12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

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* this should not happen in the first place... the good news it doesn't stop mixing like it would in 12.0, so once wallet is synced again all (most) of mixing funds should be confirmed ;)
But but why wallet run two sync rounds in the row now, and sometimes it get out off sync after sync?
Something is changed with in sync code...
But but why wallet run two sync rounds in the row now, and sometimes it get out off sync after sync?
Something is changed with in sync code...
There is no two round afaik, it just re-validates that blockchain is up to date if new block arrives during sync and then continues from where it left off.
Yep, "out of sync after sync" issue is the one we are fighting now - smth is not quite right with gov obj sync process.
There is no two round afaik, it just re-validates that blockchain is up to date if new block arrives during sync and then continues from where it left off.
Yep, "out of sync after sync" issue is the one we are fighting now - smth is not quite right with gov obj sync process.
So, this "re-validate" thing is new, because to me its new and looks like it syncs two times.
I will test this "2 round sync" again when i have time for that.
So, this "re-validate" thing is new, because to me its new and looks like it syncs two times.
I will test this "2 round sync" again when i have time for that.
Tested with 2 wallets, works ok now, no 2 sync rounds :)
There are currently 41 issues still in open status on Github. Is it correct to assume many of these open issues are actually already fixed ?
And if that is indeed the case, how many issues should still be considered as open currently ?
There are currently 41 issues still in open status on Github. Is it correct to assume many of these open issues are actually already fixed ?
And if that is indeed the case, how many issues should still be considered as open currently ?
These are legacy issues, some of them date back to Darkcoin in 2014 - if i find time I'll clean them up and close most of them.
got this:
maybe a network problem with my settings?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 174, in <module>
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 151, in main
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 25, in watchdog_check
    for wd in Watchdog.expired(dashd):
  File "./scripts/../lib/models.py", line 553, in expired
    self.created_at < (now - dashd.SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS)
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 199, in SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 195, in MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
    return self.govinfo['masternodewatchdogmaxseconds']
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 83, in govinfo
    self.governance_info = self.rpc_command('getgovernanceinfo')
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 41, in rpc_command
    return self.rpc_connection.__getattr__(params[0])(*params[1:])
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 139, in __call__
    response = self._get_response()
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 179, in _get_response
    http_response = self.__conn.getresponse()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 1111, in getresponse
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 444, in begin
    version, status, reason = self._read_status()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 408, in _read_status
    raise BadStatusLine(line)
httplib.BadStatusLine: ''

Can't be 100%, but this is usually for long-running connections.

1. Are you still getting this stack-trace?

2. If yes, can you time it first (e.g. run it with 'time') and see how long it's taking?

If you are doing CTRL+C to break out of a Sentinel run, it will leave a lock. You can remove the Sentinel DB file entirely, or delete all from the 'settings' table using the sqlite3 client. I need to add a signal handler for this to clean up the locks.
dashd + hw wallet masternode

1) supported hw wallet : keepkey, trezor(will be)

mnb result sample.
$ python dashmnb.py
usage: dashmnb.py [-h] [-c] [-s] [-a] [-b] [-m] [-x]
                 [masternode_alias [masternode_alias ...]]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -c, --check       check masternode config
  -s, --status      show masternode status
  -a, --anounce     anounce missing masternodes
  -b, --balance     show masternodes balance
  -m, --maketx      make signed raw tx
  -x, --xfer        broadcast signed raw tx

$ python dashmnb.py -a
   ____             __
   / __ \____ ______/ /_
  / / / / __ `/ ___/ __ \
 / /_/ / /_/ (__  ) / / /
/_____/\__,_/____/_/ /_/

   __  ___           __                            __ 
   /  |/  /___ ______/ /____  _________  ____  ____/ /__
  / /|_/ / __ `/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __  / _ \
 / /  / / /_/ (__  ) /_/  __/ /  / / / / /_/ / /_/ /  __/
/_/  /_/\__,_/____/\__/\___/_/  /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/\___/

          _ __  __       __  ___       __   _       __      ____     __
 _      __(_) /_/ /_     / / / / |     / /  | |     / /___ _/ / /__  / /_
| | /| / / / __/ __ \   / /_/ /| | /| / /   | | /| / / __ `/ / / _ \/ __/
| |/ |/ / / /_/ / / /  / __  / | |/ |/ /    | |/ |/ / /_/ / / /  __/ /_
|__/|__/_/\__/_/ /_/  /_/ /_/  |__/|__/     |__/|__/\__,_/_/_/\___/\__/

           by : chaeplin

Network : TESTNET
---> checking dashd syncing status
---> checking masternode config

