What's Going on at Dash?

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How long do we have to wait for the Dash Core Wallet 12.3 and Dash Copay or at least beta versions?

Is this possible for a specific of time in the report?
Hello Dash Community,

In the spirit of radical transparency: area updates from our bi-weekly management meetings. In this way, you can follow the evolution of our organization and decision-making, as well as our product development. We hope you use this information to hold us accountable to our plans, learn with us, and contribute to our growth as an open-source, decentralized autonomous organization. Of note, some elements are redacted, such as Business Development. We do not publicize ongoing activities with our partners. We will continue to announce partnerships through separate press releases.

We are still working through testing for 12.3 and will get it out as soon as feasible.

Thanks very much for the report. It is great to know 12.3 would soon be released. Now getting closer to evolution.
I would like to bring up one point:

First we read this:
"• Finalizing 12.3 Release for launch.
- Launch planned for ~1 week from now.
- Includes back-ports from Bitcoin Core up to v0.14, and compact blocks"

This got me, and probably allot of other people very excited, and I planned both my investment strategy and MN upgrading accordingly.
Basicly allot is riding on it for me and lots of others, like node40.
Once the week past, I said to myself any day now,
any day now, any day now, any day now,
any day now, any day now, any day now,
any day now,any day now, any day now,
I hope you get my point.

and than now we are reading this:

What’s going on?
Holding on further changes until 12.3 released
● Manual of 12.3 release without bamboo
● Upgrading to more recent GCC version
● Making it work with Travis
● Working on gitian builds
● Working to figure out if we're going to stick with
bamboo or change it

What’s next?
12.3 Release soon
○ Load testing needed on testnet
(dependent on Bamboo setup)

Basically, it could take quit some time still.

It's not about, that I and other have to wait or if that their are problems but for quit some time now, software development has been lagging behind, it's one disappoint after another just having to wait longer(I know you have your reasons),
that sucks to but the point is you can't jerk us around like it is not healthily for the market. I really hope this type of communication will improve from software development. Because even for me it's hard to keep believing in your ability to deliver, when I read these types communications. I also would accept that you uncovered some bugs during test-net. But this really takes allot of energy out me. Just to be clear I would have totally fine with having you state, well it took take a couple of months more, do that would have been an initial shock as well.
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The development has been too slow, without much communication.
With so much spendings from the budget, the progress has been way too slow.
The team is probably too rich, to care about it anymore.
To be honest, the release of 12.3 or even Evolution, may not matter anymore to the users when they are being released.
I agree with everyone here. I've been with Dash since the beginning. Execution and delivery is key in the crypto world and the Core team has been quite slow at this. Each week in crypto is like 1 year. The landscape of 2018 is drastically different than that of 2017 and for that matter, 2014 and there are now many great projects coming out left and right and the Dash core team need to accelerate development and delivery in order to remain competitive. Many other projects such as EOS are reaching all time highs despite the bear market while Dash remains close to all time lows- this is reflective of the status of the development and delivery. Dash needs Evolution figuratively and literally in order to stay competitive and recover in the 2018 hyper competitive crypto market.
Many other projects such as EOS are reaching all time highs
Anybody how really understands how centralization vs decentralization especially when it comes to power, control and return on capital works in a monetary system, will understand that the 21delgates is a bad idea, it was a bad idea with bitshares, it was a bad idea with steemit and it will be a bad idea with EOS. Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. When you put smalll and big bolders (aka holders with small stakes and big stacks) and you shake them and shake them you'll find that they all find each-other nicely layer on top of each-other. EOS is a bad idea all around and it very close to a the total corruption of Satashi Nakamoto vision as can be.
hello greetings, interesting thank you very much for the statement, however I agree with much of the comments above mentioned especially in the part of how the information arrives, it is important to know how to make it arrive and where to post it.
Good day folks, technology is Advancing day in day out. So 12.3 or evolution should be enhanced in other to meet up with expectations from other client. Others have already taking advantage of our slow movement.
@Blajde - please note we are not doing anything in this project for booms, announcements and general excitement. I know it is a main driver in many crypto projects (to create pump), however we are far away from such "strategy". Our goal is to deliver the best blockchain-based payments platform - nothing more, nothing less.

Not saying it is for the pump. But failing to be hot in the crypto world is somewhat also dangerous. And riding the boom a little bit will create larger budget for the project to develop.
Hello Dash Community,

In the spirit of radical transparency: area updates from our bi-weekly management meetings. In this way, you can follow the evolution of our organization and decision-making, as well as our product development. We hope you use this information to hold us accountable to our plans, learn with us, and contribute to our growth as an open-source, decentralized autonomous organization.

Of note, some elements are redacted, such as Business Development. We do not publicize ongoing activities with our partners. We will continue to announce partnerships through separate press releases.













  • What's Going on at DCG 06102018.pdf
    209.5 KB · Views: 316
"Finalize and release updated roadmap" has been listed in "whats next" since the first Whats going on with Dash 3 months ago.....and is now over 6 months stale....great for investor confidence!
Results are not a priority when funding comes every month no matter what.

Dash Core Group is growing their team, and are eating up a major chunk of the budget right, don't you think they are feeling the pressure, they know they need to deliver or else.
Ryan Taylor is actively working on ways to make it easier for use to fire them, It really doesn't look like they are looking for an easy paycheck.

Non the less it sucks, Dash needs that flashy updated easy to read road map, because will do wonders for the Dash price, and at this marketcap price and position in the coincapmarket.com list, we need that extra boost !
Dash Core Group is growing their team, and are eating up a major chunk of the budget right, don't you think they are feeling the pressure, they know they need to deliver or else.
Ryan Taylor is actively working on ways to make it easier for use to fire them, It really doesn't look like they are looking for an easy paycheck.

Non the less it sucks, Dash needs that flashy updated easy to read road map, because will do wonders for the Dash price, and at this marketcap price and position in the coincapmarket.com list, we need that extra boost !
I wouldn’t expect a flashy easy to read roadmap. I am expecting text in bullet point form like the last one. Set your expectations low otherwise you will be disappointed. At this stage I just want something delivered from Core.

The more we drop in price and ranking the more pressure it puts on the Core teams financials and overall treasury to fund other projects.
Results are not a priority when funding comes every month no matter what.
i feel the same, time for us to all vote for no core funding (but i doubt we would have any power to vote against that, even though it is suppose to be a decentralized budget governance)....it takes 6 months from 12.2 to 12.3 with minor updates
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