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  1. Schnuppdog

    Pre-proposal – Add Dash for trading in Colibit (Cryptocurrency Exchange in Venezuela)

    i support this proposal over every marketing proposal. plz try also get and Interview with Tao (theman) or the DASHFORCE News Guys (TRMT) thsis wil help alot yes from me if you do that
  2. Schnuppdog

    Pre-Proposal: Coinfirm Trudatum

    i would vote Abstain if i dont have a prefferance but..... No Video, no Faces and only 5 Days to deside , i think the have to present ther proposal better and this is a clear No for me not an Abstain. i atleast give feedback and i also think that more than half of the proposals are bad btw...
  3. Schnuppdog

    Pre-Proposal: Coinfirm Trudatum

    1. Im missing a Video here with a good overview of the projekt with faces for that kind of Dash. 2. Bringing in that kind of proposal 5 days befor voting turn ends is also not a good move. Is nice that you talk to Core about your projekt but as a MN Onwer an non nativ english speeking person...
  4. Schnuppdog

    (New Proposal to be submitted) - Merchant Digital Growth Platform for Evolution - (Submitted)

    I agree very confusing. But its the first of his kind we lern every day
  5. Schnuppdog

    Dash sponsorship for largest winter music festival in Canada

    But this Festival is alreddy in December.. not much planing time (tzzzz)
  6. Schnuppdog

    Dash sponsorship for largest winter music festival in Canada

    if you use Festy only Payment then YES other wise no
  7. Schnuppdog

    Proposal for DASH RV Tour.

    We had this kind of proposals like 3 times alredy with no impackt so no from me
  8. Schnuppdog

    Proposal: Dash Conference 2017 (London)

    Flight already booked.....
  9. Schnuppdog

    Proposal: Dash Conference 2017 (London)

    for this kind of DASH i need ot ask : Do MN owerners get a free Ticket ?
  10. Schnuppdog

    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    Hi guys just a Quick update Dash was activatet in my wallet after i contactet Julian and i did buy some Food today in the Store wohooo :D checked and working...
  11. Schnuppdog

    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    After 21 days the card arrived here with me in Austria/Österreich Cant test it because Dash is not working on it. I will not use Btc because is going for a lookdown during the splitt in 1 week time yay
  12. Schnuppdog

    Pre-proposal: Support Lietuvos Rytas Basketball team for publicity

    Alt36 is a projekt for a soulution do fill a need for fixing a problem that need to be fixed ASAP maybe with help of dash this is in my eyes a good try and worth a shot. Sponcering any kind of Sports/Team Basketball, Baseball, Football, E-Sports, etc. in this stage of the projekt is burning...
  13. Schnuppdog

    Pre-proposal: Support Lietuvos Rytas Basketball team for publicity

    i think right now its a waist of too much DASH for this in 2-3 Years maybe DASH is not readdy for this yet my 2 Cents..
  14. Schnuppdog

    Dash @ Digital Finance Conference 2017 Frankfurt, Germany

    Same here got my Yes vote i think we need more Arwarness in the german Speaking part of the wolrd for DASH
  15. Schnuppdog

    Contacted by FBI

    ty for sharing ths this is a nice importent info
  16. Schnuppdog

    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    I ordert the Card 2 weeks ago with normal shiping today i resived a mail that the card is on the way 10-20 buissnes days. But im fine with that im not in a rush. Till then i hope the have Dash in the card and i can buy my Schnitzel mit Pommes with Dash. TIll then i enjoy my days and looking...
  17. Schnuppdog

    Development - Proposal Progress - Integration

    Hi guys, Im agreeing we have to many platforms were get news and updates, Slack, Dash Forums, DashCentral, Twitter, Dashforcenews, and so on. Right now i got time for this madness but its about time to fix that no one can keep up with that. To get a roadmap plan for the next ~5 years will also...
  18. Schnuppdog

    May 2017 - Dash Core Team Monthly Report

    Ty for the Update