[masternodes config]
   configured : 4
   passed     : 4

[masternodes status]
alias   ip (m: ip/port match)   collateral address         status
mn1  yWZJ6fUGrFX4S1ubDgqW7ZCcLBCt89BLt1 -------
mn2  yZvTMpTyNEpXxkh52ksg7trfQfoweuTsHe -------
mn3  yM56Ai6pHh7NzsYF5SLGMHq25Hd4noHoo6 -------
mn4  yfaCDjViCUsZNsPdmKDchBTS38bYNizvAa -------

[making mnbs and relay]
---> making mnb for mn1
---> check keepkey and press button
Passphrase required:

Confirm your Passphrase:

---> mnb hex for mn1 : 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

---> making mnb for mn2
---> check keepkey and press button
---> mnb hex for mn2 : 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

---> making mnb for mn3
---> check keepkey and press button
---> mnb hex for mn3 : 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

---> making mnb for mn4
---> check keepkey and press button
---> mnb hex for mn4 : 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

---> verify(decoding mnb)
   ---> total   : 4
   ---> success : 4
   ---> failed  : 0

   "32919a98950dec41a3d75dc3790063fb009a514fbc1fb2cf9402aab86fd1b0b3": {
       "addr": "",
       "lastPing": {
           "blockHash": "00000060d47b56e3b3e784a520f0f1c879ffa173eae317f64ea7cec1aa6903df",
           "sigTime": 1484596709,
           "vchSig": "HGRTkb3iWr+ATPhrO9EX+M0wqKrThWqWI2dJvgSjIaWIO2cYUH8J4J0GRQ1JUq0l4Ugze52AyGnUJod12eCkdfM=",
           "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(d43c490e26d9ce51ed41037156b19cfdae3f3e2797c7f10a2bf4af8ec081d1f8, 1), scriptSig=)"
       "nLastDsq": 0,
       "protocolVersion": 70204,
       "pubKeyCollateralAddress": "yfaCDjViCUsZNsPdmKDchBTS38bYNizvAa",
       "pubKeyMasternode": "ybpS2bbyKbnQHwJkuQC8TMJUkhNNqqtXMr",
       "sigTime": 1484596709,
       "vchSig": "ICUdc+P/5Z1y65uIwV6K1AjkxaCGAEroRXxidD7/76D2D7tEilSVEYdDf0ZaGKfHzZifXeqAov4myoB/HPiFKKE=",
       "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(d43c490e26d9ce51ed41037156b19cfdae3f3e2797c7f10a2bf4af8ec081d1f8, 1), scriptSig=)"
   "35c68ff77763b8cacac09c7dba3d603dc8af9779fe72a11f4fe3443d405e3c18": {
       "addr": "",
       "lastPing": {
           "blockHash": "00000060d47b56e3b3e784a520f0f1c879ffa173eae317f64ea7cec1aa6903df",
           "sigTime": 1484596701,
           "vchSig": "HPTG0mUY7WSHfvHgjgXJLuGvevsNFDYBfB4hUSn5xbTURSfYOW6SnIREMB7cfAjSX8YV+eP/tIrr63o9quw7V+c=",
           "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(a570fa7252eff982510fb60b49e3791a751c7058f9e7442dc3e881ee17873b1a, 0), scriptSig=)"
       "nLastDsq": 0,
       "protocolVersion": 70204,
       "pubKeyCollateralAddress": "yZvTMpTyNEpXxkh52ksg7trfQfoweuTsHe",
       "pubKeyMasternode": "yccPZy54vMrCpKfHf7BD9q4DtPdQekPY97",
       "sigTime": 1484596701,
       "vchSig": "H53/FIcIypp50C+UopC82F9lD3D1agP+3WSTl3jXWuveI/NWANoAINND808KUOTyqWD6/u1JqbAlVw7owp1H4w4=",
       "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(a570fa7252eff982510fb60b49e3791a751c7058f9e7442dc3e881ee17873b1a, 0), scriptSig=)"
   "886c905afcb3b8878d79112e3717da16a51760b4e8b233239ca5323803ddb836": {
       "addr": "",
       "lastPing": {
           "blockHash": "00000060d47b56e3b3e784a520f0f1c879ffa173eae317f64ea7cec1aa6903df",
           "sigTime": 1484596706,
           "vchSig": "GzW9Hs+dgKhrfXaa1yvRD2O27L7SX/jh/k8YoHIXO9/eYfx/AUr0L2AEGxZF34D7+kPAWT77sLf4B+2MGp8nh6Q=",
           "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(cd34c8efe2705cfa47d35a3e3cd7559d87bbccd97e65b5791387197ba92024d5, 1), scriptSig=)"
       "nLastDsq": 0,
       "protocolVersion": 70204,
       "pubKeyCollateralAddress": "yM56Ai6pHh7NzsYF5SLGMHq25Hd4noHoo6",
       "pubKeyMasternode": "yiko1kF1HzvDsyNwkcUjE7iJgUvPqwqp8e",
       "sigTime": 1484596706,
       "vchSig": "ICtNICWvkb7NbEC6w5ECWJTQ63PxoGYoYL9gpAk2I2mbIByDSz7JRb5QJ77wc24uNbgC0wS+jVM0CKKhsCseeuc=",
       "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(cd34c8efe2705cfa47d35a3e3cd7559d87bbccd97e65b5791387197ba92024d5, 1), scriptSig=)"
   "9a5dcc9e692e3a0d737707ccf1de8cc3c4022bc12b600f393838f24506299d9c": {
       "addr": "",
       "lastPing": {
           "blockHash": "00000060d47b56e3b3e784a520f0f1c879ffa173eae317f64ea7cec1aa6903df",
           "sigTime": 1484596686,
           "vchSig": "HHtp6SeKZPkdsA7x5+i7wUZJH76ZrfuoQOHq/ArWz80zBfN28FDZACpM+AQ3gxfaaLSfr4xwRtjvDJVJ2hCE+mg=",
           "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(8ad1c453cddea70dba7711cc6239545a7ad26fe3c31dba2ea6de10d4185b7318, 0), scriptSig=)"
       "nLastDsq": 0,
       "protocolVersion": 70204,
       "pubKeyCollateralAddress": "yWZJ6fUGrFX4S1ubDgqW7ZCcLBCt89BLt1",
       "pubKeyMasternode": "yfUmjuXkFDCy7a3Gs5CFQqp8f3eFzbAMXK",
       "sigTime": 1484596686,
       "vchSig": "IOp++CyOqLvKFUwOAXKfUpwcxM9J0NS/OV80nEDdRnVABeUCJgfq65Bk0b5MOXsbnUbDa1fI+L8QMl6d8JGj1Qc=",
       "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(8ad1c453cddea70dba7711cc6239545a7ad26fe3c31dba2ea6de10d4185b7318, 0), scriptSig=)"
   "overall": "Successfully decoded broadcast messages for 4 masternodes, failed to decode 0, total 4"

