Version 12.2 release

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The protocol version changed with this update. You'll need to update your local cold wallet too and issue a start to make it work again.
Protocol version only bumped with v0.12.2.0
v0.12.2.1 is a hotfix for high cpu behaviour and does not contain a new protocol version on itself.

Edit : edit to show correct versions.
Protocol version only bumped with v0.12.2.0
v0.12.2.1 is a hotfix for high cpu behaviour and does not contain a new protocol version on itself.

Edit : edit to show correct versions.

Yea, that's right. Mea culpa. At least I jumped directly to 12.2.1, skipping 12.2.0 - this may not be the case for all.
I would advice you to upgrade to at least a dual core server, I know it cost a bit more, but it's allot cheaper than missing a payment. At any-rate running 100% CPU power especially on a single core CPU, will most-likely result in your system failing one way or the other. In fact CPU usage around 70%, is much better upper limit to have. I only speak out of my experience as professional and overclocking as a hobby, both from what I have seen and heard. Take it or leave it either way you don't even have to spend 1% of your total profits of running a MN on a dual core or better.

Memory should never be full either, because once it's full you'll have to go the SSD for extra memory, rough estimate would be that is 10x slower.

But any rate I gladly take your spot in line to receive the next masternode payment first (joke)
Yes, i also have 25 years experience in the computer field + building and overclocking.
I agree what you said, but so far my nodes do not have any problems and i hope @UdjinM6 and
the team will tweak software little more efficient if possible, if not then i can upgrade my nodes.
Agree with both of you :) (though dual core cpu is probably still an overkill today). High CPU usage was a combination of a bug and a super extreme load due to migration process, there shouldn't be such issue during normal operation time.
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High CPU usage was a combination of a bug and a super extreme load due to migration process, there shouldn't be such issue during normal operation time.

What about high network traffic and connection count? I noticed an increase from usually ~18 connections to ~100 per node to dashd resulting in ~3.6 Mb/s. Traffic is also coming from weird hosts such as web and mailservers. Another DDoS wave?
What about high network traffic and connection count? I noticed an increase from usually ~18 connections to ~100 per node to dashd resulting in ~3.6 Mb/s. Traffic is also coming from weird hosts such as web and mailservers. Another DDoS wave?
Lot's of nodes come up and down during migration and they have to sync additional data (mnlist, winners, governance) from scratch first time after upgrade due to changes in cache data structure, so I guess this is also a temporary issue and should go away eventually. We'll see :) Traffic from web and mail servers could be because people use same servers for their masternodes, not sure about that though, never checked.
Cześć mam problem
Czekałem kilka godzin na transakcje, które nie korzystają
Wysokość bloku 769372
Jeszcze nie zrealizowane
co się dzieje
Dash Core packages for Fedora, CentOS and RHEL updated to 12.2 (and 1.1 for Sentinel)
If you don't know what I am talking about, this message likely doesn't apply to you.

WARNING (Masternode people): Ideally only update after your masternode has recently distributed a payment because you have to send a "start" from your wallet due to a protocol bump.

The github for these maintained packages of Dash Core is here:
If you are a current user of these packages, be aware that the 12.1 and 12.2 packages are actually housed in two different repositories so that you do not idly update your box accidentally.

When ready, read the "howto" in the documentation directory (folder) at that github link. I am probably too detailed in my description of the process, but the native packaging makes the whole process roughly a 3 minute exercise with maybe an hour of monitoring.

Enjoy. Stay dashy! :)

Okay Dash Masternode (or node) folks using my packages discussed in the quoted text (on Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS Linux)...
* If you have NOT already moved from 12.1 to 12.2... just follow the instructions in the quoted text and you are good.
* If you have already moved from 12.1 to 12.2 but are on 12.2.0, but not yet on 12.2.1 (rpm -qa|grep dashcore will tell you), then you should be able to simply do this...

sudo dnf upgrade -y --refresh
sudo systemctl restart dashd

...and you are done.

