What's Going on at Dash?

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It come under my attention that dASHBREAKER
Is both active on this forum, and that there is a dASHBREAKER_ active on /r/monero reddit, actively attempting to discredit Dash in a disingenuous way.
I does seem likely to me that this means we are perhaps dealing with a "concern troll"
Yes, you are correct about that. @dASHBREAKER will be allowed to remain active on this forum, but will still be subject to Dash Nation forum rules, which means no speculation as fact. Some of his criticisms have merit, if he’s forced to abandon some of his more colourful, less-factual comments.
Yes, you are correct about that. @dASHBREAKER will be allowed to remain active on this forum, but will still be subject to Dash Nation forum rules, which means no speculation as fact. Some of his criticisms have merit, if he’s forced to abandon some of his more colourful, less-factual comments.

Thank you, and I agree with you that you cannot simply ban someone on suspicion alone, I even doubted for a second to even post the connection.
However seemingly using info such as he provides is extremely difficult to discredit and or counter, and I am saying this while I hold a Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology, (aka designing and reviewing organisational structure is part of my CV)
And this is precisely what a concerned troll does, causing doubt.

To address the matter at hand he speaks of and other here as well. Yes Dash Core has grown, and yes Dash Core had more than it's fair share of problems, but most of these problems have been fixed, and quit a few solution where revolutionary and innovative for the whole crypto industry. I would say that so grade A stuff.

The only reall thing is that software development is moving to slow.

From my personally I am relativity optimistic here, and am expecting, the extreme delay of 12.3 as a one off, and expect 12.4 to be live in about 5 months after 12.3 is live.

We should also compare Dash to other top coins, honestly are coins such as bch, ltc, eth, xmr, nem and DCR even delivering any meaningful code in a timely manner ?
Take for example eth, what are they doing ? moving to POS, sharding, some form of privacy, something similar to LN. ETH is talking about these things now for a couple of years, and still they haven't really delivered anything.

XMR for example, what have they done other than implement code that is based on other people research, bulletproofs is certainly cool if delivered, but still XMR will still scale very poorly, specially because they will use that added benefit into an increase of more ring signatures.

From my perspective these are far more basic concepts than the concept of creating the Dash evolution platform.

Assuming that Dash can deliver 12.3, 12.4 including DIPS 2,3 and 4. Some alfta/beta version by the end of 2018, we will do just fine.

I am expecting to see the Dash Core team, blow most if not all of the competition out of the water in terms of delivering in terms of speed and quality code. The structure of the Dash Core team is simply miles more professional than the above mentioned projects.
I will even go so far as to say, Dash will probably not copying bitcoin-core code anymore into Dash core, but will be running ahead of them by the end of 2020.

I am not attempting to be an over optimistic hippie here, but I am fine with being critical, and we should continue to be so, but, some of us are starting to undersell Dash in a way that not fair when comparing it to our competition (coins that are aiming to be a currency).
The take way from my story is: this overly negative behavior, is negatively affect Dash it's position in the marketplace as well. While almost all others are overselling there coin/project we are underselling ourselves. Please don't undersell Dash, seeing we have already delivered so much, and some much more to come.
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Hello everyone,

I also have some concern about the team capacity to release on time/schedule but that's not my main concern.
My main concern, looking at both last Q1 2018 Summary Call and what's going on at DCG June14th is the Financial state of the organization.

What I like about the Dash approach is that it's a self-funded organization which is from my perspective the best approach for long term success.
However, I start to realize that with such high price volatility, it should be extremely hard for Glenn (the CFO) to pay fix costs (offices, human resources etc...) with highly variable incomes.

Am I the only one having concern when I see that the Net income went from $6.574 Million of benefits to -$7.433 Million of losses in 1 quarter! not mentioning that based on Glenn's comments during the Q1 call and the last "What's going on" update, it's not going to improve this quarter.

This is what concern me the most today.
Any other perspective on this?
However, I start to realize that with such high price volatility, it should be extremely hard for Glenn (the CFO) to pay fix costs (offices, human resources etc...) with highly variable incomes.
Starting from this month Glenn will start to build up some buffers for Dash Core, so the concerns should be put to rest in the coming months. That being said, It would have been simply wonderful if Dash Core did this during the month's November and December 2017 and January 2018. But Glenn was not with us back then.
Thanks for your response, that's what I understood too from his comment but as we all know the devil's in the details.