Relay broadcast messages ? [ Yes / (any key to no) ] + enter : Yes
Yes, will relay

---> relay(announcing mnb)
   ---> total   : 4
   ---> success : 4
   ---> failed  : 0

   "overall": "Successfully relayed broadcast messages for 4 masternodes, failed to relay 0, total 4",
   "35c68ff77763b8cacac09c7dba3d603dc8af9779fe72a11f4fe3443d405e3c18": {
       "35c68ff77763b8cacac09c7dba3d603dc8af9779fe72a11f4fe3443d405e3c18": "successful",
       "addr": "",
       "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(a570fa7252eff982510fb60b49e3791a751c7058f9e7442dc3e881ee17873b1a, 0), scriptSig=)"
   "9a5dcc9e692e3a0d737707ccf1de8cc3c4022bc12b600f393838f24506299d9c": {
       "9a5dcc9e692e3a0d737707ccf1de8cc3c4022bc12b600f393838f24506299d9c": "successful",
       "addr": "",
       "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(8ad1c453cddea70dba7711cc6239545a7ad26fe3c31dba2ea6de10d4185b7318, 0), scriptSig=)"
   "32919a98950dec41a3d75dc3790063fb009a514fbc1fb2cf9402aab86fd1b0b3": {
       "addr": "",
       "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(d43c490e26d9ce51ed41037156b19cfdae3f3e2797c7f10a2bf4af8ec081d1f8, 1), scriptSig=)",
       "32919a98950dec41a3d75dc3790063fb009a514fbc1fb2cf9402aab86fd1b0b3": "successful"
   "886c905afcb3b8878d79112e3717da16a51760b4e8b233239ca5323803ddb836": {
       "addr": "",
       "vin": "CTxIn(COutPoint(cd34c8efe2705cfa47d35a3e3cd7559d87bbccd97e65b5791387197ba92024d5, 1), scriptSig=)",
       "886c905afcb3b8878d79112e3717da16a51760b4e8b233239ca5323803ddb836": "successful"

