12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

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As far as I understand, this is just Dash support by these wallets. I meant if it would be possible not only to keep coins on Ledger Nano S , but also to launch a masternode when coins are stored within Ledger wallet. I did not find any way, how to bring together Dash Core and Ledger (generate 0 address to send 1000 dashes to, generate masternode private key, etc.).

you are talking about Masternodes (i am talking about cold storage coins)
yes that will be available eventually after 12.1 but not yet

TREZOR will be working with Mn's after 12.1 launch
i believe chaplain is testing that
and ledger needs some work

sorry for spamming Testnet Thread :rolleyes:
Thank you for the link. As far as I understand, this is just Dash support by these wallets. I meant if it would be possible not only to keep coins on Ledger Nano S , but also to launch a masternode when coins are stored within Ledger wallet. I did not find any way, how to bring together Dash Core and Ledger (generate 0 address to send 1000 dashes to, generate masternode private key, etc.). If there is any manual, please help to find it.
I think it's working in a beta version of the electrum wallet. It can't run on mainnet at the moment. I haven't tried it yet either???
How long has it been since you upgraded? January 4 version was broken, and I think the first new one came out on the 9th and another this morning (my time) on the 11th (says January 11 on the site) So if you got yours before or around the 9th it's probably a bad version :)
A while before yesterday, but it started acting up with the Jan 11 version, says node started on the mn, but wallet complains about watchdog..

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Don't work on my Raspi 3:

Dash: 5cb6486616b7fa6441e97dda07cad8e37d2d149c
Sentinel: 9c8b2f08953e1125f69a525880a4b252cf7933d6

= WATCHDOG_EXPIRED after 1-2 minutes

What does running sentinel with debug enabled return?

$ SENTINEL_DEBUG=1 ./venv/bin/python ./scripts/crontab.py
Maybe it's worth deleting the sqllite database by deleting the sentinel.db file then..

got this:
maybe a network problem with my settings?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 174, in <module>
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 151, in main
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 25, in watchdog_check
    for wd in Watchdog.expired(dashd):
  File "./scripts/../lib/models.py", line 553, in expired
    self.created_at < (now - dashd.SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS)
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 199, in SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 195, in MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
    return self.govinfo['masternodewatchdogmaxseconds']
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 83, in govinfo
    self.governance_info = self.rpc_command('getgovernanceinfo')
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 41, in rpc_command
    return self.rpc_connection.__getattr__(params[0])(*params[1:])
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 139, in __call__
    response = self._get_response()
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 179, in _get_response
    http_response = self.__conn.getresponse()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 1111, in getresponse
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 444, in begin
    version, status, reason = self._read_status()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 408, in _read_status
    raise BadStatusLine(line)
httplib.BadStatusLine: ''
got this:
maybe a network problem with my settings?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 174, in <module>
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 151, in main
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 25, in watchdog_check
    for wd in Watchdog.expired(dashd):
  File "./scripts/../lib/models.py", line 553, in expired
    self.created_at < (now - dashd.SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS)
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 199, in SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 195, in MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
    return self.govinfo['masternodewatchdogmaxseconds']
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 83, in govinfo
    self.governance_info = self.rpc_command('getgovernanceinfo')
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 41, in rpc_command
    return self.rpc_connection.__getattr__(params[0])(*params[1:])
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 139, in __call__
    response = self._get_response()
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 179, in _get_response
    http_response = self.__conn.getresponse()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 1111, in getresponse
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 444, in begin
    version, status, reason = self._read_status()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 408, in _read_status
    raise BadStatusLine(line)
httplib.BadStatusLine: ''
By the looks of it your dashd seems to be unresponsive


dash-cli gobject list

work for you?
By the looks of it your dashd seems to be unresponsive


dash-cli gobject list

work for you?

yes, this works.

added id of the govobj and subobj in printdbg. Does this help?
2017-01-12 13:08:01 govobj 425 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 subobj 315 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 govobj 426 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 subobj 316 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 govobj 427 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 subobj 85 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 in watchdog_check
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 174, in <module>
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 151, in main
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 25, in watchdog_check
    for wd in Watchdog.expired(dashd):
  File "./scripts/../lib/models.py", line 553, in expired
    self.created_at < (now - dashd.SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS)
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 199, in SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 195, in MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
    return self.govinfo['masternodewatchdogmaxseconds']
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 83, in govinfo
    self.governance_info = self.rpc_command('getgovernanceinfo')
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 41, in rpc_command
    return self.rpc_connection.__getattr__(params[0])(*params[1:])
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 139, in __call__
    response = self._get_response()
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 179, in _get_response
    http_response = self.__conn.getresponse()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 1111, in getresponse
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 444, in begin
    version, status, reason = self._read_status()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 408, in _read_status
    raise BadStatusLine(line)
httplib.BadStatusLine: ''

