v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

Mine have been on since last night and grep still returns my IP. I'm on 16.6. I did have to shut everything down twice before it did show up though (cold and then hot wallet)
I can almost certainly confirm its a cosmetic issue. definitely one of my "dropped" 16.6 nodes got payed. It does not show up through the VPS daemon list, shows as :0 through v.16.6 local VM machine, and shows as :1 listed from any v.15.21 daemon.
Maybe.. Mine did not recieved a payment yet..
I made your test with only one downgrade and yes exctly the same..
We will see, and I will check if the 5 still on 16.6 receive a payment today...
My mistake though, Got payed to a downgraded v.15.21. But fernando just confirmed my suspicions on BTCtalk. So yeah,seems like something is going on with 16.6 that is not "MN dropping"
same here MN keeps dropping/disappearing and i keep having to restart MN`s, hope patch comes out soon as there is a problem.
My mistake though, Got payed to a downgraded v.15.21. But fernando just confirmed my suspicions on BTCtalk. So yeah,seems like something is going on with 16.6 that is not "MN dropping"
Yes, but are you sure that his masternode was not listed at one moment, then was on the list to be paid, then disapeared, then get paid...
As I know you can be paid some time after your MN got unlisted. (don't know exactly how is done the list "to be paid"(or valid) but I imagine that at each round a valid list is made and keep valid for the all the round...)
I didn't restart my MN since now 10h and will not, and for the moment no payment.

We'll need to wait for a patch I think, but I hope that Evan's gf(wife not sure) let him work on week end! :rolleyes:
-"What ? Another bug to hunt? When we will have a week end together?"
lol :grin:
The same, almost every hour.. from ./darkcoind masternode list and https://drk.mn/

Exactly 60 minutes + the time to propagate it:

From BCT :
eduffield said:
Masternode Update

There's a few possible reasons that some of you are getting delisted.

1. You're not connected to enough peers on the new network (I've confirmed this to be the case on 2 of 3 of the nodes I've looked at)
2. The ping messages in the previous version weren't working correctly and nodes weren't delisted when they should have been. Your setup might not be correct, in this case it would have worked last time.
3. You used start-many, which had a bug in the ping timestamp (fixed in 10.16.17)

To figure out which one you are:

1.) Delete peers.dat (both remote and local)
2.) Start the masternode remotely, afterward you can type "masternode start" on the hot node and it should say "remotely started masternode". If it says "not capable", then you'll need to debug what the problem is.

You can also also try 10.16.7 (this version will ONLY connect to new peers):

Linux 64:

Version 10.16.7:
341 wget
344 ./darkcoind stop
345 cd .darkcoin/
346 ls -ltr
347 rm peers.dat
348 cd ..
349 ls -ltr
350 rm darkcoind
351 mv darkcoind.1 darkcoind
352 chmod u+x darkcoind
353 ./darkcoind

sorry, I can not add link (after wget). Find it on net. Someone must like my post once... :)
Has anyone got Darksend to work?

I understand the network needs to be updated but I've tried for the last two nights to use Darksend with no luck. The client (under Linux) keeps looping with:
"Darksend is idle" => "Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue" => "Darksend is idle"

Occasionally it says:
"Darksend is idle" => "Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue" => "Darksend request incomplete: Last darksend was too recent. Will retry..." => "Darksend is idle"
Updated mn to 10.16.7, got <myip>:0 in the list after half an hour. Updated cold wallet, restarted mn. Deleted peers.dat on both sides.
Updated mn to 10.16.7, got <myip>:0 in the list after half an hour. Updated cold wallet, restarted mn. Deleted peers.dat on both sides.
Same here my MN updated in 16.7 got ": 0" in the list after less than one hour...
EDIT: And after get unlisted...
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Me too, after 60 mins goes to :0 then vanishes. I noticed on drk.mn the 'active duration' remained at 1s the whole time, as if it pings the network when launched, then sits there not talking anymore?