Typically, I'm interested to understand how we will be able to create the buffers?
How much of the Budget will now be needed to pay our monthly fix costs + create buffers taking into consideration that the Dash price is quite low currently and might not evolve in the upcoming months/quarters. (Sorry I try to be as objective as possible).

EDIT I've actually been able to found all responses to my questions in Glenn's previous posts called "DCG Budget Planning Update"
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Hello Dash Community,

In the spirit of radical transparency: area updates from our bi-weekly management meetings. In this way, you can follow the evolution of our organization and decision-making, as well as our product development. We hope you use this information to hold us accountable to our plans, learn with us, and contribute to our growth as an open-source, decentralized autonomous organization.

Of note, some elements are redacted, such as Business Development. We do not publicize ongoing activities with our partners. We will continue to announce partnerships through separate press releases.




  • What's Going on at DCG 6.25.2018.pdf
    316.4 KB · Views: 406
I didn't see a dash.org website redevelopment mentioned. This was once part of the roadmap if I'm not mistaken and if it wasn't it still needs to be highly considered given all the updates to the project and with the Evolution rollout.
Hello Dash Community,

In the spirit of radical transparency: area updates from our bi-weekly management meetings. In this way, you can follow the evolution of our organization and decision-making, as well as our product development. We hope you use this information to hold us accountable to our plans, learn with us, and contribute to our growth as an open-source, decentralized autonomous organization. Of note, some elements are redacted, such as Business Development. We do not publicize ongoing activities with our partners. We will continue to announce partnerships through separate press releases. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z3bib8ASQii0RSWJ5095wMbWHGzqFst6/view?usp=sharing


  • What’s Going on at DCG 07092018.pdf
    330.7 KB · Views: 395
I hope the dash community will understand one day that if they rely on eponymous persons and "core teams", these persons are susceptible to the agents' blackmail and they will betray dash's goals. That 's how the agents imposed aml/kyc to dash, and thats how dash became the crutch of the monetary system, instead of fullfilling its original goal which was to overturn the monetary system. And the same applies to bitcoin of course, and to any other cryptocurrency.

But there is still hope for the dash community, and for the crypto community in general, as long as the community gives value to the decentralization (which presupposes that whatever governance decision is taken by a community vote and not by a core team), to the anonymity, to the proof of individuality and to cryptoparties.
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I'm curious about our SEC engagement, can someone please go a bit more into that ?
Is the SEC studying Dash as a cryptocurrency ? Or are there talks about a Dash ETF ?
I'm curious about our SEC engagement, can someone please go a bit more into that ?
Is the SEC studying Dash as a cryptocurrency ? Or are there talks about a Dash ETF ?

I would check out Ryan’s interview last week on 3 Amigos. He talks at length about why Dash is approaching the SEC.
Where is that document other than here ? I don't mean links to it. People that are not registered any form of way for any related to Dash, need to be able to read this kind of stuff.
Quit allot of people value crypto's based on their report and progress.

My advise would be put these out via medium posts, lots of other coins that process them on a regular bases, have positive effect from it. At any rate it's the next step to improve communication. and or a monthly summery or something.
Where is that document other than here ? I don't mean links to it. People that are not registered any form of way for any related to Dash, need to be able to read this kind of stuff.
Quit allot of people value crypto's based on their report and progress.

My advise would be put these out via medium posts, lots of other coins that process them on a regular bases, have positive effect from it. At any rate it's the next step to improve communication. and or a monthly summery or something.
It is a long interview that he made, that video-document is public.

Where is that document other than here ? I don't mean links to it. People that are not registered any form of way for any related to Dash, need to be able to read this kind of stuff.
Quit allot of people value crypto's based on their report and progress.

My advise would be put these out via medium posts, lots of other coins that process them on a regular bases, have positive effect from it. At any rate it's the next step to improve communication. and or a monthly summery or something.

it is shared on all social media
It is a long interview that he made, that video-document is public.

