Dash @ Digital Finance Conference 2017 Frankfurt, Germany


Proposal name:

Dash @ Digital Finance Conference 2017 Frankfurt, Germany

Date: November 13th 2017


gobject vote-many 7dea292747c7ff08f8e93c9abfed9b443d8066f707f2806e6738a0a05edfc226 funding yes


Dash as Main Sponsor of the Digital Finance Conference 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany

This is who I am:

My name is Fabio Bossi, aka Macno on Bitcointalk and Dash Nation and Cowan on the Dash.org forum. I am a former fund manager from Germany who is into Crypto since 2011. I discovered Dash in April of 2014 and started following it and blogging about it:



These are my current Dash-Projects:

About two weeks ago, I started the German Dash Force News Section in cooperation with Mark Mason (aka @nibiruhybrid) and translated the website with my friend and colleague Jan Heinrich Meyer (aka @essra). Now we are translating the Dash Force News articles on an ongoing base and started to manage the social media channels:





This is what this proposal is about:

I recently got a call from Thorsten Pörschmann (https://www.xing.com/profile/Thorsten_Poerschmann), a good friend of mine from my fund management days, now working for one of the leading german financial information companies, Drescher & Cie (https://drescher-cie.de/). Thorsten is one of the very few former colleagues who took Bitcoin seriously from early on and is now responsible for everything Fintech at Drescher. He recently appeared in two podcasts of the german Digital Business magazine T3N:

http://t3n.de/news/investieren-in-ethereum-bitcoin-835541/ (Cryptoinvestments in general)

http://t3n.de/news/icos-token-sale-startup-finanzierung-3-838898/ (ICOs)

He told me about a high level Digital Finance conference he is organizing and asked me whether I knew a possible speaker from the Cryptocurrency Industry. I told him about the Dash-DAO and a possible sponsorship. We both agreed this would flabbergast the german financial industry.

So I organized a meeting yesterday in Hamburg, with Thorsten Pörschmann, Jan Heinrich Meyer and Tungfa (Dash Core), to discuss the idea. We all agreed that the project would have an enormous impact and will increase the awareness and reputation of Dash in the german finance industry to a level no other cryptocurrency has at the moment.

These are the conference-facts:

Name: Digital Finance Conference 2017

Venue: Museum of Communication || Frankurt Germany || http://www.mfk-frankfurt.de/

Date: November 13th 2017 || 9 am to 4:45 pm

Host: Drescher & Cie Consult || https://drescher-cie.de/

Attendees: 150 managers of major german asset management companies

This is what we can get out of the conference for Dash:

- 1h slot for a presentation of Dash in front of 150 managers of major german asset management companies

- Dash-Logo in invitation mail (17.000 contacts)

- Dash-Logo on event-ticket

- Dash-Infoflyer on every seat of the Venue

- Professional video-recording of the presentation (hosted on https://drescher-cie.de/)

- Video-link in follow-up e-mail (17.000 contacts)

- Dash-Booth in the conference foyer (workshop)

This is what we need to do this (budget):

150 Dash for: Sponsoring-Fee, Preparation, Travel-Costs, Hotel, Flyer, Roll-Up, Concept (Presentation), Orga Team.

+5 Dash proposal fee re-imbursement


As german native speaker, long time follower of Dash and finance expert, I volunteered to hold the presentation, but maybe we can even arrange a live stream with some Core member.

I don't require any speaker fee, maybe some travelling expenses if the budget allows. All budget will be needed and spent on external and processing costs. All details, an agenda plus an open calculation will be published here soon.

Since Drescher & Cie needs our commitment within August, we need a general GO on the budget as soon as possible to get the project on track.

A regular update on our work is a matter of course.

Please also have a look on the other events of Drescher & Cie:






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Same here got my Yes vote i think we need more Arwarness in the german Speaking part of the wolrd for DASH
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I'm very much in support of this... If only for brand awareness on its own. Great proposal...
Sounds like a solid proposal. I've seen you around Dash Nation, so I know you love Dash. If you and @tungfa think it's a great idea, let's do it.

You have my votes. Good luck! :)

tx for the feedback on this
yes i met the whole german gang in Hamburg and helped to give my input in this

i think this is a great idea and as we have not done much in the german speaking market so far , this is a great opportunity to start out Dash efforts straight up in the financial heard of germany
(am super excited about this tbh - i know cowan since a long time through the forums , he was our main german news outlet / cointelegraph for a long time and would be a great present or for this event)

tx for spearheading this
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Quick Update:

Just paid the first bill, a full page add for the Conference in the Magazine Smart Investor for EUR 3451 via Bitwa.la at this address:

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Folks, I have the following problem:
I wanted to pay the Sponsoring bill of about 18K EUR via Bitwa.la too, to avoid any conversions on my private accounts. Unfortunately the Shapeshift Limit for DASH is far too low (around 13 DASH yesterday). I could convert DASH to BTC and pay with BTC through Bitwala, but that kind of sucks.
Any ideas? Maybe a EUR whale who wants to pay the Bill for the DAO and I send him the DASH?
I talked with Drescher and they are fine with multiple payments.
From Bitwa.la.:

Bank Transfer of €4000 to Drescher & Cie GmbHWaiting for confirmed payment
  • Recipient name: Drescher Cie GmbH
  • Reference: RG 170141 DASH DAO Teilzahlung 1
  • Account: Bank account number hidden
  • Estimated time of arrival: Monday 16th

Paid 13.85445835 Dash to XtfydYh1M5dYWhYqJMWxuduTYGqU6Lak4n for that.
Next payment:

Bank Transfer of €4000 to Drescher & Cie GmbHWaiting for confirmed payment
  • Recipient name: Drescher Cie GmbH
  • Reference: RG 170141 DASH DAO Teilzahlung 2
  • Account: Bank account number hidden
  • Estimated time of arrival: Wednesday 25th

15.97729615 paid to XwvAkbj7EKfjLAkturUHFJSLSgM4pQREd3
Bank Transfer of €4000 to Drescher & Cie GmbHWaiting for confirmed payment
  • Recipient name: Drescher Cie GmbH
  • Reference: RG 170141 DASH DAO Teilzahlung 3
  • Account: Bank account number hidden
  • Estimated time of arrival: Tuesday 31st

16.58473186 sent to Xdcvman9Vz7sudLuB1YwzMZSxrbTLUhmW6
