How about this. A late fee and terminal consequence. If carrot won't make you get off your asses, how about a little stick?
This machine has been in my life for over a month, but I'll just call it a month. It's not worth a damn thing if it's not getting seen.
We'll see what the community really thinks of DASH. No more words. Actions. Shut your stupid cock holsters, kick off your high heels, and do something.
I'm charging $10/day for storage. Starting today.
After 60 days of non-payment, it goes to the county landfill.
Someone will give me the name and address of a retail establishment who wants to have it. They will provide, also, their own name and address, as the party responsible for maintaining the arrangement, dealing with guvcrap, stocking, promotion, etc.
Most vending machine sales do not include delivery. Which is usually $100 for 50 miles. Beyond that, it's not done at all. Since I'm a really, really nice guy I'll deliver it anywhere within 250 miles for FREE.
So, that's 90 days total for the DASH community to step up and do something useful. Get out of your mommy's basement, put on your only remaining clean Che Guevara shirt, and do just one little thing, just one person. Forget about the proposal. It's not on the table anymore. This is about Proof of Maturity. I want to see just one fuckin' person do something other than bicker about shit they don't know anything about. Put your actions where your beliefs supposedly are. If DASH is so great, why can't even one person plant this sucker where it belongs? It's not even about the proposal anymore. I down-voted it with my own nodes. This is about intolerable hypocrisy, laziness and good old-fashioned bullshit.
If you really believe even one word you've ever spoken in favor of DASH, now is the time to shut the fuck up and make your move. There are consequences to sitting on your ass doing nothing, whining endlessly about what you think you know, but don't. If this machine ends up in the landfill, you're the ones who put it there, and it's a fitting end.
Grow up you useless pussies!