Dear Xkcd,
Thank you for your continuing support. Really appreciate it. I have always used the "protx register_evo" command. I have never even heard of the "register_prepare_evo" command, nor have I read about this command in the Dash user docs. I will try it. Is this a two-step thing? Should the command later be followed by the "protx register_evo" command? Thanks again.
So far, I have used Dashmate setup, which went fine and resulted in the "protx register_evo" string which I have copy pasted in the Dash console (and getting nowhere). So if I have to use "register_prepare_evo", where does this deviate from the regular Dashmate setup? And how to proceed after the "register_prepare_evo" command? Should this be followed by "protx register_submit" or "register_prepare_evo"? I am confused here.
Also shout out to Qwizzie for staying with me and being helpful. Really appreciate it guys!
It has been so long ago that i did the register Evonode part that i am not sure anymore if i did that through protx register_evo or through protx register_prepare_evo and i admit the registration of an Evonode through Dash Core wallet is not that well documented in the docs.
If you want to try the protx register_prepare_evo command then first see how this is handled with masternodes in the manual/docs (, i suspect for Evonodes it will need to follow a similar route, except you be using protx register_prepare_evo with a few additional fields, instead of protx register_prepare :
protx register_prepare_evo collateralHash collateralIndex ipAndPort ownerAddress(created in your Dash Core wallet) operatorPubKey votingAddress(created in your Dash Core wallet) operatorReward(0) payoutAddress(created in your Dash Core wallet) platformNodeID platformP2PPort(26656) platformHTTPPort(443) feeSourceAddress(created in your Dash Core wallet and funded to pay for protx transactions)
Note : 12 fields in total make up this
protx register_prepare_evo command and each field is seperated by a space
This will get you a tx and a signMessage which needs to be signed first.
signmessage collateralAddress signMessage
Note : collateralAddress is not the collateralHash from
protx register_prepare_evo command, it is your actual collateral address.
This gives you a certain output that needs to be submitted :
protx register_submit tx sig
If above works (pls let me know), i will have this added to the docs specifically for registering an Evonode from a Dash Core wallet through console. But i do think when the collateral address is in fact a hardware wallet address (which i suspect yours is), you will need to use DMT anyways as the signmessage command needs to be done through the collateral address (i think). I used to have my collateral in a Dash core wallet, so i could go this route. But if your collateral is on a hardware wallet address i don't think this will work. All you end up with is an unsigned tx that can't be signed in Dash Core wallet, because the collateral address is not in that Dash Core wallet.
Much better would be to just register your Evonode through DMT (that can connect to your hardware wallet and register, sign and submit the protx command). You may need to set the 3 Dash Core created addresses to 'address' in DMT instead of 'private key'. The fourth (feeSourceAddress) will not be needed in DMT. You can also generate these three addresses through DMT, but if your DMT configuration ever get lost, you will have lost ownership to those addresses, as it stores both the publick key & private key of those DMT generated addresses in there. You could make backups of your DMT config file and store them somewhere safe i guess.