Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

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  • Yes

    Votes: 84 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 15 14.3%
  • I do not know, I need more information

    Votes: 6 5.7%

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DASH dinero digital CREANDO FUTURO

2da CONFERENCIA DE DASH CARACAS, con Fernando Gutierrez



El pasado 17 de Noviembre en el gran salòn de conferencias del hotel Jw MARRIOTT en caracas se llevò a cabo la SEGUNDA CONFERENCIA DE DASH CARACAS DIGITAL CASH: QUÈ ES DASH DIGITAL CASH y QUÈ ES DASH EVOLUTIÒN, evento que cubriò todas las expectativas de diseño formación y contenido, dejando a los más de 450 participantes satisfechos y ansiosos por las próximas conferencias.


Como una GRAN ACOGIDA podría calificar la atención por parte del equipo de Dash Caracas, desde la entrada al hotel hasta el salòn de conferencias pasando por la zona de registro para los asistentes, se sentìa un entusiasmo increíble por la venidera conferencia. Buena organizaciòn y hasta podrías encontrar un equipo técnico especializado en las billeteras de dash para solventar cualquier inconveniente con èstas, incluso se encontraban en el lugar varios de los emprendedores aceptando DASH por sus productos o servicios

Luego de una clara introducción, tuvimos la coneccion por video llamada con Fernando Gutiérrez quien es abogado, miembro fundador y miembro del equipo central de dash digital cash, nos estuvo hablando de la situaciòn actual y futura de esta criptomoneda dando un enfoque muy alentador para los emprendedores y usuarios venezolanos. @frenando fue muy didáctico con el público durante el espacio de preguntas y respuestas, aclarando todo con precisiòn.
Una vez culminado èsta seciòn, la misma Eugenia Alcalà dio el anuncio, que el hashtag del evento “#dashccs”, se había convertido en trending topic nacional.

Luego del refrigerio se dio apertura de una metodología muy interesante para la comunidad entera, èsta consistiò en interactuar en grupos categorizados por MINERÍA, COMERCIANDO CON DASH, TRADING, CULTURA, etc, donde se buscaba la comunicaiòn entre todos los presentes para obtener ideas sobre cómo solucionar las diferentes barreras que tenemos actualmente en èste criptomundo, un espacio que fue de gran ayuda para muchos, conociéndose mutuamente y aclarando dudas.


  • 10.465 Dash repartidos a los asistentes
  • 280 Nuevas wallets instaladas
  • 79 wallets con inconvenientes resueltas (dichos inconvenientes eran, no poder leer la billetera de papel, no actualización por fallas con la coneccion a internet, imposibilidad de descargar la wallet por incompatibilidad del SO IOS, entre otros..
  • 146 Billeteras de papel distribuidas
  • 1800 Material POP distribuido con publicidad de Dash

“una vez más, grandes emprendimientos y proyectos como èste, demuestran que en venezuela apostamos por un futuro mejor de la mano con las nuevas tecnologías”

LeoGrizz, Integrante de la comunidad “DASH CARACAS“ @dashcaracas y líder de la comunidad “DASH VALLE DE LA PASCUA” @valledash
According to Google trends Uphold is gaining in popularity in Venezuela. Can anyone comment on how popular Uphold is there? As of today, Uphold now supports Dash. Is this a good solution to obtain Dash in Venezuela?

Hello, Im from Venezuela. That´s true, Uphold is gaining popularity in Venezuela, but this doesn´t mean that Venezuelans are using this platform to buy cryptos. Since in Venezuela we have a currency exchange control by the goverment, people can´t buy dollars in a "legal" way and we all have to buy dollars on the "black market", this means that if we can´t change Bolivares for Dollars in a legal way there isn´t any exchange that accept Bolivares to buy cryptos (and Uphold isn´t the exception)

This means that Venezuelans can use Uphold ONLY if they have either an US Bank Account or EU Bank Account. And only a small % of venezuelans population has a foreign bank account. Thanks God I have my US Bank account and I can buy cryptos. Besides there is another problem with Uphold, I have a lot of friends and family that has their foreign account but Uphold DON´T let them link their account, and they are waiting answer that support team from Uphold responde their requests (2 weeks ago).
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According to Google trends Uphold is gaining in popularity in Venezuela. Can anyone comment on how popular Uphold is there? As of today, Uphold now supports Dash. Is this a good solution to obtain Dash in Venezuela?

