Green Candle

Green Candle Inc. on behalf of the Dash community would like to be involved in sponsoring the largest winter music festival in Canada. Through Dash advertisements and repeat brand impressions within the festival grounds we will be connecting Dash to nearly 54,000 Canadians on site and over 266k online.
On-site Dash Advertisements include:
- Dash branded LED wristbands given to every attendee
- Dash branded onsite screens
- Dash branded LED video walls
- Dash branded 360° stadium ring banner
- Dash branded booths
- Dash branded Jumbotron advertising
- Posts on Festival Facebook
- Posts on Festival Instagram
- Instagram stories during festival
- Added to website as official sponsor
Contact Music Festival - Dec 26 & 27
BC Place Stadium - Vancouver British Columbia, Canada
40,000 attendees - 2 Days
BC Place Stadium - Vancouver British Columbia, Canada
40,000 attendees - 2 Days
Get Together - Edmonton, Dec 27 & 28
Shaw Conference Centre - Edmonton Alberta, Canada -
14,000 attendees - 2 Days
Shaw Conference Centre - Edmonton Alberta, Canada -
14,000 attendees - 2 Days
Partnership Development
During initial discussions for this project, it was suggested that now may not be the most opportune time to launch another marketing campaign because of impending changes that are coming to the Dash brand, look and feel . We concluded, however, that building the relationships inside these industries for both immediate and future purposes would far outweigh any issues caused by introducing people to a brand that will evolve.
In this highly competitive space there is an immediate need for Dash to build and nurture long lasting relationships with the key players in the industries we want to work with. Now is the time to lay that groundwork for future partnerships where, as one example, entire events can be serviced by Dash or Digital Cash. To get there we need to introduce ourselves to these partners and show them why their customers need Digital Cash. By starting with a sponsorship initiative we are able to build and cultivate the relationships we need need when our Evolution API is ready and industry players like Blueprint or Livenation want to launch integration into the products like the Evolution store. Now is the time to begin paving the way to the eventual goal of a large concert or festival type event powered entirely by our decentralized Digital Cash. Boom!
Seat at the Table
Cultivating partnerships with major industry players takes time and experience. This proposal allows us to have a seat at the table with these major industry players and allows us to show them just how world class the Dash ecosystem is and what a game changing product we are developing. It is our concern that waiting too long to insert ourselves into the conversation could lose our competitive advantage. We envision this as a partnership that will grow and blossom into many different opportunities for the entire Dash ecosystem but before we get there we need to do business with them and show them that we aren’t just magic internet money but a world class payment system. This means that when Evolution is ready for consumption by the masses our partner relationships will be in a strong place to allow us to present to them our payment solutions for use in their industries.
Green Candle Inc.
Green Candle strives to lead the digital currency industry in pushing the boundaries for partnerships between traditional businesses and ones working in the digital currency space. Having negotiated the largest funded treasury proposal in Blockchain history, we have successfully bridged the gap between the Dash Blockchain and this business community that is excited to start working and connecting with younger generations of users. We bring great ideas to fruition and we believe these partnerships could lead to very large strategic plays inside of the entertainment industries. With all relationships, strength is gained over time and to fully succeed in one of our visions we want to strengthen the relationship between Dash and the major players in the Canadian entertainment industry. We feel these partnerships could eventually be synergistic for the Dash network.
This Is Blueprint Inc.
Blueprint is one of the largest lifestyle, concert, and event companies in Canada, dedicated to providing the best in entertainment and hospitality. Blueprint owns and operates the two largest festivals in British Columbia, several smaller festival properties, 5 nightclubs, 4 bars and 3 liquor stores. The company produces over 750 events annually across BC and Alberta including festivals with up to 40,000 attendees.
Live Nation Inc.
Live Nation Inc., a publicly traded American entertainment company. They are the global leader in live events with over $8.3 Billion in annual revenue promoting over 25,000 shows in 40 countries per annum. Further to the event promotion Live Nation owns Clubs, Theatres, Festivals, Amphitheatres and Arenas on nearly every continent.
Contact Music Festival - Vancouver, Dec 26 & 27
Vancouver British Columbia - BC Place Stadium
40,000 attendees - 2 Days
In its 6th year, Contact is Canada’s largest electronic winter music festival. The 2-day all-ages event is jointly produced by Blueprint and Live Nation and is unprecedented in size and scope and sells out every year. 2017 will see its daily capacity increased to 20,000 people per day.
