I am having trouble installing and running DMT. Am on Ubuntu. Have downloaded the zip file but am at a loss on how to proceed. Any input would be welcome. Also, I am still curious why Dashmate setup does not work for me. As stated earlier, dahsmate procides the protx register_evo command, but when i copy paste this in Dashcore console, I simply get the instructions on how to use the command on screen. No transaction and no error code. What could be causing this?
DMT needs to run in a desktop environment. I use it in Windows 10.
When going the manual route : unlock your Dash Core wallet first, before executing the protx command in the Console. The command itself is build like this :
protx register_evo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 : collateralHash
2 : collateralIndex (either 0 or 1 or 2)
3 : ipAndPort (ipaddress:9999)
4 : ownerAddress (address created in your Dash Core wallet and named Owner Address)
5 : operatorPubKey / BLS public key (either dashmate created it for you as BLS pair key (public and private key) or you created it in the Console of your Dash Core wallet. It needs to be stored somewhere as Dash Core will not remember this pairkey after generating it)
6 : voting address (address created in your Dash Core wallet and named Voting Address)
7 : operatorReward (0 if you are owner and want the full reward going to yourself)
8 : payout address (address created in your Dash Core wallet and named Payout Address)
9 : platformNodeID / Platform Node key (Tenderdash)
10 : 26656 (this is a fixed Platform P2P port)
11 : 443 (this is a fixed Platform HTTP port)
12 : feeSourceAddress (address created in your Dash Core wallet and named Fee Source Address)
Make sure you use all 12 fields correctly (doublecheck) and have some dash in your feeSourceAddress to pay for the protx register transaction.
If you use DMT, this will be free. If your protx register command is incorrect, it will just bring up the help screen for that command (which is what you have been seeing).
Make sure your firewall in Ubuntu allow these ports (including port 80 !!) and you disabled IPv6 :
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