Dash sponsorship for largest winter music festival in Canada

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I must admit I didn't realise this before but the company that actually make the wristbands already offer a cashless payment solution and ticketing sytem.

More info here: http://crowdsynctechnology.com/rfid-led-wristbands/

Casestudy here: http://crowdsynctechnology.com/proj...est-virginia-university-x-coca-cola-foodfest/

Personally I would like to go to the head of the snake and seek out a long-term Dash POS solution for all future events crowdsynctechnology are involved in.

Livenation & Ticketmaster Dash integration is of great interest to me. I feel this is a great starting point for a much bigger conversation.
I like that you addressed the solid meat of my commentary, and completely ignored the rest.

No, I'm not being sarcastic. That's actually the most stand-out part of it so far.

My bottom line concern remains that this is a lot of money for a one-shot that amounts to TOMA.

One-shot is the antithesis of TOMA.
How many of these people will be sufficiently literate in the concept of cryptocurrency, to be fertile ground for the seeds of DASH?

It seems like a lot of money to spend to have most of it bounce off of think-proof people.
We had a few different mock-up's done. I agree I think it either needs the QR code or the URL for the final product. Let me show you a few other screen shots of the design options.


Add ".org" and the QR. Then you have both in minimal space
Other thoughts...

Even if this were the perfect marketing proposal, and I was totally in love with it.... DASH is in a tragic state of disrepair right now.

IX is busted. What I consider to be DASH's most important aspect, is null. The feature that actually matters to consumers and vendors alike. DOA.

I just don't think promoting busted DASH is what we should do.

It sure would be nice if DASH wasn't busted...
I would vote for this as long as it doesn't push anything else out of the budget. Because i have to agree with others this seems to be a very high cost for maybe a future benefit.
imo this will generate almost zero ROI. I have been to these festivals and people go there to have fun, drink and get high...not learn about a new revolutionary complex payment system. We paid more for the GAP proposal because it was the right marketing audience using Max who is a wel known crypto ambassador who can talk and explain these things to viewers who are absorbing information, not banging heads on the dance floor.

You ask anyone 2 days after the even what dash is and you will get a blank response. It's not the right audience. If festy was used it would be a yes, but as it's just a bunch of banners thrown around on to screens and a rubber wrist band it's a no from me.
It's not the right audience.
And it's not presented in a way that "sticks."

As you pointed out, not much "sticks" at a music festival aside from STDs.

DASH is too complex a thing to present to idiots, who are also drunk.

Which is why I asked how they intended to make this effective...

They do seem to have an idea how DASH works, and why it's a good idea. But for some reason they've chosen a completely ineffective venue and method.

It's as if they were just trying to get a big pile of free money from the SuckerNodes with no concern or interest to the same prospective client's interests... Weird, who ever heard of a scam proposal on the DGBB before?

Maybe they're trying to get a piece of the Alt36 hysteria by targeting the same crowd? Not sure what the rationale is. Or if there is one... Looks like a flashy scam proposal to me.
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