Just a note, from v 47 to v 49, I went from 69% memory usage to 40, so something is working. Except for my son's MN halting on 47 at one point, I've had no troubles with any of the versions. I hope I didn't just jinx it though (ducks)
You had to say something, didn't you?Just a note, from v 47 to v 49, I went from 69% memory usage to 40, so something is working. Except for my son's MN halting on 47 at one point, I've had no troubles with any of the versions. I hope I didn't just jinx it though (ducks)
n/mthx Flare
already compiled from source :-D
https://github.com/moocowmoo/dashmanthx Flare
already compiled from source :-D
All mine are ok, since more than 3, 4 hours...
Crashed? Or delisted?
If delisted check version of your cold wallet where you launch the start.
Edit..hmmm no protocol bump so no cold start was needed![]()
8/5 - Turn off enforcement / network upgrade
8/7-12 - Turn on enforcement
8/24 - Hard fork to allow for super blocks
9/6 - The very first budget block will be 332320, so that's quite a ways off (about 36 days from today)
Can we get an update on this? How does the "hard fork" indicated in Step 2 differ from the typical "spork" that we are used to? Hopefully it's not going to be a "cross your fingers and pray" thing like RC3's (several) attempted forks? Has it already happened, or was this date pushed back when the release was pushed back? Is the first budget block still planned for 9/6?
1. I think if you delete peers.dat it will sync faster, also if the debug.log is too big from the previous run, i would delete it also. Then restart the wallet.Hi, I have two questions...
1. When you boot up the wallet the "synchronizing masternode winners" seems to take a long time. Kind of a black eye. Will that get faster?
2. Is it possible to incorporate electrum server into the masternodes, or is that a bad idea?
- G
If anyone wants to try a restart script this should work. Posted on BT.
Copy code below and paste into mn_watch.sh file. Type nano mn_watch.sh, paste with right click, and control x, y, enter to save. Change dashuser to your user name.
#run with: screen -dm /mn_watch.sh
#stop with: screen -ls to find number and screen -X -S 11111 kill
while true; do
if [ -z `pidof dashd` ]; then
echo Dashd is not running trying to start
sleep 600
echo Dashd is Running
sleep 600
chmod +x mn_watch.sh
You can test it by running:
./mn_watch.shIt will stop working as soon as you logout though, so we need to install screen to have it run in the background. Run this to install screen. (Assuming you are running Ubuntu.)
apt-get install screen
to start with screen type:
screen -dm /mn_watch.sh
This will run forever, so if you want it to stop type
screen -ls and get the number replace that with the 11111 below.
screen -X -S 11111 kill
I set this up to run every 10 minutes, just because it will be a pain if you are updating and every minute it tries to restart dashd.
UdjinM6 posted the crontab version on BT here:
Yep. Changed it to test if dashd was running first like in UdjinM6's post. Otherwise, you can just remove the if [ ] and try to run dashd each time. It won't run twice so that should also work. This new way may be less prone to a double start.This is a little longer then I remember - ?? - different one maybe - nummm
I'll have to look at this tonight :-D
@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set dash-cli_dir=C:\Program Files\Dash
set data_dir=C:\Users\Bert\AppData\Roaming\Dash
set mnconf_dir=C:\Users\Bert\AppData\Roaming\Dash
set PASSWORD=************
type nul > My_MNs.txt
for /f tokens^=1^-3^ useback^ delims^=^:^"^-^{^}^ %%A in (`"!dash-cli_dir!\dash-cli.exe" -datadir^=!data_dir! masternodelist`) do (
findstr /E /C:"%%A %%B%" "!mn-conf_dir!\masternode.conf!">>My_MNs.txt
for /f "useback" %%A in (`findstr /V /G:"My_MNs.txt" "!mn-conf_dir!\masternode.conf!"`) do (
if errorlevel 0 echo %%A is down, re-starting now: & !dash-cli_dir!\dash-cli.exe -datadir^=!data_dir! masternode start-alias %%A !PASSWORD!
:del My_MNs.txt
: if you prefer not to have that file, just uncomment the prededing line.
Wow that is some complicated code to get a simple grep command. LOL. Nice work.Well, here's a script for windows - it checks status of your MNs, and re-starts any that are down.
(Just create a .bat file and paste the following - change paths in the 3 'set' lines and PASSWORD if encrypted, to your own specifications).
Code:@echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set dash-cli_dir=C:\Program Files\Dash set data_dir=C:\Users\Bert\AppData\Roaming\Dash set mnconf_dir=C:\Users\Bert\AppData\Roaming\Dash set PASSWORD=************ type nul > My_MNs.txt for /f tokens^=1^-3^ useback^ delims^=^:^"^-^{^}^ %%A in (`"!dash-cli_dir!\dash-cli.exe" -datadir^=!data_dir! masternodelist`) do ( findstr /E /C:"%%A %%B%" "!mn-conf_dir!\masternode.conf!">>My_MNs.txt ) for /f "useback" %%A in (`findstr /V /G:"My_MNs.txt" "!mn-conf_dir!\masternode.conf!"`) do ( if errorlevel 0 echo %%A is down, re-starting now: & !dash-cli_dir!\dash-cli.exe -datadir^=!data_dir! masternode start-alias %%A !PASSWORD! ) :del My_MNs.txt : if you prefer not to have that file, just uncomment the prededing line.
Edit: I had omitted but just now added back the PASSWORD bit.