Changes I've done:
diff --git a/lib/models.py b/lib/models.py
index 3e90a3f..606d14a 100644
--- a/lib/models.py
+++ b/lib/models.py
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class GovernanceObject(BaseModel):
             printdbg("govobj created = %s" % created)
         count = govobj.update(**gobj_dict).where(self.id == govobj.id).execute()
         if count:
-            printdbg("govobj updated = %d" % count)
+            printdbg("govobj %d updated = %d" % (govobj.id, count))
         subdikt['governance_object'] = govobj

         # get/create, then sync payment amounts, etc. from dashd - Dashd is the master
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class GovernanceObject(BaseModel):
             printdbg("subobj created = %s" % created)
         count = subobj.update(**subdikt).where(subclass.id == subobj.id).execute()
         if count:
-            printdbg("subobj updated = %d" % count)
+            printdbg("subobj %d updated = %d" % (subobj.id, count))

         # ATM, returns a tuple w/gov attributes and the govobj
         return (govobj, subobj)
yes, this works.

added id of the govobj and subobj in printdbg. Does this help?
2017-01-12 13:08:01 govobj 425 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 subobj 315 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 govobj 426 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 subobj 316 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 govobj 427 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 subobj 85 updated = 1
2017-01-12 13:08:01 in watchdog_check
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 174, in <module>
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 151, in main
  File "./scripts/crontab.py", line 25, in watchdog_check
    for wd in Watchdog.expired(dashd):
  File "./scripts/../lib/models.py", line 553, in expired
    self.created_at < (now - dashd.SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS)
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 199, in SENTINEL_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 195, in MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS
    return self.govinfo['masternodewatchdogmaxseconds']
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 83, in govinfo
    self.governance_info = self.rpc_command('getgovernanceinfo')
  File "./scripts/../lib/dashd.py", line 41, in rpc_command
    return self.rpc_connection.__getattr__(params[0])(*params[1:])
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 139, in __call__
    response = self._get_response()
  File "/home/pi/sentinel/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitcoinrpc/authproxy.py", line 179, in _get_response
    http_response = self.__conn.getresponse()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 1111, in getresponse
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 444, in begin
    version, status, reason = self._read_status()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 408, in _read_status
    raise BadStatusLine(line)
httplib.BadStatusLine: ''

Changes I've done:
diff --git a/lib/models.py b/lib/models.py
index 3e90a3f..606d14a 100644
--- a/lib/models.py
+++ b/lib/models.py
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class GovernanceObject(BaseModel):
             printdbg("govobj created = %s" % created)
         count = govobj.update(**gobj_dict).where(self.id == govobj.id).execute()
         if count:
-            printdbg("govobj updated = %d" % count)
+            printdbg("govobj %d updated = %d" % (govobj.id, count))
         subdikt['governance_object'] = govobj

         # get/create, then sync payment amounts, etc. from dashd - Dashd is the master
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class GovernanceObject(BaseModel):
             printdbg("subobj created = %s" % created)
         count = subobj.update(**subdikt).where(subclass.id == subobj.id).execute()
         if count:
-            printdbg("subobj updated = %d" % count)
+            printdbg("subobj %d updated = %d" % (subobj.id, count))

         # ATM, returns a tuple w/gov attributes and the govobj
         return (govobj, subobj)

I think @nmarley should have a look at this :)
OS : Windows 10, 64 bit
Observations :

* Mixing through multi-session seems to run smoothly again
* Amount to mix is limited to 2000 Dash ? Higher amount to mix not possible ? Is this a Testnet limitation or also a Mainnet limitation ?
* When running multiple wallets (i have 6 wallets set to mix), switching between different wallets sometimes freezes some of the wallets you are trying to select for a few seconds
* Two of my wallets (TestDash4 & TestDash6) got out of sync during mixing, they both got stuck at block 135959. You can only tell something is wrong because the mixing transactions will not get confirmed,
there is no warning towards user that the wallet is in fact out of sync.


