Evonode quick start guide

Upgrading to Platform v1.7.1 for quick start guide users is as easy as this one liner.

rm -fr ~/dashmate ;wget https://github.com/dashpay/platform/releases/download/v1.7.1/dashmate-v1.7.1-fc7d994b8-linux-x64.tar.gz &&tar xf dashmate-v1.7.1-fc7d994b8-linux-x64.tar.gz &&dashmate/bin/dashmate stop --platform &&dashmate/bin/dashmate update &&dashmate/bin/dashmate start --platform  &&dashmate/bin/dashmate status
Upgrading to Platform v1.8.0 for quick start guide users is as easy as this one liner.

rm -fr ~/dashmate ;wget https://github.com/dashpay/platform/releases/download/v1.8.0/dashmate-v1.8.0-e4e156c86-linux-x64.tar.gz &&tar xf dashmate-v1.8.0-e4e156c86-linux-x64.tar.gz &&dashmate/bin/dashmate stop --platform &&dashmate/bin/dashmate update &&dashmate/bin/dashmate start --platform  &&dashmate/bin/dashmate status
Dear XKCD or any other memeber who is willing to help,
I have been running a normal masternode for some time. Have no problem setting these up. I am now trying to setup an Evo node. However, I am having some trouble with this and I am very grateful for your input. If this is not the right thread to ask, please direct me to the right place. I am not a computer expert by any means, however I can follow instructions. So please have some patience.
My trouble is this: I have setup a VPN and configured it. I sent the collateral of 4k Dash to my address and followed the dashmate setup. When dashmate gives me the protx register_evo string, I put this into the dash core console. However, the console just replies with the instructions on how to use the protx register_evo command. No transaction is made (no error code either). I have gone over my input string (as generated by dashmate) many times, but I cannot discover why the command does not result in a transaction / valid return. It just keeps giving me the instruction / command explanation as I have typed in nothing. Many thanks for your guidance.
Dear XKCD or any other memeber who is willing to help,
I have been running a normal masternode for some time. Have no problem setting these up. I am now trying to setup an Evo node. However, I am having some trouble with this and I am very grateful for your input. If this is not the right thread to ask, please direct me to the right place. I am not a computer expert by any means, however I can follow instructions. So please have some patience.
My trouble is this: I have setup a VPN and configured it. I sent the collateral of 4k Dash to my address and followed the dashmate setup. When dashmate gives me the protx register_evo string, I put this into the dash core console. However, the console just replies with the instructions on how to use the protx register_evo command. No transaction is made (no error code either). I have gone over my input string (as generated by dashmate) many times, but I cannot discover why the command does not result in a transaction / valid return. It just keeps giving me the instruction / command explanation as I have typed in nothing. Many thanks for your guidance.
You can use DMT to register your Evonode. It is more easy to register your Evonode through DMT (Dash Masternode Tool), then through manual commands in the Console of the Dash Core wallet. You can also clear PoSe bans through DMT or change payout address. For now just use a Dash Core wallet address as registered payout address for your Evonode. DMT has an issue right now with regards to handling Platform withdrawals that comes in on a Ledger wallet (Trezor One still works though).

Link : https://github.com/Bertrand256/dash-masternode-tool/tree/master

Once you registered your Evonode through DMT, you can do dashmate setup and use option 'already registered'
With Evonodes you will be required to have a Zero SSL account at https://app.zerossl.com/ (free or paid) and provide dashmate the api key of that account (you find it under 'developer'). Dashmate (through dashmate setup) will generate the zero ssl cert through that api key.
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Dear Qwizzie,
Thank you for your prompt reply. I have not used DMT yet. I will try that out and report back to you. Thanks!
I am having trouble installing and running DMT. Am on Ubuntu. Have downloaded the zip file but am at a loss on how to proceed. Any input would be welcome. Also, I am still curious why Dashmate setup does not work for me. As stated earlier, dahsmate procides the protx register_evo command, but when i copy paste this in Dashcore console, I simply get the instructions on how to use the command on screen. No transaction and no error code. What could be causing this?
I am having trouble installing and running DMT. Am on Ubuntu. Have downloaded the zip file but am at a loss on how to proceed. Any input would be welcome. Also, I am still curious why Dashmate setup does not work for me. As stated earlier, dahsmate procides the protx register_evo command, but when i copy paste this in Dashcore console, I simply get the instructions on how to use the command on screen. No transaction and no error code. What could be causing this?
DMT needs to run in a desktop environment. I use it in Windows 10.
When going the manual route : unlock your Dash Core wallet first, before executing the protx command in the Console. The command itself is build like this :

