****** Please Update To 10.12.22 or 9.12.22 *******
All fees will use 0.001 sized inputs (they have no change so you can't follow them), all transactions now should look like this one:
- Client now creates fee sizes inputs for use in darksend denomination phases to improve anonymity
- new rpc command erasetransaction. Some users have reported non-confirming transactions due to opening their wallet at multiple locations. This can and will create double spent transactions that will not confirm. erasetransaction is for removing them.
- SplitUpMoney can only execute every 10 blocks now.
- removed matching masternode debugging messages, that's not really an error
- Client now prioritises sending denominated funds back into Darksend. This will improve anonymity and help to respect the "anonymize darkcoin" amount in the configuration.
- fixed a bug where masternodes send failed transactions
- changed max to 100k in configuration
- added a warning message to startup (delete ~/.darkcoin/.agree_to_tou to see it)
- found a bug causing inputs to get locked forever.
- Darksend now checks diskspace before sending anything to a masternode.
- incrementing protocol version to knock all old clients off
Stable Binaries
RC4 Binaries ( masternodes / auto-denom )