In a few days a migration to v12.3 will begin, so it's time for some practical tips related to this process for those of you who use DashMasternodeTool to controll the masternode collateral.
DashMasternodeTool version
Use the latest DMT version (v0.9.20), which is designed to work with v12.3 RPC nodes ( Older versions may or may not work, depending on what RPC node version you will be connected to.
Dashd protocol upgrade
Dashd v12.3 works with the new protocol version (70210), therefore after the upgrade of your mn binaries, it will be necessary to send the 'start masternode' message. !!!! Keep in mind that after doing this, the place in the payment queue will be reset, so the most reasonable moment for this is just after receiving the payment.
Verify the protocol version in DMT
During the migration period, DMT can be used to start either v12.3 or v12.2 nodes. However, the application is not able to guess the version of the Dash daemon on the "other side", which means you must specify the correct protocol version to be sent by DMT in the start masternode message. It is your task then, to make sure that the version is suitable for your masternode.
1. In the main window, select the masternode you want to start
2. Check the default protocol version
3. If it is other than 70210, click <Edit>, uncheck <Use default protocol version> and enter the "70210" value (without quotes)
If for some reason, you want to start a masternode based on v12.2 daemon, use the protocol version "70208".