Well-known member
Lol, just 2 command really... just with batch they definitely have to look complicated...Wow that is some complicated code to get a simple grep command. LOL. Nice work.
Can a masternode automatically hot start for a certain amount of time if it is delisted? Maybe this should wait 30 minutes for it to try to restart itself before running the start-alias. Along with that, add a restart every 10 minutes script on the node.
Good point about waiting, also this does nothing to deal with DISABLED or REMOVE statuses. It really just print result of 'masternode list' to a file, and then check if it's missing any MNs listed in local .conf file - re-starting any that are missing. Also, it requires local wallet to be hot in order to work, so...
I might gussy it up some - if I do I'll post the result.