lynx basically, it's because these guys, though really motivated, want our commitment to them for them to start this project. We can withdraw it at any time, and we will have to withdraw it when the price of Dash makes this too expensive to support, but until then, they feel that if they're going to do this, they want us to show our support. This is the comment from Camo that made me "get it" He wants our commitment to them, and this is how he wants it shown.
"This is an ongoing thing that requires commitment, determination, and persistence. Nobody gets it. So, the vending machine becomes an ex-post-facto pump/dump gimmick and rots on the vine, sitting in my shop reminding me every day not to give that much of myself to people who just plain don't get it."
Like he said, this is ongoing, they're moving on their ideas, discarding those ideas that aren't working out, all with the goal of making a payment system that logs all the information for auditing and managing a store and has the best hardware or existing hardware/software integration. They want to enroll "victims" or merchants willing to experiment with them. They want to then start promoting this payment system. A lot of people don't understand how powerfully alluring Dash is to a merchant that understands. Merchants will offer discounts if you pay in Dash, customers will learn how to use it. It becomes a positive cycle. This is the basic plan, it requires equipment, raw materials to make it look good, and hoofing it around to get victims, that is merchants to work with them.
Solar said he'd submit to questioning on how things are going, and give us updates. They already have a website, where they've posted updates as the soda machine project progressed, they could blog there for us as well. I worked for the City, and I know how limiting rules are, and these guys don't want to be held to arbitrary initial plan ideas that they have to sputter out to satisfy our rules, because they don't mean anything. Not at first at least. They have to throw things out there and see what sticks.
Anyway, I can deal with that. I can see why they want a commitment like this even if it's not realistic that it won't be voted down in a few to 6 months with a request to resubmit a lower Dash amount (because I expect ever hopefully that Dash's price will skyrocket, LOL). I'm willing to show I'm supportive.
They've stated that they do not want to make money off of this, just keep their out of pocket costs down. They will make all their code open source, and expect companies to pop up and integrate this code into their machines. That's the final goal, to have something that others can adopt and exponentially grow. I think everyone keeps thinking that crypto is still such a hard sell, it's not, not at all. We kind of all have a residual "Bitcoin mentality" but that's only because Bitcoin doesn't work, and everyone has known this for many years now. Dash works. Dash works now, and it'll work even better with Evolution