Anyways, Venezuelans that have their foreign Bank account are trying to link them to Uphold and they will buy DASH for sure. This notice about Uphold supporting DASH will definetely increase DASH value. Just for extra info: the more usage webpage to buy BTC with Bolivares is "www.localbitcoin,com" , its a marketplace where people buy and sell their cripto, but I´ve heard about some scams so people must be very very careful before buying or selling to someone else.
Thanks for the explanation. Can you explain what the primary reason is for Venezuelans to have an Uphold account if they can't buy dollars/cryptos with Bolivars? Does Uphold make it easier to spend dollars deposited from a US bank account?
Thanks for the explanation. Can you explain what the primary reason is for Venezuelans to have an Uphold account if they can't buy dollars/cryptos with Bolivars? Does Uphold make it easier to spend dollars deposited from a US bank account?
I used to use uphold, and these are monetary valued assets, not really for spending but for value protection.
Thanks for the explanation. Can you explain what the primary reason is for Venezuelans to have an Uphold account if they can't buy dollars/cryptos with Bolivars? Does Uphold make it easier to spend dollars deposited from a US bank account?

Even Venezuelans can´t buy cryptos from Uphold using Bolivares, there is an important number of us that do have a foreign account (mostly on US), I know I told you that the % is low but even that, the number is important. Many years ago, when our economy was on its hype, a lot of venezuelans had the chance of travel around the world, they opened their bank account and save some money. Also, there is a lot of bussinesman interested on the cryptos because of the devaluation and hiperinflation we are living, we need to store an revalue our gains and savings.

Besides that explanation, I think following are some of the main reasons:

1- It has a friendly and intuitive interphase and this is a key factor (like you asked, it make the process easier and understandable)
2- 3-4 months ago many venezuelans could link their US Bank accounts on the Uphold platform with any problem and they could buy their fitst cryptos
3- So far, it has not been hacked and it gives a real confidence image.

These reasons made Venezuelans talk a lot ot Uphold and the "mouth to mouth" did its job.
According to Google trends Uphold is gaining in popularity in Venezuela. Can anyone comment on how popular Uphold is there? As of today, Uphold now supports Dash. Is this a good solution to obtain Dash in Venezuela?

nope, specifically to obtain DASH, but in Venezuela we have the option to buy crypts in Bolivares, as is the case of ONIXCOIN, that in its official website is open the possibility of making these transactions, and so we can buy DASH.
The help of Uphold is when it comes to changing dash to dollars in a popular wallet, this is because Venezuelans are selling and buying things like cars, motorcycles, houses, etc, etc. (motivated to use this fiat currency as a value guard) **
** For now

Dash Digital Cash / Creating Future.
2nd Dash Caracas Conference with Fernando Gutierrez.

Last November 17th, The second conference called Dash Digital Cash - Caracas: What is
Dash and What is Dash Evolution was held in the Grand Conference Hall of the JW Marriott
Hotel. The event covered all the expectations of design, training and content, leaving to the
more than 450 attendees satisfied and anxious for the next conferences.

The Setting Up
The attention offered by the team of Dash Caracas could be qualified as a great welcome,
from the entrance of the hotel to the conference room, through the registration area for
attendees, there was enthusiasm for the upcoming conference. The organization was great,
there was a technical team specialized in Dash wallets, ready to solve any problem with
these. Even several of the entrepreneurs who accept Dash for their products and services
were in the place.

Participation of Fernando Gutierrez
After a clear introduction, we had a video call connection with Fernando Gutierrez, who is a
lawyer, founding member and part of Dash Digital Cash Central Team. He talked about the
current and future situation of this cryptocurrency, giving a very encouraging approach to
entrepreneurs and Venezuelan users. Fernando (@fernando) was very didactic with the
public during the Q&A session, clarifying everything with great precision. Once the session
was finished, Eugenia Alcalá gave the announcement that the hashtag of the event
(#dashccs) had turned into national trending topic.

Space for Networking.
After the coffee break, there was an opening of a very interesting methodology for the whole
community. It consisted in the interaction of groups categorized by Mining, Merchants
accepting Dash, Trading, Culture, etc., where the communication between all the attendees
was sought to obtain ideas on how to solve the different barriers that we are currently facing
in this cryptoworld. It was a space of great help for many, getting to know each other and
clarifying doubts.

