V12 Testing Thread

Is anyone having trouble keeping masternodes online? I saw 20 masternodes drop off the network a bit ago, but I haven't had any trouble myself.
Those 20 MNs were probably mine... I've been testing "start-many" MNs for the new masternode cloud service, many of those nodes were actually dropped by the service because I didn't bring them up online in time after the registration, and I didn't know until scratchy told me the other day. I kept getting the nodes started and they even got paid, but just for about an hour or so and they dropped. I guess it's Testnet so they got paid but this wouldn't happen on Mainnet?

I'm going to keep these nodes offline for now, and only use the nodes that are still registered with the cloud service.
UdjinM6 eduffield

Mix test, start:9:40 - stop:16:20 = total time: 6h 20min.
Win7 x64, Dash v0.12.0.24-e6327e5 32bit.
Fresh new wallet.
Amount & Rounds: 400 / 2.
Completion: 99%, DSBalance: 390.50 tDASH.

Note: Collateral payments: 13 !!!
I think collaterals are very high.
Debug.log 1.72 Mb, available if needed.


UdjinM6 eduffield

Mix test, start:9:40 - stop:16:20 = total time: 6h 20min.
Win7 x64, Dash v0.12.0.24-e6327e5 32bit.
Fresh new wallet.
Amount & Rounds: 400 / 2.
Completion: 99%, DSBalance: 390.50 tDASH.

Note: Collateral payments: 13 !!!
I think collaterals are very high.
Debug.log 1.72 Mb, available if needed.


However mixing results on testnet can't be directly compared to mainnet - only 2 participants here instead of 3 on mainnet so mixing can take longer on mainnet. BUT we have forks so mixing could be a bit faster.
I also wonder if that result is reproducible at all. Would be interesting to see different people mix same amount/rounds. Going to try myself too.

As for the fees - I don't think they are high at all. Compare to this:
Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 17.06.06.png

However mixing results on testnet can't be directly compared to mainnet - only 2 participants here instead of 3 on mainnet so mixing can take longer on mainnet. BUT we have forks so mixing could be a bit faster.
I also wonder if that result is reproducible at all. Would be interesting to see different people mix same amount/rounds. Going to try myself too.

As for the fees - I don't think they are high at all. Compare to this:
View attachment 1617

I am not worrying total amount of the collaterals, but row count.
I have tested mixing last 3 weeks period few times, and every time there is lots of collaterals,
and i also noted that finishing mixing is very hard, i feel it get slow when its near to end.
v11 in the main net mixes more without collaterals.

Do you want debug.log?
I am not worrying total amount of the collaterals, but row count.
I have tested mixing last 3 weeks period few times, and every time there is lots of collaterals,
and i also noted that finishing mixing is very hard, i feel it get slow when its near to end.
v11 in the main net mixes more without collaterals.
Well, how many "Darksend Denominate" transactions are there at the same period of time? Would be interesting to see the ratio you hit collateral payment at...
Another interesting question is how much have you payed for "Create Denominations" and "Make Collaterals".

Do you want debug.log?
Nope, I don't see anything wrong here yet :smile:
Well, how many "Darksend Denominate" transactions are there at the same period of time? Would be interesting to see the ratio you hit collateral payment at...
Another interesting question is how much have you payed for "Create Denominations" and "Make Collaterals".
All transactions for my test.
Say, for joining testnet, do I have to add testnet=1 in de conf file?
Yes, or to shortcut -testnet
My win shortcut example: F:\Dash_testing\dash-qt.exe -datadir=F:\Dash_testing -testnet -listen=0 -windowtitle="Testwallet 1"
:smile: its combined from 2 pics.
Talking seriously - works more or less as designed - fees are low but charged more often. That should slightly help to de-incentivize MNs from collecting collaterals for specific miner.
Talking seriously - works more or less as designed - fees are low but charged more often. That should slightly help to de-incentivize MNs from collecting collaterals for specific miner.
Ok, good to know, we will see how it works in the mainnet, time will tell.
UdjinM6 - So now when we do "masternode winners" on testnet, we see something like this:

