Depends if you have a free account or a paid account with Zero SSL.
If you have a paid Zero SSL account dashmate will auto renew indefinetely. So you can just ignore any email from Zero SSL about cert expire.
If you have a free Zero SSL acount dashmate can only generate 3x 90 days certs (so 1x during dashmate setup and 2x auto renew through dashmate).
With Zero SSL free account you need to be aware of the cert slots that you will find in the Dashboard - Your subscription.
Example 1 :
View attachment 12828
so two more dashmate auto renewals to go. You can just ignore the expire emails from Zero SSL untill you are in cert slot 3/3
Example 2 :
View attachment 12829
here you are on your third and last cert, when this cert expires you will need to create a new Zero SSL account (you can just delete your account and create it again with same email address), which will give you a new API key.
This needs to be changed in Dashmate (execute each command seperately) :
dashmate config set platform.gateway.ssl.providerConfigs.zerossl.apiKey [YOUR-NEW-API-KEY]
dashmate config set null
dashmate ssl obtain
dashmate stop --safe
sudo reboot
dashmate start
This will bring your Zero SSL account to cert slot 1/3
To check if your cert in dashmate match with the new cert in your new Zero SSL account :
dashmate config get
This will get you a cert hash that you can compare in your Zero SSL account (Certificates - 'Copy hash' - paste in notepad)
You should also check if your Evonode has a green flag in at Platform HTTP port 443 and if you actually click on that green flag you can check if your Evonode ip address has a secure connection, by clicking in the address balk (that you got redirected to) on :
View attachment 12831
mnowatch may need some time to fetch new Evonodes data, so give it 1 hour.