It looks like I'm mixing now, slowly.
Some at block 140443
mnsync reset
reconsiderblock 0000006341894d9a305f5ae5827740f0a865ba1d27b73bf06f4c3cee7e72207d
and some (including windows wallet) at 140485.
mnsync reset
reconsiderblock 000000806c87fb3196de7c8ab05fc4094b2b741b3dbdfb232dbe4e5aa2d75e08
Thank you - those commands are working - MNs syncing again.
Is this just a testnet issue ?
The issue is not your node, but the other 95% of the network.Well, thanks for the detailed explanation. Although my MNs should have enough ressorces, it's hard for them to keep up with testnet these days.
Will try to start a couple of more powerfull servers next.
@flare can you please comment on this?? Could this be a problem? I would like to know other opinions because it sure sounds like a good point (depending on how much Data will be incomingI'm still a bit concerned about a bandwidth waste attack vector... With DAPI we're going to be moving so much data that a true DDoS wouldn't be needed. Just suck so much bandwidth that the quotas are tripped, and large swaths of the MN network go offline because the host shuts it down... Defeating storage integrity with this is entirely feasible. Even temporary disruption could cause permanent issues.
I think they're a little busy right now. I'm not demanding immediate response or anything... This is the sort of thing that would/should be on every MNOs mind, were they smart enough to comprehend it...again, @eduffield @flare @UdjinM6 @moocowmoo @t0dd Can anyone speak about what Camo is saying above?
I don't know how many api calls you're planning on servicing per second, etc... But have you compared what we're doing with other services like this? Are there any other services like our DAPI? LOL How does NASDAQ do it?
Anyway, if we don't hear from the boys, @camosoul, I think, whatever it will require will be affordable for the MN to implement because heavy use ought to equal higher price, no? But it is a good question and I'd like to know the guys are thinking on this, and that they believe it's do-able (not that they never thought on this!)
We'll probably have to see how it goes as we build this system and test it out and add functionality....?