There are 4 coins with Jaxx-buggy-exported-privkey-formats that I've tested/lost funds on - but let's focus on DASH as the illegal export priv-key formatting is so obvious and I've analyzed that behavior the most. Multiple wallets such as Exodus complain that import of the jaxx-exported key is invalid.
I've duplicated the export-priv-key bug in both older and quite recent JAXX pre-Liberty version (been trying every release since a year) with bug showing consistently, AND verified that new Liberty beta version indeed FIXED the DASH-priv-key-export-illegal-formatting bug. It doesn't get much clearer than that, buggy/illegal DASH-format... then export-bug-fixed. Unfortunately, Liberty lacks the paper-wallet-transfer feature so i can't try recovering my DASH that way, and Liberty would have to honor an illegal legacy-exported DASH priv-key format to boot.
I welcome any help in recovering my DASH via somehow algorithmically translating the illegal-formatted-by-JAXX priv-key I got out of Jaxx export, into a legal DASH format (any of the 5 legit DASH formats).
All pre-Liberty JAXX versions AFAIK export DASH priv key with two glaring mistakes. (1st evidence) no leading 'X' char, just illegal L or K leading chars were exported from JAXX, (2nd evidence) not 52 chars -- both are illegal in DASH priv-keys!
DASH valid priv key formats are listed below: JAXX exported DASH keys are non-compliant with any of the 5 formats (until Jaxx Liberty beta)
(vs only 52 char keys exported by JAXX, and invalid leading chars 'L' or 'K' )
• private Key WIF 51 characters base58, starts with a '7' <<< NOT 52 chars!, not 'L' or 'K'
• Private Key WIF Compressed 52 characters base58, starts with a 'X' <<< NOT 52 chars!, not 'L' or 'K'
• Private Key Hexadecimal Format (64 characters [0-9A-F]): <<< NOT the 52 chars that JAXX exported! not 'L' or 'K'
• Private Key Base64 (44 characters): <<< NOT the 52 chars that JAXX exported!
BTW - I've also verified that jaxx exported illegal format DASH keys in several other wallets paper wallet/private key features. Exodus and others. They all return 'invalid format'.