Note: If you are not running dashd like a sysadmin with systemd, contact me separately
and I will give you other instruction. A little more manual, but it is almost as easy.

* If you are just running the wallet, just do the dnf upgrade step above and you are golden.

Let me know if you have any issues. Thanks, and have a lovely day. -t
Devs in my pinion U should correct last DASH. version, because ... CPU is still overheated : CPU is hot 50% about 40connections to other node... Im trying to test with other cryptocurency with results:
CPU Deamon usage fo currencies:

PIVX 3% (30nodes)
DECRED 1% (42nodes)
IOTA 26% (9nodes)
DASH 50% (40nodes)
MONERO 4% (13nodes)

Last time v. DASH have 6% cpu core usage
Devs in my pinion U should correct last DASH. version, because ... CPU is still overheated : CPU is hot 50% about 40connections to other node... Im trying to test with other cryptocurency with results:
CPU Deamon usage fo currencies:

PIVX 3% (30nodes)
DECRED 1% (42nodes)
IOTA 26% (9nodes)
DASH 50% (40nodes)
MONERO 4% (13nodes)

Last time v. DASH have 6% cpu core usage

1 : you can put a limit on the number of connections in your dash.conf (maxconnections=XX)
2 : because of a restructure with v0.12.2.0 and a overlooked bug, a lot of pressure was set on the CPU side.
v0.12.2.1 fixes the bug part.

Try to do another check on your CPU after you upgraded to v0.12.2.1 and after you limited your connections to 10 (maxconnections=10)
How fast is your CPU by the way ? And what kind of processor do you have ?
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1 : you can put a limit on the number of connections in your dash.conf (maxconnections=XX)
I checked my maxconnections, and it was 128, so i changed that to 32, lets see how it affects to my mnodes cpu usage.
The stupid Masternodes should write 100 times the below sentence, for punishment:
The market doesn't care about conferences, flying jets, rain ponchos, mma fighters, meet-ups. The market cares about technology, progress, updates.
The market doesn't care about conferences, flying jets, rain ponchos, mma fighters, meet-ups. The market cares about technology, progress, updates.
The market doesn't care about conferences, flying jets, rain ponchos, mma fighters, meet-ups. The market cares about technology, progress, updates.

And you can clearly see in the below chart how the market reacted, after the 12.2 update.
Maybe the stupid Masternodes should write for punishment the above sentence not only 100 times, but 1000 times, in order to finally understand it.


And especially for @Macrochip (who rated the above truth as troll) he should write it 10000 times.
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I would like to try out the experimental HD wallet. Is it dashd only? How do we access it? Thanks :D

From Testnet v12.2 thread :

- Experimental BIP39/BIP44 complaint HD wallet (disabled by default, should be fully functional but there is no GUI yet)

The official release note should have mentioned the "disabled by default because missing GUI" part too.
Also i remember reading awhile back that the HD wallet should not be activated, it had an unsafe element that needed to be worked on (could possibly be fixed by now).
It had something to do with the seed creation i think.
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WARNING: The way it's currently implemented is NOT safe and is NOT recommended to use on mainnet. Wallet is created unencrypted with mnemonic stored inside, so even if you encrypt it later there will be a short period of time when mnemonic is stored in plain text. This issue will be addressed in future releases.

Just curious, given the above, why was this HD functionality included in this release? As a matter of principle, it seems unwise to release code that requires this type of warning.
Thank you guys. I'm curious, once you create the wallet and encrypt it, is the mnemonic passphrase encrypted, and thus safe after the wallet is encrypted? I can see creating the wallet offline on a temporary OS the way we do paper wallets, no? I'm not going to use this until it's released, except in testnet. :) So don't worry :D
I dont know what is default, but 32 works nice.
@UdjinM6 can you comment on this?

Mine have been set at 8 for over a year. I get paid, but... is my Masternode properly servicing the network? Yeah, if it needs to be set to something else, I would love @UdjinM6 or someone to comment. Especially since I write documentation that others follow.
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