed, the interview mentioned the chicken and egg issue and how is necesary to start with something when it comes to merchants and some of the options, like the interview, shows the limited options most of the merchants face.

We've done some merchant-development work like the 'DASH to Adoption' -- very early and very naive. It's hard hard hard . . . buuuut the experience is invaluable, and when adoption begins to gather pace, we'll have some idea of how to take advantage.
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Well, sharpen those skills because I don't know about you, but 2016 went by in a flash! Hell, I feel like the Dash launch (Xcoin launch) was yesterday! When Evolution is ready, we need to be prepared with tools and bust out the door with all the momentum we can muster. That means merchant tools need to be ready. This will get easier as the DAPI foundation is laid.

That's why I'd like to hear what tools people currently use? what would work for them? what we need to be integrating with? And I'd still like to see a simple app that can do basic inventory (easy, just hand entered for small vendors) so we can start at that level at the same time :)
Yes, Tante. 2016 did flash by!

My Thought re Your Post is: whatever technologies and policies we bring to bear, I'd like to see more 'mentoring' whereby an individual DASH-er takes, say, a local merchant under her wing, and provides free advice/tech support for as long as it takes. This group of 'assisted adopters' -- not the guy who owns a computer wholesaler or a website development startup -- will make DASH far far more 'useable' on a daily basis: corner store, bakery, cafes, clothing and music stores, garage sales, rentals, remittance for 'international communities,' cinemas, etc. etc.

No other coin is taking this approach.
There will definitely be a lot of feet-on-the-ground work to be done. I think that's one of the reasons Evan wants to establish offices??
I think if you want to get this growing organically you need to have some technology so hey can build the tools that best fit their needs. I think there still a lot of confusion implementing InstantX from scratch.
I think if you want to get this growing organically you need to have some technology so hey can build the tools that best fit their needs. I think there still a lot of confusion implementing InstantX from scratch.

Can you elaborate please? Who would build the tools to fit their needs? Is it hard to implement InstantX (Instant Send now) from scratch? I know you're a programmer, so...??? LOL :D
Well the way you send instantsend, is clicking on the wallet by the emisor, but how can a checkout (reciever) make you use instantsend on an automated fashion? The receiver has no way to make you click on instantsend. Now, let say that is a metro ticket, what would the ticket checkout will get you to use instantsend on your wallet. There are some hacks to include metadata on the QR to get some type of 'InstantSend only' but I think there aren't like tools yet to build your own checkout with all those things selected.

Is sort of the same issue alternative wallets from DASH dont support DASH features like Coinomi, Jaxx, and Electrum. Because those features are non-trivial to activate them.
I (think I) understand what JZA means. We undertook to trial crypto acceptance in a cafe in 2013*, which was, krypto-tekkerlogikkerly, waaaay back. The only way we could figure it out -- and it assumes those involved have the energy and commitment of early adopters -- was to have the cafe's crypto-address QR at the check-out. The crypto user theoretically used the camera function in the android wallet** to lock on to the QR, then put the $AU amount into the auto-converter of the android wallet, then hit the 'Send' button, then swung the smartphone around so that the checkout operator could see that the payment was in the pipeline.

* Here's a link. There's a description of the Denmark Crypto Town Project down the thread a ways. It's dated March, 2014; but the Project began in late 2013, and lasted six months. Ian Ridgwell and I -- overworked family-guy and half-blind pensioner guy -- are proud as peacocks to have undertaken such an insanely ambitious project, and we learned an enormous amount about grass-roots crypto adoption. There were only two other such projects in the world at that time:

**We were trialling Doge and Franko android wallets, among the first.
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Yes and you can agree that for merchant that is way too empirical and it wont scale at the moment it needs to implement a cryptopayment offline. The QR solution might remain, but you might want to have the QR integrated on your Point of Sale system (POS) and have the POS tell you when the transaction was succesfully processed. But as far as DASH you might also need instantsend to be enabled to get the payment approved as well.
Technically that is not very easy to do at the moment with DASH.
So cool you're with us, @indiamikezulu! Yah, in truth, I'm trying to get @JZA to explain what is involved because I want him to spearhead Odoo integration, LOL, a project he was once interested in. I want to get him to talk about what is involved, why it's difficult, etc... But he is freakin hard to draw out! Also, I really want to know what is involved.

I don't like the idea of a centralized company like Blockpay acting as a middle man/insurer that payments will be made, when it's completely unnecessary in Dash! This is where Dash shines through with Instant Send, and not competing against projects like Blockpay is just a HUGE opportunity being lost.
I read here every day, Tante; and I also favour a model without 'middlemen.' My guys -- all techies -- thought that some of the theory I posited in 2013 was quite nuts; but although it's taken time, those ideas are starting to make sense.

Would luuuuuurv to see some one pop in and say hello here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1579087.0

We've had an experimental exchange of one type or another open for over three years. DASH-Uno trades are available on the 'D L Ex.'

And we're bullion bugs:

just got a line on a pile of these: http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-view-details.html?adId=1131249393

We'll do P2P trades of silver bullion for DASH.

['Lonely Highway Delivery Guy' now owns five thousand bucks worth of cryptos, and I can buy fruit and eggs with DASH and other cryptos, or with 'mini bullion.']
Well, well, well!! Look what turned up in my reading ten minutes after I posted above:

'Can bitcoin adoption be called a “mass adoption” without myriads of merchants accepting bitcoin directly, bypassing various centralized account holders, conversion services, and POS adapters? No. Can we exclude brick and mortars from the equation? No again. Bitcoin will be rightly called “mass adopted” when your merchant actually scans your bitcoin address QR code from your phone. Not earlier than that. That is what the whole thing was meant for.'
Which BTC will never do because double-spend and even if not, running ledge security as TX security is still stupid.

And, even after all that, you're doing it backwards. You have to be in retail already, or nobody will see a reason to find out about it. A bunch of faux-libertarian pseudo-socialist pnzi-trading nerds preaching about it, some more, again, still, is turning people off, not getting them interested.

Do what DASH was made to do; support retailers. Then it'll be seen by everyone. They'll have a reason to care at least a little bit. Right now, you're just a bunch of morons splitting hairs and picking nits in your echo chamber.

You can whip out your ding dong in front of a girl and that'd make blowing you really easy. But, it's going to have the opposite effect that you're hoping for if you don't push her buttons first... She has to want it. Explaining how great you are isn't going to do it. As crass as you say this analogy is, it's the most perfect comparison to cryptonerds' behavior that there's ever been. FUCKIN' STUPID!
Hey Camo! Nice to see you. I agree, but I admit I might be blind to what those buttons are. I'm sorry if you've said before, but I've missed it. What approach... what are some of those buttons? What can we do to make it attractive to merchants. I mean, they need customers that have Dash and are willing to buy with them as well. I had / have this idea that we could try a campaign to get booth vendors (for lack of a better name) to try accepting Dash and customers to bring Dash via event organizer partnership campaigns. Maybe I'm on the wrong track?

It's easy to find these event organizers, but I need to come up with an attractive pitch to get them to partner with us...
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Trying to push the world into adopting crypto will never work.

Fortunately, bitclones have fucked up over and over again for almost a decade. Every time the Sun sets, bitclones have fucked the dog again. Its pathetic that DASH insists on following the pattern of failure.

There are tons of people who would love to use their crypto IRL.

All you have to do is be available.

Not that anyone here would listen. I'm just a troll....
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