protx register_evo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 : collateralHash
2 : collateralIndex (either 0 or 1 or 2)
3 : ipAndPort (ipaddress:9999)
4 : ownerAddress (address created in your Dash Core wallet and named Owner Address)
5 : operatorPubKey / BLS public key (either dashmate created it for you as BLS pair key (public and private key) or you created it in the Console of your Dash Core wallet. It needs to be stored somewhere as Dash Core will not remember this pairkey after generating it)
6 : voting address (address created in your Dash Core wallet and named Voting Address)
7 : operatorReward (0 if you are owner and want the full reward going to yourself)
8 : payout address (address created in your Dash Core wallet and named Payout Address)
9 : platformNodeID / Platform Node key (Tenderdash)
10 : 26656 (this is a fixed Platform P2P port)
11 : 443 (this is a fixed Platform HTTP port)
12 : feeSourceAddress (address created in your Dash Core wallet and named Fee Source Address)

Make sure you use all 12 fields correctly (doublecheck) and have some dash in your feeSourceAddress to pay for the protx register transaction.
If you use DMT, this will be free. If your protx register command is incorrect, it will just bring up the help screen for that command (which is what you have been seeing).

Make sure your firewall in Ubuntu allow these ports (including port 80 !!) and you disabled IPv6 :


Source : https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/docs/user/masternodes/server-config.html#


source : https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/docs/user/masternodes/server-config.html#disable-ipv6
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Dear Qwizzie,
Thank you for staying with me through this. Yes, I followed all your instructions. I have done so prior to your response. Everything is set right and is correct. I have gone over the protx register_evo command many times, checked all settings. Ports are open, fee address is funded, ipV6 turned off etc. That is all good. My issue is the following: upon executing the protx register_evo command (in my Dashcore console) the only response I get is the help instrutions (like when entering "protx register_evo" without any inputstrings). So nothing takes place. No transaction, no error codes. Nothing at all. I keep coming back to this. I have gone over my input strings ad nauseam but I cannot find the issue.
Dear Qwizzie,
Thank you for staying with me through this. Yes, I followed all your instructions. I have done so prior to your response. Everything is set right and is correct. I have gone over the protx register_evo command many times, checked all settings. Ports are open, fee address is funded, ipV6 turned off etc. That is all good. My issue is the following: upon executing the protx register_evo command (in my Dashcore console) the only response I get is the help instrutions (like when entering "protx register_evo" without any inputstrings). So nothing takes place. No transaction, no error codes. Nothing at all. I keep coming back to this. I have gone over my input strings ad nauseam but I cannot find the issue.

Make sure you are entering it in the Dash Core Desktop wallet and not the masternode. Make sure the wallet is not a pruned wallet, but rather a full wallet. Don't place quotes around any strings and don't copy/paste from a word processor into the console, use notepad to formulate the command and then paste it in. Be sure to observe spaces, they are important to deliminate items and be sure that every parameter is accounted for.
Make sure you are entering it in the Dash Core Desktop wallet and not the masternode. Make sure the wallet is not a pruned wallet, but rather a full wallet. Don't place quotes around any strings and don't copy/paste from a word processor into the console, use notepad to formulate the command and then paste it in. Be sure to observe spaces, they are important to deliminate items and be sure that every parameter is accounted for.
Dear Xkcd,
Thank you for your reply. I did all you stated. Used console of my Dash Core Desktop and unlocked it using the passphrase. Did not place quotes (I tried, but it made no difference). Copy / pasted it from notepad. All spaces observed. Every parameter is there. Collateral is there, payout address funded. The vpn is running ok. There is something going on that I cannot seem to detect. I keep getting stuck at this "protx register_evo" step. It will simply not output anything except for the explanation on how to use the command (as if I typed nothing).
Dear Qwizzie,
You stated this: "If your protx register command is incorrect, it will just bring up the help screen for that command (which is what you have been seeing).". Indeed, this is exactly my problem. If there was some insight in what wasn't entered correctly, I would be able to trace it down. Now it just states nothing. I went over everything again, but strangely I cannot get the fault. (And clearly I am doing something wrong).
Dear Qwizzie,
You stated this: "If your protx register command is incorrect, it will just bring up the help screen for that command (which is what you have been seeing).". Indeed, this is exactly my problem. If there was some insight in what wasn't entered correctly, I would be able to trace it down. Now it just states nothing. I went over everything again, but strangely I cannot get the fault. (And clearly I am doing something wrong).

