Could you tell how to use this? I didn't find how to add a key to DMT. I'm using Windows, so it's not possible to use a system auth.
In short, the steps are as follows:
1. Install Putty package if you don't have it yet (
2. Run Puttygen.exe and click the "Generate" button to generate a private-public key pair
3. Export your private key to the following location: Drive:\Users\<Your_Username>\.ssh\id_rsa (id_rsa is the file name)
4. Log-in to each of your MN servers with an SSH terminal and open the "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" file in your favorite text editor (create dir/file if it doesn't exist)
5. Copy the contents of the "Public key for pasting..." edit box and paste it into the "authorized_keys" file on your server(s)
6. Save the "authorized_keys" file
From that moment you will be able to log-in to your server with an SSH terminal without entering a password or with the password you set for the private key. The same authentication method will be used by DMT.
Look here: The only difference between that doc and the above steps is that for DMT we need an OpenSSH format of the private key, not the Putty's format (step 3).
As I sad you fixed it a long time ago, thank you (Collateral TX field validation/hex issue). I used it just as an example how easy it is to take a look at the source code with python.
Ah, ok, your'e right. I thought there is a new bug
EDIT: Regarding the step 3, exporting a private key can be done by clicking the `Conversions->Export Open SSH key` menu item.