I thought I'd give this a try as well. I was unable to replicate your reported bug in both an older version of Jaxx (1.3.3), the latest version of Jaxx (1.3.18) and in Jaxx Liberty ( All versions returned private keys in the standard 52-character compressed WIF format, starting with X. I was able to send balance, import the privkeys in Dash Core and see the balance imported with no issues at all.
I think what moocowmoo is asking here is to help us understand how you are exporting keys that start with L or K. A partially blurred screenshot and/or a specific version number and platform would be very helpful for us to try and replicate your problem. Until you do so, we have to assume user error or a corrupt Jaxx installation is also a possible explanation for this. Are you sure you aren't looking at the keys for another coin? I'm happy to have a look at the keys for you in PM - several users here can attest to me having helped them in the past with wallet recovery.
I think what moocowmoo is asking here is to help us understand how you are exporting keys that start with L or K. A partially blurred screenshot and/or a specific version number and platform would be very helpful for us to try and replicate your problem. Until you do so, we have to assume user error or a corrupt Jaxx installation is also a possible explanation for this. Are you sure you aren't looking at the keys for another coin? I'm happy to have a look at the keys for you in PM - several users here can attest to me having helped them in the past with wallet recovery.