V12 Release

All budgets have officially passed! No more voting is needed at this point.
(unless you're voting just because you want to try it... in that case, go for it)

Curious questions of course - Could we in theory now DOWN-VOTE the measures - and kill them???
sorry for my ignorance...
when do i use these commands?
till now i just upgraded with :
Dash-cli stop to stop
Dashd to start

These are used when you start from local cold wallet.
If you have more than 1 they are usefull if not you always start-many if the node goes down or is not simply seen in the network.
sorry for my ignorance...
when do i use these commands?
till now i just upgraded with :
Dash-cli stop to stop
Dashd to start


I too have questions :-D

start-all == start-many (start-many is also here for backward compatibilty)
- - Use this to start your MasterNode if your masternode.conf is being used to store one or more MasterNode(s) PrivKey info

start-missing == start masternodes that can't be found in mn list
- - Use this - humm - like it says ->>>>> start masternodes that can't be found in mn list <<<<<
- - - - Ugh - which list??? the list of MasterNodes in the masternode.conf file OR the quasi-offical MasterNode list that my wallet can find online??

start-disabled == same as start-missing + start masternodes that are not in ENABLED status
- I think I got this one if you explain the previous one :-D

edit: how does mnsync reset - then play into it - hummmm
Thanks Splawik...

can you please elaborate when i will be using
'masternode start-disabled' instead of 'masternode start'?
is this a matter of losing my turn in the payment queue ?
As far as I understand it it these commands are very usefull for multiple MNs owners.
Lets say you have 10 MNs and some of these are down and are not seen in the network so you`ll use start-disabled insted of start-many because if you do start-many your active nodes will go to the end of queue in the payments.

Don`t usnderstand well the difference between missing and disabled when using which.... :)
Working great so far. Whereas before it could take a restarted remote masternode up to 5 minutes to see that it started successfully, we're back to instantaneous confirmation. Thanks!

Can you explain what these are though?

revert c5d6b reduced mnw bandwidth
finbudget old vote check removed
Yesterday one of .50 masternodes failed w/o any sign and leftover:

2015-08-29 19:01:13 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:13 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:13 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:13 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:16 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:19 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:21 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:21 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:21 dseg - Sent 1 Masternode entries to
2015-08-29 19:01:22 receive version message: /darkcoinseeder:0.1.2/: version 70103, blocks=320000, us=, peer=60
2015-08-29 19:01:31 dseg - Sent 2849 Masternode entries to

Upgrading to .51
@Mangled Blue and other PI2 users:

I wrote a simple stupid newby script to download && compile && run a new version of dashd. Its a fire and forget script. Run it and walk away.
After .46 .47 .48 .49 .50 i was getting lazy of typing the lot over and over :tongue:
Option 1 in the script works but you have to keep the terminal screen open.
Option 2 im working on. I have to push the function into a 'screen' command, DUnno how yet. Maybe i have to split this script in 2 files.

PS1. It worked without swap on.
PS2. I run this from my home dir where i keep and run dashd and dash-cli. So its written as such


# simple masternode updater to newest version
# Prerequisites: screen, git

function fullupdate(){
echo -e "\n"
echo "**********************************"
echo "removing old dash github directory"
echo "**********************************"
echo -e "\n"

rm -rf dash
sleep 1

echo -e "\n"
echo "******************************************"
echo "Getting new dash github version to compile"
echo "******************************************"
echo -e "\n"

git clone https://github.com/dashpay/dash.git
sleep 5

echo -e "\n"
echo "****************************"
echo "configuring new build step 1"
echo "****************************"
echo -e "\n"

cd dash
sleep 1

echo -e "\n"
echo "****************************"
echo "configuring new build step 2"
echo "****************************"
echo -e "\n"

./configure --with-incompatible-bdb --disable-tests --without-gui
sleep 1

echo -e "\n"
echo "***************"
echo "start compiling"
echo "***************"
echo -e "\n"


echo -e "\n"
echo "*******************************"
echo "stop & backup the running dashd"
echo "*******************************"
echo -e "\n"

cd ..
./dash-cli stop
sleep 10
cp -n dashd dashdBACKUP
rm dashd
cp -n ./dash/src/dashd .
cp -n ./dash/src/dash-cli .

echo -e "\n"
echo "*********************"
echo "starting new version!"
echo "*********************"
echo -e "\n"

./dashd -shrinkdebugfile

echo -e "\n"
echo "********************************************************************"
echo "DONE! remember to check if you need to start it from the hot wallet!"
echo "********************************************************************"
echo -e "\n"


echo -e "\n"
echo "*****************************************************************************************************************"
echo -e "\n"
echo 'please choose on of the following options:'
echo -e "\n"
echo "1: keep this terminal open during the update (Note: closing this terminal will stop the full process of updating!)"
echo "2: Do the update in the backgroud using the 'screen' command (After this you can close this terminal)"
echo "3: exit"
echo -e "\n"
echo "*****************************************************************************************************************"
echo -e "\n"
echo "Your choice:"

read n

case $n in
1) fullupdate;;

2) echo "not working yet";;

3) exit;;

*) exit;;
Last edited by a moderator:
I got to try the "start-missing" command today.

(My updated from .49 to .51 resulted in a --reindex that I did not specify on the command line, apparently a default behavior now? This delayed long enough for nodes to delist.)

But, it didn't work as advertised. 2 nodes remained active and the sigtimes were reset along with the rest. The command reported all nodes were restarted even though 2 were still active.
I got to try the "start-missing" command today.

(My updated from .49 to .51 resulted in a --reindex that I did not specify on the command line, apparently a default behavior now? This delayed long enough for nodes to delist.)

But, it didn't work as advertised. 2 nodes remained active and the sigtimes were reset along with the rest. The command reported all nodes were restarted even though 2 were still active.
Thanks for reporting, added to bugtracker --> https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/588
my node hasn't been payed since 8 days now with v12. Anyone else having the same problem?
my node hasn't been payed since 8 days now with v12. Anyone else having the same problem?

I had one of mine just get payed, just now, after 5 days+, but... the others were started before this one. All continuously running, no interruptions.

Really wondering if enforcement is turned off or what... shouldn't they be in order?
my node hasn't been payed since 8 days now with v12. Anyone else having the same problem?

I had one of mine just get payed, just now, after 5 days+, but... the others were started before this one. All continuously running, no interruptions.

Really wondering if enforcement is turned off or what... shouldn't they be in order?

It's been 8+ days for me. Got 1 right when I first update to v12. None since. Was going to give it about a month before I become concerned. Will continue to wait and see. Not really worried as of yet.
sigtimes keep getting reset, because the wrong command is used, or because the commands don't work as they should, or because nodes went offline and their queue got reset by appropriately reset sigtimes...

I haven't had a payment since v12 hit. Don't expect one until sigtimes stop being reset for one reason or another... The only people getting paid are those close enough tot he front of the line that they get a payment before the next protocol bump comes out... That person is not me. It's probably not a lot of people.

Until approx 5 days pass without an update that pushes nodes offline, people who don't know how it works are going to make "I'm not getting paid, dash are teh brokenz, abandon ship" reports. Try not to take too much advice from those people in the future, and buy moar dash while they make it cheap...
I had this problem but all my nodes got paid this morning after around 6 days of stable running but after up to 16 days of protocol bumps and restarts and what not.

Hope that helps,