Already is according to getinfo in my client:Could the 100 (?) key/address number that is always available be increased to 1000 for example to prevent the need for constant backups?
The keypool size in RC4 is already increased to 1000 - that's why the first startup takes so long that we will have to introduce a progress barCould the 100 (?) key/address number that is always available be increased to 1000 for example to prevent the need for constant backups?
****** Please Update To 10.12.22 or 9.12.22 *******
DS+ was broken, please redownload if you're anonymizing money
Stable Binaries
RC4 Binaries ( masternodes / auto-denom ) ;-)Can i has tdrk please
sent 1234.56Can i has tdrk please
sent 1234.56
Did someone report this to teamer yet? On my iPhone the box isn't visible though...The box that usually appears on the right hand side is not there for me. I cannot withdraw coins because of it.
Sometimes it works, most it doesn't. Also, I'm sure someone else mentioned this same problem.![]()
Can i has tdrk please
Blocks average 2.5 mins but often take (sometimes a lot) longer.I sent you 249.999 tdrk 9 minutes ago but it still says 0 confirmations.
I sent you 249.999 tdrk 9 minutes ago but it still says 0 confirmations.
Edit: phew.. 2 confirmation now
Windows ver .22
4000 K DRK from faucet.
setup: 6 rounds, keep 500 Anonymized.
All 4000 K were denominated. Why is that when I asked for only 500?
480 DRK are being anonymized now.... guess thats the closest to 500. What is the percent (+/-) from the specified amount that will be finally anony?
Edit: have 3500 DRK available now. Why I can't send DRK now? Balance is 0.00.
Do we have to wait until the anony for the 480 is finished?
****** Please Update To 10.12.22 or 9.12.22 *******
- new rpc command erasetransaction. Some users have reported non-confirming transactions due to opening their wallet at multiple locations. This can and will create double spent transactions that will not confirm. erasetransaction is for removing them.