Maybe best to just use DMT to register your Evonode.
https://github.com/Bertrand256/dash-masternode-tool/tree/master (make sure to read the readme)

I would create these in your Dash Core wallet and add them to DMT during registration :

owner address
voting address
payout address

The BLS key pair you can either do through Dashmate or through Dash Core wallet (Console), just make sure your store this BLS key pair (public key & private key) somewhere safe.
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Dear Xkcd,
Thank you for your reply. I did all you stated. Used console of my Dash Core Desktop and unlocked it using the passphrase. Did not place quotes (I tried, but it made no difference). Copy / pasted it from notepad. All spaces observed. Every parameter is there. Collateral is there, payout address funded. The vpn is running ok. There is something going on that I cannot seem to detect. I keep getting stuck at this "protx register_evo" step. It will simply not output anything except for the explanation on how to use the command (as if I typed nothing).
Dear Qwizzie,
You stated this: "If your protx register command is incorrect, it will just bring up the help screen for that command (which is what you have been seeing).". Indeed, this is exactly my problem. If there was some insight in what wasn't entered correctly, I would be able to trace it down. Now it just states nothing. I went over everything again, but strangely I cannot get the fault. (And clearly I am doing something wrong).

Hey, maybe you made a typo above, but please make sure the command is:
protx register_prepare_evo

Dear Xkcd,
Thank you for your continuing support. Really appreciate it. I have always used the "protx register_evo" command. I have never even heard of the "register_prepare_evo" command, nor have I read about this command in the Dash user docs. I will try it. Is this a two-step thing? Should the command later be followed by the "protx register_evo" command? Thanks again.

So far, I have used Dashmate setup, which went fine and resulted in the "protx register_evo" string which I have copy pasted in the Dash console (and getting nowhere). So if I have to use "register_prepare_evo", where does this deviate from the regular Dashmate setup? And how to proceed after the "register_prepare_evo" command? Should this be followed by "protx register_submit" or "register_prepare_evo"? I am confused here.

Also shout out to Qwizzie for staying with me and being helpful. Really appreciate it guys!
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Dear Xkcd,
Thank you for your continuing support. Really appreciate it. I have always used the "protx register_evo" command. I have never even heard of the "register_prepare_evo" command, nor have I read about this command in the Dash user docs. I will try it. Is this a two-step thing? Should the command later be followed by the "protx register_evo" command? Thanks again.

So far, I have used Dashmate setup, which went fine and resulted in the "protx register_evo" string which I have copy pasted in the Dash console (and getting nowhere). So if I have to use "register_prepare_evo", where does this deviate from the regular Dashmate setup? And how to proceed after the "register_prepare_evo" command? Should this be followed by "protx register_submit" or "register_prepare_evo"? I am confused here.

Also shout out to Qwizzie for staying with me and being helpful. Really appreciate it guys!

It has been so long ago that i did the register Evonode part that i am not sure anymore if i did that through protx register_evo or through protx register_prepare_evo and i admit the registration of an Evonode through Dash Core wallet is not that well documented in the docs.

If you want to try the protx register_prepare_evo command then first see how this is handled with masternodes in the manual/docs (https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/doc...ml#option-2-registering-from-dash-core-wallet), i suspect for Evonodes it will need to follow a similar route, except you be using protx register_prepare_evo with a few additional fields, instead of protx register_prepare :

protx register_prepare_evo collateralHash collateralIndex ipAndPort ownerAddress(created in your Dash Core wallet) operatorPubKey votingAddress(created in your Dash Core wallet) operatorReward(0) payoutAddress(created in your Dash Core wallet) platformNodeID platformP2PPort(26656) platformHTTPPort(443) feeSourceAddress(created in your Dash Core wallet and funded to pay for protx transactions)

Note : 12 fields in total make up this protx register_prepare_evo command and each field is seperated by a space

This will get you a tx and a signMessage which needs to be signed first.

signmessage collateralAddress signMessage

Note : collateralAddress is not the collateralHash from protx register_prepare_evo command, it is your actual collateral address.

This gives you a certain output that needs to be submitted :

protx register_submit tx sig

If above works (pls let me know), i will have this added to the docs specifically for registering an Evonode from a Dash Core wallet through console. But i do think when the collateral address is in fact a hardware wallet address (which i suspect yours is), you will need to use DMT anyways as the signmessage command needs to be done through the collateral address (i think). I used to have my collateral in a Dash core wallet, so i could go this route. But if your collateral is on a hardware wallet address i don't think this will work. All you end up with is an unsigned tx that can't be signed in Dash Core wallet, because the collateral address is not in that Dash Core wallet.

