Always look on the bright side of life
Manipulating the DASH market is just too hard due to Proof of Service bulk. When volume is super low, it follows the trends it's measured against. Sort of. When volume is high, watch the masternode count... The closest thing to manipulation I've seen in DASH for a long while is the desperate effort being put into keeping it below 2700 MNs. If you've been watching the IP blocks associated, you get the picture...
Most people don't know why the sky is blue or the grass is green, but they can still see it.Hey,
I'm not grasping the point of keeping masternodes below 2700 artificially; can someone go into more detail about how that benefits a bad actor and why people are supposedly doing that?
Most people don't know why the sky is blue or the grass is green, but they can still see it.
While I do know why the sky is blue and the grass is green, I don't have the first clue why there seems to be a gravity line. But, I do have eyeballs on the front of my head and I can see it. I have no idea why it would or would not be beneficial, or if there is a byproduct of natural market function that simply hasn't been observable before becauae there's never been a coin with MNs before...That's why I'm observing it; it's new and might be useful if I can figure out the defining mechanics.
Maybe it's nothing more than a diluted/averaged vector/indicator assembly that gives us a more stable view of equilibrium? But I can't say with certainty...
I am noticing a pattern, but I'm still not certain how to even say it, much less if there's an ordered definition or rule to it...
LTC continues to fly up to .0185. With Greece saying no to the bailout, we will continue to see what effect this will have on the markets. BTC hit 274USD today on Cryptsy.
You mean "GREECE", not 'geek', right?as much as everybody talks about geek
we in Asia only talk about China/Shanghai Stock exchange !
they are crashing since a while, a lot of bad news related to that, they just agreed on a 'bail out'
and i think BTC /LTC prices are much more related to that than anything
You mean "GREECE", not 'geek', right?
And stock in China is crashing?
Sorry I don't follow the news from China and I'm trying to understand what you're saying .. :tongue:
You mean "GREECE", not 'geek', right?
And stock in China is crashing?
Sorry I don't follow the news from China and I'm trying to understand what you're saying .. :tongue:
as much as everybody talks about Greece (corrected)
we in Asia only talk about China/Shanghai Stock exchange !
It is so pity Dash has met this opportunity without Chinese translation of and promo-video.
From other hand, it is "uncounted advantage"... - Dash can add this factor later and will grow (not that much as during "great opportunity" but OK) later while Litecoin and other Cinese-mature coins already have this Chinese-maturety priced-in...
Speculation of course. Litecoin is not very innovative this is why I believe that it is Dash that is going to come out on top in the long run, but in the short term litecoin can have its moments due to its liquidity and market cap.. What's driving that rally?
There's that and I guess there's also the issue of notoriety, plenty of Bitcoiners, even the less informed have heard of Litecoin and they automatically think of buying Litecoin as it usually rallies more aggressively than Bitcoin, similar to the way silver performs in comparison to gold, it rallies higher and falls lower.Speculation of course. Litecoin is not very innovative this is why I believe that it is Dash that is going to come out on top in the long run, but in the short term litecoin can have its moments due to its liquidity and market cap.