v0.10.9.x Help test RC2 forking issues

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Yeah of course that's how it's done now. But non of these steps requires (theoretically) the wallet with the 1000Drk to be online. The blockchain knows wheter the funds have been moved or not! The signing of the funds to the ip must be stored in the network then there will be no need for the wallet fund to br online!

So I've already implemented half of what I need for cold storage of the masternode funds. That secondary key that's in the config will be shared between the cold and hot daemon.
Explorer seems to be stuck at Block 14344 since 24hours
Whereas http://tdrk.poolhash.org/ is at 14872 - same as my nodes
Isn't supposed to be the checkpoint master? Is just abe output incorrect or is the daemon really stuck?

In the meantime voting system has reached equilibrium again - seems each update to masternodes takes some time to propagate through the network :smile:

Blockheight    Pubkey    Votes
14867    fQ8f51bZQ1NaQ7H1q2m5iSbKWVWKGd2b9    6
14868    esmt4Uw9ZH3UyvtxiKqZe4RCR77VHBK8o    5
14869    gCkN5y3FYXn7ZjcVhHLLsa726qDHTpMpA    4
14870    RwR5f5bwbcUTuwhA7yTYuC7yYxJTS2BpP    3
14871    TJq8ec6initP2SJqr5Ymi2wfi4kbypXR4    2
14872    ZjyiAjbn2UHVq2zoCguPcT1pGLZhH6BkW    1

The checkpointer was up-to-date but the block explorer was stuck on a block it couldn't read. I'm not sure why, maybe corruption. I'm resyncing the blockchain.
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So I've already implemented half of what I need for cold storage of the masternode funds. That secondary key that's in the config will be shared between the cold and hot daemon.

THIS is what will rocket-fuel the Masternode eco-system!! Thank you !!!
So I've already implemented half of what I need for cold storage of the masternode funds. That secondary key that's in the config will be shared between the cold and hot daemon..

please please make this happen

BTW: What is the expected TTL for a offline MN to be removed from the list? I stopped one of my nodes ( 40 minutes ago, but it is still in the list and marked as active ':1' --> http://tdrk.poolhash.org/blocks/masterlist.txt

I think it's 65min ?.

Sent. Enjoy :smile:
Masternode is setup and running, this is the result of getinfo

    "version" : 100904,
    "protocolversion" : 70015,
    "walletversion" : 60000,
    "balance" : 1000.00000000,
    "blocks" : 15102,
    "timeoffset" : 0,
    "connections" : 8,
    "proxy" : "",
    "difficulty" : 0.34583113,
    "testnet" : true,
    "keypoololdest" : 1402070774,
    "keypoolsize" : 99,
    "paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
    "mininput" : 0.00001000,
    "unlocked_until" : 0,
    "errors" : ""

Is there anything I can check?
*** PLEASE UPDATE TO 9.5.5 OR 10.9.5 **

This update fixes the rest of the ghost masternode issue. The code wasn't properly marking masternodes that had moved funds. We'll let this run for a day then I'll merge this into masternode and we'll all start updating.

Binaries (stable)

RC3 Binaries ( masternodes )

BTW, the cold masternode code isn't actually that hard to implement and it looks like I've got some spare time now...

Tbh, I don't like the MN cold-storage thing too much. Everyone will start to set up totally insecure out-of-the-box masternodes whixh are a crucial part of the darksend infrastructure.

Tbh, I don't like the MN cold-storage thing too much. Everyone will start to set up totally insecure out-of-the-box masternodes whixh are a crucial part of the darksend infrastructure.

So here's how it will work. I don't think it's possible to have them stolen.

1.) You have a local wallet, setup with masternode=1 and masternodepriv=KEY
2.) You have a remote machine that will contain NO darkcoin. It also has masternode=1 and masternodepriv=KEY.
3.) You start the masternode locally
4.) The remote masternode will see it's key and realize it's been turned on, it will take over all of the pinging and everything else that needs to happen.
5.) Turn off the local wallet, disconnect from the internet

If you get the masternode to turn on successfully, I'm not sure how someone can mess that up.

Tbh, I don't like the MN cold-storage thing too much. Everyone will start to set up totally insecure out-of-the-box masternodes whixh are a crucial part of the darksend infrastructure.
People will do that anyway, one guy already lost his DRK because of sloppy security. At least this way, the worst that can happen is your MN gets taken down temporarily, you wont lose your 1000 DRK, and cold storage will mean more people running MNs as it's less risk.

More MNs = stronger network. (Well, up to a point perhaps.)
So here's how it will work. I don't think it's possible to have them stolen.

1.) You have a local wallet, setup with masternode=1 and masternodepriv=KEY
2.) You have a remote machine that will contain NO darkcoin. It also has masternode=1 and masternodepriv=KEY.
3.) You start the masternode locally
4.) The remote masternode will see it's key and realize it's been turned on, it will take over all of the pinging and everything else that needs to happen.
5.) Turn off the local wallet, disconnect from the internet

If you get the masternode to turn on successfully, I'm not sure how someone can mess that up.

This also creates no incentive for someone to break into the remote server. Well done.

Tbh, I don't like the MN cold-storage thing too much. Everyone will start to set up totally insecure out-of-the-box masternodes whixh are a crucial part of the darksend infrastructure.
I think you're more concerned that the masternodes will be hacked/DDOS'd etc... messing up the network. But if that happens, the Masternode owner will lose out on getting paid, and I think that's enough incentive to protect your node. Also, with the nodes off line, it's less likely people will be trying to hack into the systems to steal coin, it's going to be more of DDOS attacks we have to worry about. In which case, again, there is plenty of incentive to protect your masternodes so you can get paid :)

BTW, my masternodes are currently on an older version because I'm a bit busy and I want to finish setting up my remote system. I'm hoping they're just as usefull this way so that you all can see if they're messing things up. I'd like to figure out real ways to mess the system up, see if I can give a hiccup, help make it more robust!

It seems I'm still getting paid though....
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This was the other half of the ghost masternode problem, which I just uploaded the fix for!

Thanks! And sorry for hitting a 'known issue' here. Did you consider using a bugtracker instead of forum threads? Would make life easier for the dev team - and me not reporting know issues :wink:

Updated my nodes to v0.10.9.5 now and will let the network settle down a bit before doing further tests.
I got v0.10.9.6 at the moment (just updated because I'm not getting my machines up and running...yet. Too much to do!
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