$ python dashmnb.py -s
   ____             __
   / __ \____ ______/ /_
  / / / / __ `/ ___/ __ \
 / /_/ / /_/ (__  ) / / /
/_____/\__,_/____/_/ /_/

   __  ___           __                            __ 
   /  |/  /___ ______/ /____  _________  ____  ____/ /__
  / /|_/ / __ `/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __  / _ \
 / /  / / /_/ (__  ) /_/  __/ /  / / / / /_/ / /_/ /  __/
/_/  /_/\__,_/____/\__/\___/_/  /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/\___/

          _ __  __       __  ___       __   _       __      ____     __
 _      __(_) /_/ /_     / / / / |     / /  | |     / /___ _/ / /__  / /_
| | /| / / / __/ __ \   / /_/ /| | /| / /   | | /| / / __ `/ / / _ \/ __/
| |/ |/ / / /_/ / / /  / __  / | |/ |/ /    | |/ |/ / /_/ / / /  __/ /_
|__/|__/_/\__/_/ /_/  /_/ /_/  |__/|__/     |__/|__/\__,_/_/_/\___/\__/

           by : chaeplin

Network : TESTNET
---> checking dashd syncing status
---> checking masternode config

[masternodes config]
   configured : 4
   passed     : 4

[masternodes status]
alias   ip (m: ip/port match)   collateral address         status
mn2  yZvTMpTyNEpXxkh52ksg7trfQfoweuTsHe PRE_ENABLED
mn3  yM56Ai6pHh7NzsYF5SLGMHq25Hd4noHoo6 PRE_ENABLED

$ python dashmnb.py -b
   ____             __
   / __ \____ ______/ /_
  / / / / __ `/ ___/ __ \
 / /_/ / /_/ (__  ) / / /
/_____/\__,_/____/_/ /_/

   __  ___           __                            __ 
   /  |/  /___ ______/ /____  _________  ____  ____/ /__
  / /|_/ / __ `/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __  / _ \
 / /  / / /_/ (__  ) /_/  __/ /  / / / / /_/ / /_/ /  __/
/_/  /_/\__,_/____/\__/\___/_/  /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/\___/

          _ __  __       __  ___       __   _       __      ____     __
 _      __(_) /_/ /_     / / / / |     / /  | |     / /___ _/ / /__  / /_
| | /| / / / __/ __ \   / /_/ /| | /| / /   | | /| / / __ `/ / / _ \/ __/
| |/ |/ / / /_/ / / /  / __  / | |/ |/ /    | |/ |/ / /_/ / / /  __/ /_
|__/|__/_/\__/_/ /_/  /_/ /_/  |__/|__/     |__/|__/\__,_/_/_/\___/\__/

           by : chaeplin

Network : TESTNET
---> checking dashd syncing status
---> checking masternode config

[masternodes config]
   configured : 4
   passed     : 4

[masternodes status]
alias   ip (m: ip/port match)   collateral address         status
mn2  yZvTMpTyNEpXxkh52ksg7trfQfoweuTsHe PRE_ENABLED
mn3  yM56Ai6pHh7NzsYF5SLGMHq25Hd4noHoo6 PRE_ENABLED

[masternodes balance]
alias   cnt balance
mn1 0   1000
mn2 0   1000
mn3 0   1000
mn4 0   1000
Last edited:
Can't be 100%, but this is usually for long-running connections.

1. Are you still getting this stack-trace?

2. If yes, can you time it first (e.g. run it with 'time') and see how long it's taking?

If you are doing CTRL+C to break out of a Sentinel run, it will leave a lock. You can remove the Sentinel DB file entirely, or delete all from the 'settings' table using the sqlite3 client. I need to add a signal handler for this to clean up the locks.

