OK, I have a problem.
Using version 10.13.1, I had taken 1000tDRK from the faucet, set Darksend to 8 rounds and amount to keep anonymized 800tDRK. Everything went well, after less than 2 hours the wallet anonymized the whole 1000tDRK. Then I sent 26tDRK anonymous back to the faucet, all good.
Then version 10.13.2 came out so I updated, went to the faucet and grabbed additional 3000tDRK, since I had my setting to keep anonymized at 800tdrk I figured I would go in and change that to 2000tDRK instead. When I hit apply on the settings screen, the wallet freezed.
View attachment 397
I had to force quit, when I ran the wallet again, it open up OK, I went again to settings clicked OK and it froze again:
View attachment 398
Now it freezes every time I go to Options and press OK until I have to force quit.
Edit: If I just leave it open without going into Options, it wont freeze but Darksend stays idle.
Edit2: Just posted on Jira, I hope it helps.