Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

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I used to create the wallet. The private key is in 'Wallet Import Format' but Jaxx won't accept the import. In addition to this my balance on the blockchain is showing "Not yet redeemed". What do I do?
Can someone please help I'm desperate for these funds. I looked at the official dash wallet but don't see any way to import from paper wallet, any help will be much appreciated :(
Hi Surgeo.

Not yet redeemed is a good thing. Like a coupon, or a ticket you haven't used. You haven't redeemed it. That means you haven't spent it.

You used Did you encrypt it with a passphrase? 'cuz I bet you did!

You need to just convert the encrypted wif to an unprotected wif.

I'll edit this post with details shortly.
No I didn't encrypt with a passphrase. I just followed the instructions on screen moving mouse around and entering text into box.
Try the compressed version. Jaxx may be finicky. This test will at least prove your key is valid.

This url is safe, I vouch for it:
open click skip under the progress bar on the right

click 'wallet details' tab
paste your wif in and punch 'view details'

scroll down to the Private Key WIF section
copy the Private Key WIF Compressed WIF
It'll start with X

see if jaxx accepts that. It won't get you your coin, but it'll prove jaxx just doesn't support uncompressed wifs.
If the walletgenerator webpage happily processed your wif and showed you a page with that wif appearing on the left side, the problem is with jaxx.

I suggest you import that wif into another wallet for the sole purpose of moving the funds into jaxx.

And, you're welcome.

Sorry you're having jaxx issues, but rest assured your dash are safely where you left them.
Is it ok to use the android app 'dash wallet'?

I don't care which wallet I use for the purpose of getting my dash to an online exchange as long as it is reasonably secure.

Also is it best to scan the Q code (left side - WIF) or use 'Private Key Hexadecimal Format' OR 'Private Key Base64'?
Is it ok to use the android app 'dash wallet'?

I don't care which wallet I use for the purpose of getting my dash to an online exchange as long as it is reasonably secure.

Sure, that wallet is fine to use.

Also is it best to scan the Q code (left side - WIF) or use 'Private Key Hexadecimal Format' OR 'Private Key Base64'?

Doesn't matter, they're the same number.
i have some problem how can i withdraw my dash paper wallet to jaxx or other online wallet who accept paper wallet i need btc now instantly can someone guide me
until the recent JAXX recent "Liberty" new version, I think all previous JAXX versions output invalid DASH keys, (i.e. not complying with any of the 5 valid DASH priv key formats. So you can't use older priv keys or paper wallets to recover your dash coins. if you lost your jaxx phrases, like I stupidly did, but carefully did retain your jaxx-exported priv keys, you're f'ed. Priv keys do NOT round trip in JAXX, until the new July Liberty beta version. Quite negligent sw development in their export. BTW - BTC priv exported from JAXX priv key DID work for recovery in other wallet (Exodus), so it's def a bad formatted, non-compliant DASH format they exported. 4 other coins were badly exported from JAXX as well. Shame on programmer and QA engr (or no QA was done) who worked on JAXX export function.
until the recent JAXX recent "Liberty" new version, I think all previous JAXX versions output invalid DASH keys, (i.e. not complying with any of the 5 valid DASH priv key formats.

I installed version 1.3.7, one of the oldest github releases, and didn't find anything to suggest anybody's f'ed as you say. You may not be able to import those keys into jaxx, but they're the exception. Those keys work everywhere else.
There are 4 coins with Jaxx-buggy-exported-privkey-formats that I've tested/lost funds on - but let's focus on DASH as the illegal export priv-key formatting is so obvious and I've analyzed that behavior the most. Multiple wallets such as Exodus complain that import of the jaxx-exported key is invalid.

I've duplicated the export-priv-key bug in both older and quite recent JAXX pre-Liberty version (been trying every release since a year) with bug showing consistently, AND verified that new Liberty beta version indeed FIXED the DASH-priv-key-export-illegal-formatting bug. It doesn't get much clearer than that, buggy/illegal DASH-format... then export-bug-fixed. Unfortunately, Liberty lacks the paper-wallet-transfer feature so i can't try recovering my DASH that way, and Liberty would have to honor an illegal legacy-exported DASH priv-key format to boot.

I welcome any help in recovering my DASH via somehow algorithmically translating the illegal-formatted-by-JAXX priv-key I got out of Jaxx export, into a legal DASH format (any of the 5 legit DASH formats).

All pre-Liberty JAXX versions AFAIK export DASH priv key with two glaring mistakes. (1st evidence) no leading 'X' char, just illegal L or K leading chars were exported from JAXX, (2nd evidence) not 52 chars -- both are illegal in DASH priv-keys!

DASH valid priv key formats are listed below: JAXX exported DASH keys are non-compliant with any of the 5 formats (until Jaxx Liberty beta)
(vs only 52 char keys exported by JAXX, and invalid leading chars 'L' or 'K' )

• private Key WIF 51 characters base58, starts with a '7' <<< NOT 52 chars!, not 'L' or 'K'

• Private Key WIF Compressed 52 characters base58, starts with a 'X' <<< NOT 52 chars!, not 'L' or 'K'

• Private Key Hexadecimal Format (64 characters [0-9A-F]): <<< NOT the 52 chars that JAXX exported! not 'L' or 'K'

• Private Key Base64 (44 characters): <<< NOT the 52 chars that JAXX exported!

BTW - I've also verified that jaxx exported illegal format DASH keys in several other wallets paper wallet/private key features. Exodus and others. They all return 'invalid format'.
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Putting text in bold doesn't make it truer.
I see a lot of claims and zero data to back it up.

Provide real data or I can't do anything for you.
I'm confused. what do you need to be considered real data? screen shots? publicly post here the private keys exported by Jaxx and Jaxx liberty to prove the differences I cite? other evidence? I thought I was pretty specific about the 2 very discrete differences between Jaxx exported private keys, and the 5 legal DASH formats listed on Please advise how to supply what you consider real data. I'll gladly give a reward for solving my DASH recovery problem.
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