Plus, for needed correctness before release, any "main" function needs to be wrapped in exception handling that at the very least knows how to handle all the various kill scenarios as well as any known and understood exception percolating up.
The last version, one of my MNs dropped off. This latest from Jan 15, is humming along although my mixing seems slow? Seems to say "waiting in queue" then it says something like ... oh shit, can't remember, but "trying again"

G2G, sorry
2017-01-17 16:03:29 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:03:33 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:03:34 UpdateTip: new best=000000edc9e9689aad1bbb4a6a5e83d75460cd04a54d2d04e72bd73257c0be73  height=137672  log2_work=43.211546  tx=220880  date=2017-01-17 16:04:23 progress=1.000003  cache=2.4MiB(6924tx)
2017-01-17 16:03:34 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2017-01-17 16:03:35 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ...
2017-01-17 16:03:36 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:03:40 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:03:42 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ...
2017-01-17 16:03:43 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:03:46 CMasternodeMan::CheckAndRemove
2017-01-17 16:03:46 CMasternodeMan::CheckAndRemove -- Masternodes: 112, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 7158
2017-01-17 16:03:46 CMasternodePayments::CheckAndRemove -- Votes: 48535, Blocks: 4962
2017-01-17 16:03:47 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:03:49 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ...
2017-01-17 16:03:50 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:03:54 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:03:56 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ...
2017-01-17 16:03:57 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:04:12 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: PrivateSend is idle.
2017-01-17 16:04:14 keypool reserve 43330
2017-01-17 16:04:14 keypool keep 43330
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CMasternodeMan::FindRandomNotInVec -- 67 enabled masternodes, 67 masternodes to choose from
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- attempt 0 connection to Masternode
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- connected, addr=
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- connected, sending DSACCEPT, nSessionDenom: 1 (100.001)
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::SetState -- nState: 0, nStateNew: 1
2017-01-17 16:04:14 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:04:14 ProcessMessages: advertising address [2001:0:9d38:6abd:28dd:14b3:97de:2d18]:19999
2017-01-17 16:04:14 receive version message: /Dash Core:0.12.1/: version 70204, blocks=137672, us=, peer=4151
2017-01-17 16:04:14 AdvertiseLocal: advertising address [2001:0:9d38:6abd:28dd:14b3:97de:2d18]:19999
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::CheckPoolStateUpdate -- set nSessionID to 374343
2017-01-17 16:03:29 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:03:33 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:03:34 UpdateTip: new best=000000edc9e9689aad1bbb4a6a5e83d75460cd04a54d2d04e72bd73257c0be73  height=137672  log2_work=43.211546  tx=220880  date=2017-01-17 16:04:23 progress=1.000003  cache=2.4MiB(6924tx)
2017-01-17 16:03:34 ProcessNewBlock : ACCEPTED
2017-01-17 16:03:35 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ...
2017-01-17 16:03:36 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:03:40 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:03:42 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ...
2017-01-17 16:03:43 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:03:46 CMasternodeMan::CheckAndRemove
2017-01-17 16:03:46 CMasternodeMan::CheckAndRemove -- Masternodes: 112, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 7158
2017-01-17 16:03:46 CMasternodePayments::CheckAndRemove -- Votes: 48535, Blocks: 4962
2017-01-17 16:03:47 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:03:49 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ...
2017-01-17 16:03:50 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:03:54 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:03:56 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ...
2017-01-17 16:03:57 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue .
2017-01-17 16:04:12 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: PrivateSend is idle.
2017-01-17 16:04:14 keypool reserve 43330
2017-01-17 16:04:14 keypool keep 43330
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CMasternodeMan::FindRandomNotInVec -- 67 enabled masternodes, 67 masternodes to choose from
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- attempt 0 connection to Masternode
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- connected, addr=
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- connected, sending DSACCEPT, nSessionDenom: 1 (100.001)
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::SetState -- nState: 0, nStateNew: 1
2017-01-17 16:04:14 OverviewPage::privateSendStatus -- Last PrivateSend message: Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue ..
2017-01-17 16:04:14 ProcessMessages: advertising address [2001:0:9d38:6abd:28dd:14b3:97de:2d18]:19999
2017-01-17 16:04:14 receive version message: /Dash Core:0.12.1/: version 70204, blocks=137672, us=, peer=4151
2017-01-17 16:04:14 AdvertiseLocal: advertising address [2001:0:9d38:6abd:28dd:14b3:97de:2d18]:19999
2017-01-17 16:04:14 CDarksendPool::CheckPoolStateUpdate -- set nSessionID to 374343

somewhere in there, I stopped mixing, then restarted and hit "reset" and "try mixing" I hope this shows something?
My tLP running v0.12.1.0-f81ea67 got stuck on block 138287. Updated it to v0.12.1.0-4b7bd6b and created a fresh working directory. Will provide additional debugging data if it gets stuck again.
OK, so I'm stuck on block 138911 with my windows QT wallet. trying to open debug log, if I can find something, I'll post :)