Debug Info of one of the stuck wallets:

2017-01-14 12:08:06 CMasternodePayments::CheckAndRemove -- Votes: 48579, Blocks: 5018
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages: advertising address [2001:0:5ef5:79fd:3001:1f0e:2685:7461]:19999
2017-01-14 12:08:06 receive version message: /Dash Core:0.12.1/: version 70204, blocks=135967, us=, peer=349
2017-01-14 12:08:06 AdvertiseLocal: advertising address [2001:0:5ef5:79fd:3001:1f0e:2685:7461]:19999
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=341
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=342
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=345
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=344
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=346
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=348
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=349
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages: advertising address [2001:0:5ef5:79fd:3001:1f0e:2685:7461]:19999
2017-01-14 12:08:06 receive version message: /Dash Core:0.12.1/: version 70204, blocks=135967, us=, peer=339
2017-01-14 12:08:06 AdvertiseLocal: advertising address [2001:0:5ef5:79fd:3001:1f0e:2685:7461]:19999
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=340
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=339
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: AcceptBlockHeader: block is marked invalid
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ERROR: invalid header received 0000000a34e786d7cccd7cebe614780f6ac72ff41fe6319a96e3861e1fd03040
2017-01-14 12:08:06 ProcessMessages(headers, 649 bytes) FAILED peer=343
2017-01-14 12:08:11 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- No funds detected in need of denominating
2017-01-14 12:08:16 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- No funds detected in need of denominating
2017-01-14 12:08:22 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- No funds detected in need of denominating
2017-01-14 12:08:34 CDarksendPool::DoAutomaticDenominating -- No funds detected in need of denominating
Last edited:
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Reactions: AjM
Oddity. Anyone have thoughts? Linux. Fedora 24. Sentinel and dashcore 12.1 all up-to-date as of today.

[root@servername sentinel]# SENTINEL_DEBUG=1 ./venv/bin/python ./scripts/crontab.py
[error]: Missing dependencies
Please ensure all dependencies are installed:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
[root@servername sentinel]# pip install -r requirements.txt
Requirement already satisfied: inflection==0.3.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
Requirement already satisfied: peewee==2.8.3 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 2))
Requirement already satisfied: py==1.4.31 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 3))
Requirement already satisfied: pytest==3.0.1 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 4))
Requirement already satisfied: python-bitcoinrpc==1.0 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 5))
Requirement already satisfied: simplejson==3.8.2 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 6))
[root@servername sentinel]# SENTINEL_DEBUG=1 ./venv/bin/python ./scripts/crontab.py
[error]: Missing dependencies
Please ensure all dependencies are installed:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
[root@servername sentinel]#
Oddity. Anyone have thoughts? Linux. Fedora 24. Sentinel and dashcore 12.1 all up-to-date as of today.

[root@servername sentinel]# SENTINEL_DEBUG=1 ./venv/bin/python ./scripts/crontab.py
[error]: Missing dependencies
Please ensure all dependencies are installed:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

FIXED: I needed to read the README.md closer. :) It could not find dash.conf. You can override the path to dash.conf in sentinel.conf

RFE: It needs to error that it could not find it.

Too many configuration touchpoints. :)
Last edited:
OS : Windows 10, 64 bit
Observations :

* Mixing through multi-session seems to run smoothly again
* Amount to mix is limited to 2000 Dash ? Higher amount to mix not possible ? Is this a Testnet limitation or also a Mainnet limitation ?
* When running multiple wallets (i have 6 wallets set to mix), switching between different wallets sometimes freezes some of the wallets you are trying to select for a few seconds
* Two of my wallets (TestDash4 & TestDash6) got out of sync during mixing, they both got stuck at block 135959. You can only tell something is wrong because the mixing transactions will not get confirmed, there is no warning towards user that the wallet is in fact out of sync.
* nice :)
* yes, legacy limitation, not sure why :rolleyes:
* probably wallet itself freezes, there are few moments when it creates a bunch of connections which could have such a side effect
* this should not happen in the first place... the good news it doesn't stop mixing like it would in 12.0, so once wallet is synced again all (most) of mixing funds should be confirmed ;)
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