RC4 issues, bugs & feature requests

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I'm just at it... one key has a lot of transactions, used for p2p mining.
That one takes forever, already running 4 hours on 100 + % and mostly unresponsive.

I dropped it again, after 10 hours.
It's choking on thousands of small p2p mining transactions.
What about a gziped?
gzip, tar, 7zip, hell I'll take .cab if I have to just don't make me write mountains of regex crap to fetch it, extract it, put it where I need it and clean up afterwards... I'm a dunce, keep it simple please... :tongue:
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Can anyone confirm the current switches to launch darkcoind?

I think -enabledaemondarksend=1 enables Darksend but how do I set number of rounds?

Me thinks -darksendrounds parameter

Really need to finish the documentation...

****** Please Update To 10.12.8 (update if this is the first time seeing this message, even if you're running .8) *******


Testing commands, you can start multiple wallets up and all denominate on the same masternode for testing purposes:
/darkcoin-qt -datadir=/home/user/.darkcoin -listen=0 -darksendrounds=8 -usemasternode=""
/darkcoin-qt -datadir=/home/user/.darkcoin2 -listen=0 -darksendrounds=8 -usemasternode=""

and even disable darksend auto-denom if wanted:
/darkcoin-qt -datadir=/home/user/.darkcoin -listen=0 -darksendrounds=8 -usemasternode="" -disabledarksend=1

Windows wallet v.10.12.31 - When I put in encryption the wallet hung for a few seconds with the message "not responding", then it crashed. I restarted the wallet, the encryption is installed, but why did it crash? I'm still not sure if I should use it on main net.
I believe many of you have possibly seen this bug... You run a masternode, you stop a masternode and try to send funds out, you get "insufficient funds" message. So you have to restart darkcoind daemon, and then you can send darkcoins...
My RC4 masternodes show a propensity to be paid twice in a row, always two blocks apart. I get paid once, then get paid again in exactly two blocks. This has happened to me 7 times since RC4 upgrade.

This seems like something not random in nature and might be a bug?
My RC4 masternodes show a propensity to be paid twice in a row, always two blocks apart. I get paid once, then get paid again in exactly two blocks. This has happened to me 7 times since RC4 upgrade.

This seems like something not random in nature and might be a bug?

I noticed that too :)

I noticed something similar/related yesterday, with masternode payments having the pattern

height    payee
99         A
100        B
102        B
103        C

three times in a short time frame. It seems the payments are skipped for one block, and then repeated.
Same issue Blocks:




I went back and looked at the history of my 2 MN and see this pattern often.
Just to throw my usual masternode payment paranoia into the hat I am seeing some very unusual patterns with my three nodes. I do understand what random means but one my nodes seems to be getting 3 or 4 expected payments a day. One of my other nodes just suddenly stopped getting payments when I upgraded to .31 (listed as functioning fine) and the other node is not seeing any expected payment activity at all over the course of a week or so.

I'm just going to sit it out and watch what happens over the next week or so but the randomness doesn't seem very random at the moment.
XmrhZ77 paid three times in a row, 122695 and 122693 blocks skipped


--> http://jira.darkcoin.qa/browse/DRK-33
I noticed that 'twice in a row, always two blocks apart' behaving also.
I wonder why it doesn't happen to all masternodes though? As far as I'm concerned, mine are all set up identically. I suppose this might explain why some masternodes, random variance aside, see less action than others.
I believe many of you have possibly seen this bug... You run a masternode, you stop a masternode and try to send funds out, you get "insufficient funds" message. So you have to restart darkcoind daemon, and then you can send darkcoins...
Not disputing the bug, but I've never experienced it because I've never stopped a masternode to send funds out, you don't need to.
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