No need, we have a new version I see, so I'm downloading that to see if mixing will work now :)
Hummm, I'm 1 block ahead of https://test.explorer.dash.org/chain/tDash, and mixing is going nowhere. Am I on the wrong chain? I've been waiting in queue forever. I guess I'll delete all the dat files in my .dashcore folder and see if that makes things work...

This looks weird, but I have no real idea of what I'm looking at???

missing masternode entry: 6aba20dac2a630319bf396b3be6fa2d0c6c9623767e5392b8543d15dd5773870-1
2017-01-20 11:52:50 CreateTxLockCandidate -- New Transaction Lock Candidate! txid=801ad48bfa986f7d1bb638a6b38e6dc3c2ef3b04f6e1f9e657718edb4e0637e7
2017-01-20 11:52:50 TXLOCKREQUEST -- Transaction Lock Request: /Dash Core:0.12.1/ : accepted 801ad48bfa986f7d1bb638a6b38e6dc3c2ef3b04f6e1f9e657718edb4e0637e7
2017-01-20 11:52:50 CreateTxLockCandidate -- New Transaction Lock Candidate! txid=74a3318e20aa2a2d0e1047a0272d7420b2f20129b4557fbbbd254914cc83ce4a
2017-01-20 11:52:50 TXLOCKREQUEST -- Transaction Lock Request: [2604:a880:1:20::ecf:2000]:19999 /Dash Core:0.12.1/ : accepted 74a3318e20aa2a2d0e1047a0272d7420b2f20129b4557fbbbd254914cc83ce4a
2017-01-20 11:52:50 tor: Thread interrupt
2017-01-20 11:52:50 torcontrol thread exit
2017-01-20 11:52:50 opencon thread interrupt
2017-01-20 11:52:50 addcon thread interrupt
2017-01-20 11:52:50 msghand thread interrupt
2017-01-20 11:52:50 net thread interrupt
2017-01-20 11:52:50 scheduler thread interrupt
2017-01-20 11:52:50 PrepareShutdown: In progress...
2017-01-20 11:52:51 StopNode()
2017-01-20 11:52:51 Verifying mncache.dat format...
2017-01-20 11:52:51 Loaded info from mncache.dat  44ms
2017-01-20 11:52:51      Masternodes: 114, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 8370
2017-01-20 11:52:51 Writting info to mncache.dat...
2017-01-20 11:52:51 Written info to mncache.dat  37ms
2017-01-20 11:52:51      Masternodes: 114, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 62, nDsqCount: 8564
2017-01-20 11:52:51 mncache.dat dump finished  83ms
2017-01-20 11:52:51 Verifying mnpayments.dat format...
2017-01-20 11:52:52 Loaded info from mnpayments.dat  274ms
2017-01-20 11:52:52      Votes: 51459, Blocks: 4924
2017-01-20 11:52:52 Writting info to mnpayments.dat...
2017-01-20 11:52:52 Written info to mnpayments.dat  111ms
2017-01-20 11:52:52      Votes: 50106, Blocks: 4776
2017-01-20 11:52:52 mnpayments.dat dump finished  395ms
2017-01-20 11:52:52 Verifying governance.dat format...
2017-01-20 11:52:55 Loaded info from governance.dat  2757ms
2017-01-20 11:52:55      Governance Objects: 1328 (Proposals: 1258, Triggers: 53, Watchdogs: 17, Other: 0; Seen: 2375), Votes: 0
2017-01-20 11:52:55 Writting info to governance.dat...
2017-01-20 11:52:56 Written info to governance.dat  1049ms
2017-01-20 11:52:56      Governance Objects: 1304 (Proposals: 1258, Triggers: 43, Watchdogs: 3, Other: 0; Seen: 2401), Votes: 225223
2017-01-20 11:52:56 governance.dat dump finished  3860ms
2017-01-20 11:52:56 Verifying netfulfilled.dat format...
2017-01-20 11:52:56 Loaded info from netfulfilled.dat  0ms
2017-01-20 11:52:56      Nodes with fulfilled requests: 12
2017-01-20 11:52:56 Writting info to netfulfilled.dat...
2017-01-20 11:52:56 Written info to netfulfilled.dat  1ms
2017-01-20 11:52:56      Nodes with fulfilled requests: 9
2017-01-20 11:52:56 netfulfilled.dat dump finished  2ms
2017-01-20 11:52:58 Shutdown: done
Ugh, after going to bed, I lost internet :( So I don't know if it turned off right before I went to bed or what, but no new mixing happened.
Latest build of 12.1 (yesterday - no new changes since today) from sources hungs. Three masternodes on testnet. Same behaviour. Here some more info.

