New version of DashMasternodeTool (v0.9.16) has been released.
The most important changes:
* Hardware wallet initialization & recovery for online/offline usage (see:
* Filtering proposals by name/title/owner.
* A scroll area inside the Vote tab in the Proposals window to improve the visibility of proposls for users with several masternodes in the configuration and low screen resolution.
Changes in the backend.
I'm in the midst of migrating the "public" RPC nodes behind CloudFlare to mitigate DDoS-kind traffic. From the user's point of view this involves changing the domain name and the TCP port number of those nodes in the DMT configuration. These changes should be made by the application itself during the first execution of version 0.9.16, but you should review them and do the changes manually if needed.
Name/port mapping: -> ->
new connection:
Since version 0.9.15 I have introduced the procedure of signing of binary files, so you can now easily verify that the files have not been corrupted while downloading or forged (see:
I clearly do not stick to my original schedule which I published along with my proposal, but for me the quicker reaction to the current needs of the community is more important than strict adherence to this schedule. In the meantime, there have been some unplanned challenges, not all of which are reflected in the DMT code, but what I promised as part of my proposal seems to be still needed, so I am determined to continue.
To make this possible I intend to prolong my exclusive involvement in the project by two months, of course within the funds granted beforehand. Therefore, I will cooperate with you in this mode at least till the end of March 2018.