V12.1 Testnet Launch Thread

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Thinking out loud here: Perhaps it would be a good idea to make PrivateSend mixing automatic and "opt out" as opposed to "opt in" so that users will generally have a balance of mixed funds and drastically increase mixing speed because of an increased level of participation. This idea has the added value of making privatesend more transparent, and should be relatively simple to implement.



Newbie thoughts... Seems to me all coins are not equal.
The marketplace seems to be particularly volatile at the moment...
I have no clue how mixing is accomplished, yet if random alternates were selected by algorythm, within seconds, a shortcoming could appear within the market leaving the maker on the short end of the deal ??? Is this correct ? Or is mixing done within the same coin ?
Of course I have much to learn ! Is there something specific I need to review on this subject to come up to speed ?

Fible, is there any particular exchange you might advise for a newbie to watch altcoins for point spread ?
Or some place in particular I might ask questions about this ?
I'm also interested in hardware & software for implementing this so I may learn more about how the market changes...

Tnx !
Newbie thoughts... Seems to me all coins are not equal.
The marketplace seems to be particularly volatile at the moment...
I have no clue how mixing is accomplished, yet if random alternates were selected by algorythm, within seconds, a shortcoming could appear within the market leaving the maker on the short end of the deal ??? Is this correct ? Or is mixing done within the same coin ?
Of course I have much to learn ! Is there something specific I need to review on this subject to come up to speed ?

Fible, is there any particular exchange you might advise for a newbie to watch altcoins for point spread ?
Or some place in particular I might ask questions about this ?
I'm also interested in hardware & software for implementing this so I may learn more about how the market changes...

Tnx !

Hey :),
I'm not sure I get your question. Dash mixes with other denominated inputs from other Dash wallets currently mixing hence the idea is you can't tell who in the pool owns which outputs. Does that answer your question?

If you want to learn the basics, read the Free book in my signature, been getting pretty great reviews. Also, picking an exchange is very tricky, I hesitate to give you a name but I'll give it a go. For Dash/BTC I watch Poloniex, and then for the BTC/USD trade price, I watch Bitstamp. You can code this into a spreadsheet so you don't have to do it by hand but this will give you the most accurate rate for Dash from the most accurate markets; I take issue with a lot of pricing sites out there who use other sources that are less liquid. Please keep in mind that exchanges are inherently dangerous and you should do your own due diligence before using any of their features.

Let me know if you need any help.

Thank you fible !
I do not even know the right questions to ask !! :)

I shall do as you suggest, and read the booklet in your signature.
Thank you,

I have 100.00% completion with privatesend. Why is there option to start-mixing still available? It can be confusing to newbies.

lol such is the nature of Newbie ! and most of us almost refuse to review documentation in detail before muddling more advanced threads !
I am surely guilty of doing so...

So much to learn !

Thanks to all who contribute to dialogue within the various threads. It helps people like me to come closer to understanding the potential of DASH.

"version": 120100,
"protocolversion": 70200,
"walletversion": 61000,
"balance": 0.00000000,
"privatesend_balance": 0.00000000,
"blocks": 13855,
"timeoffset": 0,
"connections": 4,
"proxy": "",
"difficulty": 0.002238138939403212,
"testnet": true,
"keypoololdest": 1464020135,
"keypoolsize": 1001,
"paytxfee": 0.00000000,
"relayfee": 0.00010000,
"errors": "WARNING: check your network connection, 0 blocks received in the last 1 hours (24 expected)"
"version": 120100,
"protocolversion": 70200,
"walletversion": 61000,
"balance": 0.00000000,
"privatesend_balance": 0.00000000,
"blocks": 13855,
"timeoffset": 0,
"connections": 4,
"proxy": "",
"difficulty": 0.002238138939403212,
"testnet": true,
"keypoololdest": 1464020135,
"keypoolsize": 1001,
"paytxfee": 0.00000000,
"relayfee": 0.00010000,
"errors": "WARNING: check your network connection, 0 blocks received in the last 1 hours (24 expected)"
I guess you are on the wrong chain - what does

getblockhash 13956
return for you?

It should be
- otherwise you are forked.
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Come back in 10mins :)

Testnet Agenda

We’re opening testing to the public and are going to be testing everything in the following order:

•Phase 1: Configuration / Syncing / Message Propagation

•Phase 2: Normal Network Functionality (DS/IX)

•Phase 3: Masternode Trezor Support

•Phase 4: Enhanced Budget System | Sentinel

•Phase 5: Pre-launch

•Phase 6: Launch

Windows 10, 64bit, version v0.12.1.0-fb1ffde

Looks like you guys nailed phase 1 and most of phase 2
I haven't tested InstantSend (IS) or PrivacySend (PS) yet, but Privacy Mixing (PM) in multisession mode is working very well without any conflicted transactions so far
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