1. Last log lines:
2017-01-20 05:17:55 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateLocal -- Update Masternode List
2017-01-20 05:17:55 CMasternodeMan::UpdateMasternodeList -- masternode=06069e73139bbcfabb9371c8683190566988bf019deaeb090413f2bee0786613-1  addr=
2017-01-20 05:17:55 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateRemote -- NOT_CAPABLE: Masternode in NEW_START_REQUIRED state
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateInitial -- Checking inbound connection to ''
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateRemote -- NOT_CAPABLE: Masternode not in masternode list
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateLocal -- Update Masternode List
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CMasternodeMan::UpdateMasternodeList -- masternode=06069e73139bbcfabb9371c8683190566988bf019deaeb090413f2bee0786613-1  addr=
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CreateTxLockCandidate -- New Transaction Lock Candidate! txid=23a238b7c787789830681e3f41e2f902f2aa45f4169a6598d2bf89c1bdbdd40e
2017-01-20 12:41:35 TXLOCKREQUEST -- Transaction Lock Request: /Dash Core:0.12.1/ : accepted 23a238b7c787789830681e3f41e2f902f2aa45f4169a6598d2bf89c1bdbdd40e
2017-01-20 11:28:05 CreateTxLockCandidate -- New Transaction Lock Candidate! txid=8dd5e1a37cc3bcafa62f44631fa6ea5bca64b1b99407220c28a1d9de21a49cf4
2017-01-20 11:28:05 TXLOCKREQUEST -- Transaction Lock Request: /Dash Core:0.12.1(bitcore)/ : accepted 8dd5e1a37cc3bcafa62f44631fa6ea5bca64b1b99407220c28a1d9de21a49cf4
2017-01-20 11:28:05 CreateTxLockCandidate -- New Transaction Lock Candidate! txid=af57aaf548e22039905fbdf74723aeb3fc35654d6580c1b0339b24103123bc00
2017-01-20 11:28:05 TXLOCKREQUEST -- Transaction Lock Request: /Dash Core:0.12.1/ : accepted af57aaf548e22039905fbdf74723aeb3fc35654d6580c1b0339b24103123bc00

So it looks that it can have something to do with ManageState or Transaction Locks.

2. ktrace output (on all mn that same). Looks as some kind of loop.
61729 dash-wallet RET   _umtx_op -1 errno 60 Operation timed out
 61729 dash-wallet CALL  clock_gettime(0,0x7fffdcfe5808)
 61729 dash-wallet RET   clock_gettime 0
 61729 dash-wallet CALL  _umtx_op(0x80237e248,UMTX_OP_WAIT_UINT_PRIVATE,0,0x18,0x7fffdcfe5688)
 61729 dashd    RET   nanosleep 0
 61729 dashd    CALL  nanosleep(0x7fffffffdeb8,0)
 61729 dashd    RET   nanosleep 0
 61729 dashd    CALL  nanosleep(0x7fffffffdeb8,0)
 61729 dashd    RET   nanosleep 0
 61729 dashd    CALL  nanosleep(0x7fffffffdeb8,0)
 61729 dash-wallet RET   _umtx_op -1 errno 60 Operation timed out
 61729 dash-wallet CALL  clock_gettime(0,0x7fffdcfe5808)
 61729 dash-wallet RET   clock_gettime 0
 61729 dash-wallet CALL  _umtx_op(0x80237e248,UMTX_OP_WAIT_UINT_PRIVATE,0,0x18,0x7fffdcfe5688)

And... it looks that 12.1 still have some stability issues :-/
Latest build of 12.1 (yesterday - no new changes since today) from sources hungs. Three masternodes on testnet. Same behaviour. Here some more info.

