GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

I don't know about other hardware but the trezor bridge is accessible via js, how else they do their client side web wallet?

EDIT: Either that or a dedicated android app, that would be really nice.

A trezor has a "bridge". It's basically a plugin, which connect a hardware to a browser. Neither Keepkey or Ledger has it.
Let's start from the beginning. As fare as I got, you would like to be able to start a masternode using a cell phone?
It's a great idea, but this would be a completely different project.
A trezor has a "bridge". It's basically a plugin, which connect a hardware to a browser. Neither Keepkey or Ledger has it.
Let's start from the beginning. As fare as I got, you would like to be able to start a masternode using a cell phone?
It's a great idea, but this would be a completely different project.

Personally, my preferred DMT in order of usefulness would be android app, js client and, lastly, desktop app. Perhaps a poll would help but it's not for me to say, it's bertrand's project, I'm just here making my preference known.
Could you tell how to use this? I didn't find how to add a key to DMT. I'm using Windows, so it's not possible to use a system auth.
In short, the steps are as follows:

1. Install Putty package if you don't have it yet (
2. Run Puttygen.exe and click the "Generate" button to generate a private-public key pair
3. Export your private key to the following location: Drive:\Users\<Your_Username>\.ssh\id_rsa (id_rsa is the file name)
4. Log-in to each of your MN servers with an SSH terminal and open the "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" file in your favorite text editor (create dir/file if it doesn't exist)
5. Copy the contents of the "Public key for pasting..." edit box and paste it into the "authorized_keys" file on your server(s)
6. Save the "authorized_keys" file
From that moment you will be able to log-in to your server with an SSH terminal without entering a password or with the password you set for the private key. The same authentication method will be used by DMT.

Look here: The only difference between that doc and the above steps is that for DMT we need an OpenSSH format of the private key, not the Putty's format (step 3).

As I sad you fixed it a long time ago, thank you (Collateral TX field validation/hex issue). I used it just as an example how easy it is to take a look at the source code with python.
Ah, ok, your'e right. I thought there is a new bug :)

EDIT: Regarding the step 3, exporting a private key can be done by clicking the `Conversions->Export Open SSH key` menu item.
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Coundn't read governanceinfo from the Dash network. Some features may not work correctly because of this. Details: unorderable types: dict() > int()
1. How is your DMT network connection configured - are you connecting to your own dashd node or to the "public" ones?
2. Can you DM me with your log file contents after the error appears? "Tools->Open log file..."
Thank you Bertrand! I was able to connect using a key.

3. Export your private key to the following location: Drive:\Users\<Your_Username>\.ssh\id_rsa (id_rsa is the file name)

It would be nice to be able to set a pay to a key.
1. It will let a user know DMT can use a key for auth
2. Allow to use password even a key file is present
3. Allow multiple keys to be used
Thank you Bertrand! I was able to connect using a key.
It would be nice to be able to set a pay to a key.
1. It will let a user know DMT can use a key for auth
2. Allow to use password even a key file is present
3. Allow multiple keys to be used
Ok, thanks, I'll take that into consideration.
DashMasternodeTool v0.9.11 released:
  • initial support for Ledger Nano S wallets (no sending funds feature yet); thanks to @chaeplin , this part was super easy
  • additional data (downloaded from in the proposals window, as: proposal owner, title, payment months, etc
  • fixed 'couldn't lock mutex' error
  • fixed 'on_btnSaveConfiguration_clicked() missig 1 required positional argument' error
  • a message shown while waiting for confirmation with the hardware wallet's button
  • fixed errors occurring when closing and quickly re-opening the proposals window
  • dates/numbers displayed according to the user operating system's settings
  • keepkey support: fixed the 'Cancelled' error occurring when entering an empty passphrase
  • a few other improvements and error fixes
Ledger Nano users, before you move your collateral to your Ledger, please test the functionality of signing messages using the "Tools-> Sign message..." feature. If this works, then there should not be a problem with starting masternode, as this feature internally uses the message signing function.

Next, I will be focused on finishing support for Ledger Nano S by implementing sending funds feature, that will allow "withdrawing" masternode earnings in a secure way for the masternode's collateral.

initial support for Ledger Nano S wallets
After several tries it's works! Thanks!
Created new account on Ledger and used address with 44'/5'/1'/0/0 path. Looks like DMT have some problems with converting address <-> path, when set address from path 1, and click start MN it said, address wrong and show it from path 0.
But after saving settings, reconnecting wallet and restarting program MN was finally started.
After several tries it's works! Thanks!
Created new account on Ledger and used address with 44'/5'/1'/0/0 path. Looks like DMT have some problems with converting address <-> path, when set address from path 1, and click start MN it said, address wrong and show it from path 0.
But after saving settings, reconnecting wallet and restarting program MN was finally started.

Is it possible for you to send me a detailed description of the steps you have taken to make this error appear? What did you click and in what order?
Is it possible for you to send me a detailed description of the steps you have taken to make this error appear? What did you click and in what order?
Looks like it mostly appear with opened Chrome wallet. For example: open DMT, paste address, press convert, open wallet (or click some tabs if already opened), try to sign - error: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf0 in position 4: ordinal not in range(128).
If only DMT opened - no errors.
Looks like it mostly appear with opened Chrome wallet. For example: open DMT, paste address, press convert, open wallet (or click some tabs if already opened), try to sign - error: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf0 in position 4: ordinal not in range(128).
If only DMT opened - no errors.

Unfortunately I could not reproduce the error. Could you do me a favor and take the app's log file contents (Tools->Open log file...) just after the error occurred and send it to me by DM?
What is your OS: Windows/Mac/Linux?
Unfortunately I could not reproduce the error. Could you do me a favor and take the app's log file contents (Tools->Open log file...) just after the error occurred and send it to me by DM?
What is your OS: Windows/Mac/Linux?
Done (Windows 10).
Done (Windows 10).
Thanks to the log file I was able to analyze and reproduce the problem. It turns out, that executing another application communicating with Ledger after establishing DMT communication with it, results in later communication errors inside the Ledger client library used in DMT. This behavior is Windows-specific - Mac OS seems to be immune to this.

I've found, that in most cases this issue can be worked around by re-establishing connection to Ledger inside DMT, so I did so. If it doesn't help, DMT will request the user to close that interfering app. These modifications will be available in the next version.

Thanks for the help.
DashMasternodeTool v0.9.12 released

This is an unplanned release, fixing the "47,5" conversion error, that occurs for some people in the proposals window (a simmilar issue recently appeared in sentinel).
Other improvements:
  • Showing the position of the user masternodes in the masternode queue ("Get status" button)
  • Workaround of the Ledger error (reported by @Balych), occurring in Windows when the device is used simultaneously by DMT and other application(s).

Binary files:
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error on startup, "free variable 'worker_fun' referenced before assignment in enclosing scope"
At a first glance it looks like the python version I had to use for linux binaries (v 3.5) is misbehaving, but I'll try to prepare some workaround.

Did the error appeared only once, at the first start or is showing every time you run the program?
At a first glance it looks like the python version I had to use for linux binaries (v 3.5) is misbehaving, but I'll try to prepare some workaround.

Did the error appeared only once, at the first start or is showing every time you run the program?

Only the first time.