This is the Dash Forum, devoted to all things DASH, a privacy-centric digital currency. I wonder where can I find that "Dash Nation community" you keep talking about?
I wanted to post a mini-essay about nations, rather nation states, that were throughout the history sent men to kill and to be killed, imposed taxes or sanctions on others, pillaged, ravaged and were forcing their religion by superimposing the religion of others etc. and I also wanted to state that the world of P2P economy has to transcendent the old nation states that are source of so many pains humanity suffers. James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg in their book
The Sovereign Individual put it succinctly: "We know what happened to organized religion in the wake of the gunpowder revolution. Technological developments created strong incentives to downsize religious institutions and lower their costs. A similar technological revolution is destined to downsize radically the nation-state early in the new millennium."
Digital currency, such as DASH, encapsulates idea of P2P --
decentralized -- economy,
decentralized democracy; it represents the very
transcendence of national and state boundaries, it is the embodiment of
globalized relations of commerce and information in between
individuals i.e. peers. And you want to ram down our collective throats that ridiculous notion of some imaginary "nation" mirroring the very idea that needs to be decentralized? To whom I am paying the taxes in that "nation" of yours so it can have the money to function? Who do we invade next, as your "nation," since now we have funds to create an army? How much does it cost to get the passport of your "nation"?
As you know
@TaoOfSatoshi - I admire you and your efforts. You do not ask for a permission. You have been a great ambassador for Dash since the Darkcoin times. But I, as the free individual who dreams of the border-less, nation-less, state-less (funnily enough, I myself am stateless due to the nature of my political asylum) world in which the true power, the true freedom, the true humanity lies in each of us as individuals that are free to go, work, associate, pay, love whomever they want wherever they want, without having to ask for a permission of the state (to travel, to marry, to exchange good and services...) am getting nauseated if someone imposes every single action of every single individual involved with Dash as an achievement of that imaginary "nation" of yours. I do not pledge my allegiance to your fiefdom ("nation"), sorry.
And I am sure a bunch of free individuals all over the world, some of them living in nation states under the tyrannical boots of some other nation states occupying it, feel the same.
You put tireless energy into your efforts and that's commendable. But your efforts, when that endless, nauseating "ramming down our collective throats" of the "nation" you seem to have "founded" are dividing us by a tiny crack here and another tiny crack there. A small wonder they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Your efforts remind me of a great scene in a cute little movie, ONCE AROUND, directed by Lasse Hallstrom. Richard Dreyfuss plays Sam Sharpe, a loudmouth, rich guy with a great heart. He's obnoxious but well-intentioned. Alas, in that scene, after Sam had created a bedlam by just being who he is, always generous and free as they come but inconsiderate and unaware of the harm he's doing, the great Danny Aiello, who played the father of Sam's young wife, forcefully slams his fist on the table and yells, "Stop! Stop it! You are tearing us apart."
No matter the good intentions, if they are dictatorial in nature, not sensitive to the others as they impose their own "ideas," "values" and, "nations" if you wish, are simply counterproductive.
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Just a day or so ago on
I think we need to wait on the constitution/nation building effort.
Cool. I agree.
Let's grow a bit first.