1. Last log lines:
2017-01-20 05:17:55 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateLocal -- Update Masternode List
2017-01-20 05:17:55 CMasternodeMan::UpdateMasternodeList -- masternode=06069e73139bbcfabb9371c8683190566988bf019deaeb090413f2bee0786613-1  addr=
2017-01-20 05:17:55 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateRemote -- NOT_CAPABLE: Masternode in NEW_START_REQUIRED state
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateInitial -- Checking inbound connection to ''
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateRemote -- NOT_CAPABLE: Masternode not in masternode list
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CActiveMasternode::ManageStateLocal -- Update Masternode List
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CMasternodeMan::UpdateMasternodeList -- masternode=06069e73139bbcfabb9371c8683190566988bf019deaeb090413f2bee0786613-1  addr=
2017-01-20 12:41:35 CreateTxLockCandidate -- New Transaction Lock Candidate! txid=23a238b7c787789830681e3f41e2f902f2aa45f4169a6598d2bf89c1bdbdd40e
2017-01-20 12:41:35 TXLOCKREQUEST -- Transaction Lock Request: /Dash Core:0.12.1/ : accepted 23a238b7c787789830681e3f41e2f902f2aa45f4169a6598d2bf89c1bdbdd40e
2017-01-20 11:28:05 CreateTxLockCandidate -- New Transaction Lock Candidate! txid=8dd5e1a37cc3bcafa62f44631fa6ea5bca64b1b99407220c28a1d9de21a49cf4
2017-01-20 11:28:05 TXLOCKREQUEST -- Transaction Lock Request: /Dash Core:0.12.1(bitcore)/ : accepted 8dd5e1a37cc3bcafa62f44631fa6ea5bca64b1b99407220c28a1d9de21a49cf4
2017-01-20 11:28:05 CreateTxLockCandidate -- New Transaction Lock Candidate! txid=af57aaf548e22039905fbdf74723aeb3fc35654d6580c1b0339b24103123bc00
2017-01-20 11:28:05 TXLOCKREQUEST -- Transaction Lock Request: /Dash Core:0.12.1/ : accepted af57aaf548e22039905fbdf74723aeb3fc35654d6580c1b0339b24103123bc00

So it looks that it can have something to do with ManageState or Transaction Locks.

2. ktrace output (on all mn that same). Looks as some kind of loop.
61729 dash-wallet RET   _umtx_op -1 errno 60 Operation timed out
 61729 dash-wallet CALL  clock_gettime(0,0x7fffdcfe5808)
 61729 dash-wallet RET   clock_gettime 0
 61729 dash-wallet CALL  _umtx_op(0x80237e248,UMTX_OP_WAIT_UINT_PRIVATE,0,0x18,0x7fffdcfe5688)
 61729 dashd    RET   nanosleep 0
 61729 dashd    CALL  nanosleep(0x7fffffffdeb8,0)
 61729 dashd    RET   nanosleep 0
 61729 dashd    CALL  nanosleep(0x7fffffffdeb8,0)
 61729 dashd    RET   nanosleep 0
 61729 dashd    CALL  nanosleep(0x7fffffffdeb8,0)
 61729 dash-wallet RET   _umtx_op -1 errno 60 Operation timed out
 61729 dash-wallet CALL  clock_gettime(0,0x7fffdcfe5808)
 61729 dash-wallet RET   clock_gettime 0
 61729 dash-wallet CALL  _umtx_op(0x80237e248,UMTX_OP_WAIT_UINT_PRIVATE,0,0x18,0x7fffdcfe5688)

And... it looks that 12.1 still have some stability issues :-/

Thanks for reporting - just wanted to says that we've hammered testnet with tx/is today at a load of 3x current Bitcoin tx. So your nodes getting stuck is more likely a problem of high cpu load...
Thanks for reporting - just wanted to says that we've hammered testnet with tx/is today at a load of 3x current Bitcoin tx. So your nodes getting stuck is more likely a problem of high cpu load...

No it isn't. CPU usage is normal. Dashd looping for hours and not responding to rpc commands, etc. Only kill -9 helps ;-)
No it isn't. CPU usage is normal. Dashd looping for hours and not responding to rpc commands, etc. Only kill -9 helps ;-)

Mind attaching a gdb instance to one of the stuck nodes and get a stacktrace? Maybe it is a locking issue.
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