Contact takes place in the state of the art BC Place Stadium in the heart of downtown Vancouver, where festival-goers experience unbelievable sound and incredible visuals in a safe environment
Onsite Dash Activation's:
(40K) Dash Branded LED wristbands allowed access
(36) Dash branded monitors throughout BC place Concourse
(2) Dash branded outdoor video walls
(36) Dash branded concession monitors (Rotating)
(1) 10' x 10’ branded booth in the concourse
(1) 10 x 10’ branded crypto tent to administer LED wristbands
(1) Dash 360° ring banner
(1) Jumbotron advertising
Online Dash Activation's:
(2) Posts on Festival Facebook
(2) Posts on Festival Instagram
(1) Instagram story during festival
(1) Added to website as official sponsor
Get Together - Edmonton, Dec 27 & 28
Edmonton Alberta - Shaw Conference Centre
14,000 attendees - 2 Days
Get Together serves as Contact’s sister festival in Edmonton, Alberta. Taking place at the historic Shaw Conference Center, it hosts an almost identical lineup of world renown talent for an audience of 9,000 festival goers per day on December 27 and 28.
Onsite Dash Activation's:
(14k) Dash Branded LED wristbands allowed access
(10) Dash branded monitors throughout concourse
(10) Dash branded concession monitors (Rotating)
(1) 10' x 10’ branded booth in the concourse
(1) 10 x 10’ branded crypto tent to administer LED wristbands
(1) Jumbotron advertising
Online Dash Activation's:
(2) Posts on Festival Facebook
(2) Posts on Festival Instagram
(1) Instagram story during festival
(1) Added to website as official sponsor
- Full control over the power, colour selection, and effects
- Strobing, fading, and flashing effects available
- Individually addressable zones for added effects
- User-friendly control system setup
- 15 different LED colors
- Sleek, one size fits all designs
- 1 Day and reusable options available
- Full color logo imprint
The key demographic for this initiative is Millennials between the ages of 17 and 35 from BC, Alberta & Washington State.
Dash branded messages will be pushed through the following channels reaching over 266k people:
- Instagram Blueprint Events 44.2k Followers
- Instagram Blueprint Live 8.6k Followers
- Instagram This Is Blueprint 15.5k Followers
- Instagram Blueprint Alberta 19.2k Followers
- Instagram Contact Festival 18.3k Followers
- Instagram Get Together 3k Followers
- Facebook Blueprint Events 60.7k Followers
- Facebook Blueprint Live 8.9k Followers
- Facebook Blueprint Alberta 36k Followers
- Facebook Contact Festival 35k Followers
- Facebook Get Together 17k Followers

Contact is the largest winter music festival in Canada. If we act today and prove ourselves on one of the biggest Live Nation stages in Canada, we passionately feel that this is not only a great opportunity to engage nearly 54,000 members of our key demographic but will also set Dash up for success in 2018 and beyond.
Today it is a partnership with Live Nation for one festival in Canada, tomorrow it can be access to their 25,000 shows in 40 countries with tens of millions of attendees.
The opportunity in hand can potentially be the first step in a relationship that will lead to global exposure and a heightened awareness of Dash on a level that we have not seen before. Green Candle is uniquely positioned to make this a reality.
Requested funding from the Dash Network to allow us to pursue this first stage of the partnership.
Cost of Goods: $150,000
Covers purchasing LED wristbands, logo imprinting, shipping, and control system rental for events.
Sponsorship Agreement: $120,000
Festival sponsorship fee paid in exchange for Dash branding throughout both events on concourse monitors (36), access of LED wristbands (54K), outdoor video walls (2), 360’ ring banner (1), jumbotron advert (1)
This also includes two 10x10 Dash branded booths one inside and one outside the event. These booth will be used to disseminate the LED wristbands and talk to or discuss Dash with interested parties.
Management: $75,000
Green Candle fees for managing proposal and paying the following: finder's fee, legal fees, tax obligations inside of Canada, handling funds escrow with specific proposal devices, and commemorating the sponsorship deal
Proposal Fee 5 Dash
Total Dash Contribution for Proposal in USD: $345,000 + 5 Dash
Total Dash Contribution for Proposal in Dash: 1259.55
*Based on DASH/USD Conversion rate of $275.00 per Dash
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