masternode winners


"86923" : "yB4b1XP2mUGVsdiijCkFLqjWjGC4RugcDK:6, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:1, xzSFBjT3SrD1Pbc2DaNjkbGjBFwr2UVHrL:1, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:2",
"86924" : "y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:4, yCHY8GsnjCywegtyChLrja9nYgwxykMPfA:4, y68fqTXyYD2YsKEVboXJn1zzpQG2DeLyB8:1, yKmVKTNqCKUNCReMj6b5ZroDCs39Gww2xX:1",
"86925" : "yCeqHBWZbX1VwCiVbtvDcUqp7K3QWYdWYA:6, yEzrYaNLEhXrbNrBv9sEQ1tQURb1wM1tU6:1, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:1, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1, yL7WTtehXs7w5wsyqGMpkdESM9W1ejHRvi:1",
"86926" : "y4qp9mrZGYWLQFZdd5dM27ZxmXmBEdFnHc:1, y9CtyuZXrcFiGZ8TLXC9HwsGphQCGBBEqy:1, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1, yEzrYaNLEhXrbNrBv9sEQ1tQURb1wM1tU6:2, yFJdyHshGUecHoziyaYt7Uc3gBwqLYWv6F:2, y68fqTXyYD2YsKEVboXJn1zzpQG2DeLyB8:1, yL7WTtehXs7w5wsyqGMpkdESM9W1ejHRvi:1",
"86927" : "y4frWFASCiTc7v8j53yaLbRWuo5di5RJXh:6, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:1, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:2",
"86928" : "yL7WTtehXs7w5wsyqGMpkdESM9W1ejHRvi:4, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1, y9CtyuZXrcFiGZ8TLXC9HwsGphQCGBBEqy:1, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:2, yDmmk4AAhHnfEMd9hxaFZjqdJha6ADrHW4:1, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:1",
"86929" : "yG2gsDzjP7hWYUCNesEj15KRSLenM2cUbS:7, y4frWFASCiTc7v8j53yaLbRWuo5di5RJXh:1, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:1, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1",
"86930" : "yHEYRJAH62QfjojDuB9rytzMGsESAZE2ZN:6, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:2, yEzrYaNLEhXrbNrBv9sEQ1tQURb1wM1tU6:1, yL7WTtehXs7w5wsyqGMpkdESM9W1ejHRvi:1",
"86931" : "xw9d7Eibuzzc9ozufqRSnYFZpTBynNVdtY:4, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:2, xyTjfs9NtjGiLdCmoHhLEV3MG578cNkCbP:1, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:1, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1",
"86932" : "y9By4tkU5QcysrnCGPmpvG9JsM4Akg3KVk:6, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:2, y4qp9mrZGYWLQFZdd5dM27ZxmXmBEdFnHc:1, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:1",
"86933" : "y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:1, yL7WTtehXs7w5wsyqGMpkdESM9W1ejHRvi:1, xzcPSNW3wi6bB4y87GvR9g4AoFaki27LUg:7",
"86934" : "y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:3, y6biXHoMHxehaxJyqFvuMeTULJodzTCv3s:5, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:1, yEzrYaNLEhXrbNrBv9sEQ1tQURb1wM1tU6:1",
"86935" : "yEiY1ZxEYdzXC1L5wSnTrTHVLWdZExbrSb:6, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:1, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:1, yKmVKTNqCKUNCReMj6b5ZroDCs39Gww2xX:1, yCxpc5NcT97cQ4wmDP33CTCizXrBKzprHj:1",
"86936" : "yF9pyFbHknTmQffCw1cgL6BBpauiLmHABC:5, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:3, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:2",
"86937" : "xxQfrQHUrbrFn73JHdMavkr5fv9tqnms1k:6, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:2, yDmmk4AAhHnfEMd9hxaFZjqdJha6ADrHW4:1",
"86938" : "xzqq1ypEctfddFJLnUUxKMnvhCTwzzhUAD:5, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:1, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1, yDmmk4AAhHnfEMd9hxaFZjqdJha6ADrHW4:1, yKmVKTNqCKUNCReMj6b5ZroDCs39Gww2xX:1",
"86939" : "yHEYRJAH62QfjojDuB9rytzMGsESAZE2ZN:1, yGoBkgXBoRVsxQS5oYPTQpS8yPT5o3UXPq:3, y68fqTXyYD2YsKEVboXJn1zzpQG2DeLyB8:1, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:2, xzSFBjT3SrD1Pbc2DaNjkbGjBFwr2UVHrL:1, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1, yEzrYaNLEhXrbNrBv9sEQ1tQURb1wM1tU6:1",
"86940" : "xw9d7Eibuzzc9ozufqRSnYFZpTBynNVdtY:2, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:2, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:2, yEzrYaNLEhXrbNrBv9sEQ1tQURb1wM1tU6:1, xwishhdYnJQ5TcuwgkaF8DwLGxGnQ8JKLV:3",
"86941" : "y1PDQEfrUJezsWafUcweiv7tAXAdrAtxcw:4, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:3, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:2, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1",
"86942" : "y3zLnTx7a1CBkZiFZ87oicTpoHwPzxn7PP:4, xyoxmhKVAeHm4Kdtke7wvQJETt2W2KfGxQ:1, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:1, xzSFBjT3SrD1Pbc2DaNjkbGjBFwr2UVHrL:1, yCovUCFordkbagqTuh4crRoz7fFa6r4M65:1, yHSQd8JKQmhsYr4qqfstAGdpbszfDXoiV4:1, y68fqTXyYD2YsKEVboXJn1zzpQG2DeLyB8:1",
"86943" : "y6biXHoMHxehaxJyqFvuMeTULJodzTCv3s:2, yDC7vUu2iYRwFRAhfpp5T15diCgAHcix6z:6, yDmmk4AAhHnfEMd9hxaFZjqdJha6ADrHW4:1, y5z7cKVFkE1zkSZnMcXyCFtAyEHwhsFzGN:1",
"86944" : "Unknown",
"86945" : "Unknown",
"86946" : "Unknown",
"86947" : "Unknown",
"86948" : "Unknown",
"86949" : "Unknown",
"86950" : "Unknown",
"86951" : "Unknown",
"86952" : "Unknown"
Is this a normal list of masternode winners and we'll see something similar on mainnet?
from block "86923" : we have:

It means these got voted by all masternodes online and yB4b1XP2mUGVsdiijCkFLqjWjGC4RugcDK has the most votes (6) so it's the winner of this block?