A video is not considered as a document, because it is not searchable.

If someone says something on video, maybe it is not because he wants to announce it in public.
Maybe it is because he wants to hide it among other chatter, yet be able to claim that he said it in case someone accuses him he didnt.

The same applies to any other non searchable media (sound, pdf e.t.c.)
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it is shared on all social media
Can you please tell how I can read it on medium ? Because I am not able to find it.
At any-rate i went here after reading it on dash discord "dash-important" it only has a link to this forum, if it can be found at more places, you should add at the very least some of those that can be reached by others.
I very much doubt all people on discord have an account here.

It is a long interview that he made, that video-document is public.
That truly is a great video, but for outsiders the 3 amigo's podcast are not well watched, and that video is way to long for most people. Personally it was a great confidence booster.

I am not trying to discredit the recent increase in communication from Dash Core, but there is still lot's of room for improvement, most importantly making it easier to read/view and find.
It's meant as positive feedback.
Can you please tell how I can read it on medium ? Because I am not able to find it.
At any-rate i went here after reading it on dash discord "dash-important" it only has a link to this forum, if it can be found at more places, you should add at the very least some of those that can be reached by others.
I very much doubt all people on discord have an account here.

i never said it is on Medium but you can read it all over here:
(+ on DF you do not need to log in to read - only to comment)

+ telegram (2 outlets)
+ Dev Slack
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I have a company about blockchain investment and development in Venezuela and i recive a lot of news, information, i participate in many networks, many people askme about cryptos and i know that are two worlds, our crypto world here and other outside, we cannot pretend that all the people have to come to a forum or dash.org to know about dash because is too hard for normal people and cosuming a lot of time.

But DASH is my favorite because have many potential, an big team but is working a little wrong but can be improved, this year i enter to the DAO , before i just trade dash and see the work from outside.
i think that is 3 things that can be useful:

1-Colective masternodes for include more people in the dash system economy and participation, breack the entry barrier (1000DASH for master node) and with the @DeepBlue post about DAO in Venezuela can be a good place for start, more here:

2-Divide the budget assignamente of all proyects even dash core , with stages, to have results and verification of the work, and see the real progress and if is not progress the resources stops, because a lot of people want to invest in crypto and they askme about dash proyect and how is working and completing de "wither paper" or "road map" they askme about, ¿Is stable? in vzla many people lost money with dash because bad information, they invest in high prices and now are loosing a lot of money, many people loose money because one week you seel things and the total is 1dash but the prices go lows and the reinvesment of merchandising create lost of money, no body talks about it in Venezuela teams but you can investigate.

3- DASHNETWORK: DASH community here have to understand that this is to complicated to the normal people, we need a bridge, this forum is the backend of team work, but, the useres of a bank for example they dont know and dont care about how is working the bank , they care about the things are useful for them, so is necesary increase a lot the marketing, AND FRONT END for new comunities, new investors, etc, and collet all the info, good news, projects and put it in a plataform for the normal people. all the people here says that news and announcements happend and the comunity here dosent know totally, Forum, discord etc is not enough, is needed big social media.

If someone ask you ¿how to invest? ¿how to create a new community? ¿how use the actual created projects? ¿How mining? ¿How have a a masternode wirth litte money? ¿how is going dash work? ¿how is going rod map?
is a lot of work make the answeres all the time and guide them. so i was working with Dash trujillo Venezuela with my people of Dash Lara Venezuela about some projects for the normal people and usea all the good projects already created and expand it!
My humble Opinion.

i want to work with the guy that comment here and are working about https://ecosystem.iota.org/ this is what i mean, a normal people front end

Juan Baró - CEO Bitocorp - co funder Dash Lara Venezuela ,Dash Alicante España.
Instagram: @cryptoneo
Thank you Tungfa, I see most post leading towards only this forum post, some also go the more accessible google.drive PDF download.
I am sorry but this is simply not good enough, it should be accessible to all, personally I would think a link to google.drive or make PDF downloads available to all, would be viable solution.
I also just looked at twitter quit a few negative posts under it, It's hard to counter something like that if you're pointing to a link people can't view.
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