Small Report, Quantifying the Budget

  • 10.465 in Dash giveaways for attendees
  • 280 New wallets installed
  • 79 Wallets with problems solved (problems were, not being able to scan paper wallets, lack of update due to failure in the internet connection, impossibility of downloading the wallet due to incompatibility problems with Android o iOS, among others.
  • 146 Paper wallets distributed
  • 1800 Dash Workshop material distributed

“Once again, big entrepreneurship an projects like this, show that in Venezuela, we are
committed to a better future in hand with new technologies;.

LeoGrizz, Member of Dash Caracas (@dashcaracas) community and head of Dash Valle de la Pascua (@valledash)

Facebook + Twitter + Instagram + YouTube: @dashcaracas

We accept DASH - DIGITAL CASH at Algo+Don Franelas and Entorno Corporal from Caracas - Venezuela.


3rd Dash Caracas Conference with Luis Enrique Moreno.

On December 17th 2017, our third conference, entitled
"How to earn DASH - DIGITAL CASH and other cryptocurrencies"
was held in the Reveron Hall of the JW Marriott Hotel.

8:00 a.m.
Thanks to the work of our Logistic Staff and the serviced provided by GAL Producciones,
the registration began, we welcomed 590 people, they received
their materials for the conference, one folder with instructions on how to
download the DASH wallet in their phone, paper and a pen for them to
be able to take notes during the conference.


Also, they received help from the Support Team, who assisted the in
downloading the DASH Wallets, and other technical questions they asked.



Participants began to enter the hall, where they waited for the conference to begin,
while they watched short videos that explained what is blockchain technology,
what are cryptocurrencies, and what is DASH, in order to help them understand better
the new material brought by the speaker.

9:00 a.m.

Our moderator, Luis Carlos Manzaneda (Instagram: @lcmanzaneda) opened our event.


Non Profit Organization "Regala Una Sonrisa" (Twitter: @regalaunjajaja) lead a session
of Laughter Yoga for all participants, in order to activate them and help them concentrate.


9:15 a.m.
Begins the conference:
"How to earn DASH - DIGITAL CASH and other cryptocurrencies"
by Luis Enrique Moreno (Twitter: @lm7)
Engineer, with a Masters Degree in Systems Engineering and
graduate studies in Innovation Management.


10:15 a.m.
Coffe break

10:45 a.m.
Our moderator conducted an open Q&A Session, answered by the following panelists:

  • Luis Enrique Moreno (Twitter: @lm7): Engineer and speaker of the preceeding conference.
  • Dimitar Correa (Twitter: @emprendobitco): Teacher and founder of eBitco, a community build to help people begin in the cryptocurrency world without initial capital.
  • Alfred J. Müller (Instagram: @syafinancial): Ally of, a consultants firm in cryptocurrencies, who help people who want to participate in crypto economy and have some initial capital.
  • Gustavo Grillasca (Twitter: @gusgrillasca): SPECIAL GUEST FROM MÉXICO journalist, engineer and cryptoinvestor.
  • Eugenia Alcalá Sucre (Twitter: @dashcaracas): Founder of DASH Caracas, focus on entrepreneurship.

11:50 a.m.
Ivette Cerrada (Twitter: @icerrada), leader of the Innovation Team, explains what will happen in the afternoon, in our special activity called DASH City.


12:00 m.
Lunch time.

2:00 p.m.
During lunch time, the Entrepreneurship Team, along with the Logistics Staff, help more than 30 entrepreneurs set up their stands, in order to participate in the festival called DASH City.

At 2:00 p.m. sharp doors where again opened to received 743 people who had been waiting in line to participate of this activity.


At DASH City, people received a DASH giveaway, and they were able to spend it buying services or products ofered by the entrepreneurs (who accepted only DASH) that included food, beverages, clothes, accesories, taxi, art, technical support, tourism, non profit organizations, and more.






Every time they buyed something, they got a stamp in their DASH City Passports!


You can find the rest of the photo album for this event here:

I would like to thank the Master Node Owners who have supported this iniciative.

And special thanks to all the DASH Caracas Team, who have worked with passion and profesionalism, doing and amazing job!!!
This was the budget we submitted for november and december events, for 2 months of payment by the treasury:


Due to increase of DASH's price, we did not submit a proposal in December, because we had enough budget to organize the event in January.