Much better would be to just register your Evonode through DMT (that can connect to your hardware wallet and register, sign and submit the protx command). You may need to set the 3 Dash Core created addresses to 'address' in DMT instead of 'private key'. The fourth (feeSourceAddress) will not be needed in DMT. You can also generate these three addresses through DMT, but if your DMT configuration ever get lost, you will have lost ownership to those addresses, as it stores both the publick key & private key of those DMT generated addresses in there. You could make backups of your DMT config file and store them somewhere safe i guess.
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Dear Qwizzie,

Tried it. The protx register_prepare_evo results in exactly the same thing as when trying the protx register_evo command. It just brings out the help screen for the command. No change. I am at a complete loss. I want to try DMT, downloaded it, but since I am not enough versed in what to do next, I do not know ho to make / run the command. I am on Ubuntu. Any help as to how to get DMT installed and running is much appreciated.
Thanks again!
Dear Qwizzie,

Tried it. The protx register_prepare_evo results in exactly the same thing as when trying the protx register_evo command. It just brings out the help screen for the command. No change. I am at a complete loss. I want to try DMT, downloaded it, but since I am not enough versed in what to do next, I do not know ho to make / run the command. I am on Ubuntu. Any help as to how to get DMT installed and running is much appreciated.
Thanks again!
Have you read the readme.md and docs ?



If you still have questions about DMT after reading the readme.md and docs, just post in above dash.org/forum link.
After downloading, installing and running the DMT app (i just have experience downloading and running it in Windows), you should start with configuring DMT for the type of hardware wallet you have (Ledger / Trezor / KeepKey) and then just add a new masternode entry through 'Masternode' and select the one with the correct collateral (4000 dash).

I suspect DMT needs a desktop environment, so you need to have Ubuntu Desktop. And i guess you load the extracted DashMasternodeTool file in there, like you load and run other apps / programs ?
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After the SSL certificate expires, will renewal be automatic or are some additional actions required?
Depends if you have a free account or a paid account with Zero SSL.
If you have a paid Zero SSL account dashmate will auto renew indefinetely. So you can just ignore any email from Zero SSL about cert expire.

If you have a free Zero SSL acount dashmate can only generate 3x 90 days certs (so 1x during dashmate setup and 2x auto renew through dashmate).
With Zero SSL free account you need to be aware of the cert slots that you will find in the Dashboard - Your subscription.

Example 1 :

so two more dashmate auto renewals to go. You can just ignore the expire emails from Zero SSL untill you are in cert slot 3/3

Example 2 :


here you are on your third and last cert, when this cert expires you will need to create a new Zero SSL account (you can just delete your account and create it again with same email address), which will give you a new API key.

This needs to be changed in Dashmate (execute each command seperately) :

dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.apiKey [YOUR-NEW-API-KEY]
dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.id null
dashmate ssl obtain
dashmate stop --safe
sudo reboot
dashmate start

This will bring your Zero SSL account to cert slot 1/3

To check if your cert in dashmate match with the new cert in your new Zero SSL account :
dashmate config get platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.id

This will get you a cert hash that you can compare in your Zero SSL account (Certificates - 'Copy hash' - paste in notepad)
You should also check if your Evonode has a green flag in https://mnowatch.org/evonodes/ at Platform HTTP port 443 and if you actually click on that green flag you can check if your Evonode ip address has a secure connection, by clicking in the address balk (that you got redirected to) on :

mnowatch may need some time to fetch new Evonodes data, so give it 1 hour.
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Depends if you have a free account or a paid account with Zero SSL.
If you have a paid Zero SSL account dashmate will auto renew indefinetely. So you can just ignore any email from Zero SSL about cert expire.

If you have a free Zero SSL acount dashmate can only generate 3x 90 days certs (so 1x during dashmate setup and 2x auto renew through dashmate).
With Zero SSL free account you need to be aware of the cert slots that you will find in the Dashboard - Your subscription.

Example 1 :
View attachment 12828
so two more dashmate auto renewals to go. You can just ignore the expire emails from Zero SSL untill you are in cert slot 3/3

Example 2 :

View attachment 12829
here you are on your third and last cert, when this cert expires you will need to create a new Zero SSL account (you can just delete your account and create it again with same email address), which will give you a new API key.

This needs to be changed in Dashmate (execute each command seperately) :

dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.apiKey [YOUR-NEW-API-KEY]
dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.id null
dashmate ssl obtain
dashmate stop --safe
sudo reboot
dashmate start

This will bring your Zero SSL account to cert slot 1/3

To check if your cert in dashmate match with the new cert in your new Zero SSL account :
dashmate config get platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.id

This will get you a cert hash that you can compare in your Zero SSL account (Certificates - 'Copy hash' - paste in notepad)
You should also check if your Evonode has a green flag in https://mnowatch.org/evonodes/ at Platform HTTP port 443 and if you actually click on that green flag you can check if your Evonode ip address has a secure connection, by clicking in the address balk (that you got redirected to) on :
View attachment 12831
mnowatch may need some time to fetch new Evonodes data, so give it 1 hour.
there is a button in my account "RENEW" can she help?