This will be the 4th Conference, it will take place on saturday, January 20th.

From 8 to 12 in the morning we will have the conference and Q&A Session.

Starting at noon, the entrepreneurs festival begins. We have limited capacity of 40 entrepreneurs for this ocassion.

In a few days we will submit our proposal for the February event.
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VIDEO: DASH CITY - December 2017
English subtitles

Last december, after the 3rd Conference in Caracas, during lunch time, the Entrepreneurship Team, along with the Logistics Staff, help more than 30 entrepreneurs set up their stands, in order to participate in the festival called DASH City.

At 2:00 p.m. sharp doors where again opened to received 743 people who had been waiting in line to participate of this activity.

At DASH City, people received a DASH giveaway, and they were able to spend it buying services or products ofered by the entrepreneurs (who accepted only DASH) that included food, beverages, clothes, accesories, taxi, art, technical support, tourism, non profit organizations, and more.

Here you can watch a video that captures part of the experience.

4th Dash Caracas Conference with Mariana León Mármol.
As part of the preparations, on friday January 19th we held our first workshop specially designed for the press, called: "DASH - DIGITAL CASH and other criptocurrencies for journalists".


On saturday January 20th 2018, our fourth conference, entitled
"Legal Status of DASH - DIGITAL CASH and other cryptocurrencies in Venezuela"
was held in the Mochima Hall of the Pestana Caracas Premium City & Conference Hotel.

8:00 a.m.
Thanks to the work of our Logistic Staff and the serviced provided by EVENPRO,
the registration began, we welcomed around 560 people, they received
their materials for the conference, one folder with instructions on how to
download the DASH wallet in their phone, paper and a pen for them to
be able to take notes during the conference, and one DASH City Passport,
with their names on it.

Also, they received help from our Support Team in collaboration with the team
from DASH Help Me Venezuela, who assisted them in downloading the DASH
Wallets, and other technical questions they asked.


Participants began to enter the hall, where they waited for the conference to begin,
while they watched short videos that explained what is blockchain technology,
what are cryptocurrencies, and what is DASH, in order to help them understand better
the new material brought by the speaker.

9:00 a.m.

Our moderator, Nathalia Acosta opened our event.

9:15 a.m.
Begins the conference:
"What is DASH Venezuela?"
by myself.

9:45 a.m.
Begins the conference:
"Legal Status of DASH - DIGITAL CASH and other cryptocurrencies in Venezuela"
by Mariana León Mármol (Twitter: @mleonpro) streaming from Miami, Florida, USA.
Lawyer, LL.M UC Berkeley.


10:45 a.m.
Coffe break

11:15 a.m.

Non Profit Organization "Regala Una Sonrisa" (Twitter: @regalaunjajaja) lead a session
of Laughter Yoga for all participants, in order to activate them and help them concentrate.

Our moderator conducted an open Q&A Session, answered by Mariana León Mármol.


12:15 p.m.
Ivette Cerrada (Twitter: @icerrada), leader of the Innovation Team, explains what will happen in the afternoon, in our special activity called DASH City.

12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
50 entrepreneurs had set up their stands, in order to welcome the participants in the second edition of the festival called DASH City, where we received all of our participants from the morning plus aproximatedly 200 more people.

At DASH City, people received a DASH giveaway, and they were able to spend it buying services or products ofered by the entrepreneurs (who accepted only DASH) that included food, beverages, clothes, accesories, taxi, art, technical support, tourism, home appliances, beauty, health services, non profit organizations, and more.





Every time they buyed something, they got a stamp in their DASH City Passports, that enabled them to receive a refund!

2:00 p.m.
For the first time we offered a workshop called: "How to submit a proposal to DASH Treasury", with myself as a facilitator.


4:00 p.m.
Also for the first time, we offered the workshop: "I have DASH... now what?", with the following facilitators:
@DimitarCV founder of eBitco (Twitter: @emprendobitco).
Aymara Vásquez founder of DASH San Antonio de Los Altos (Twitter: @dashsanantonio).
@Roger Rodriguez founder of DASH La Guaira (Twitter: @dashlaguaira).


I would like to thank AGAIN the Master Node Owners who have supported this iniciative with their votes.

BIG Thanks to the entrepreneurs who have been brave enough to come along with us in our project.


And special thanks to all the DASH Caracas Team, who have raised their own level of quality and efficiency :)

