v0.10.5.x Masternode Payments Testing (RC2)

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Reporting my masternode is working perfect. Coins are rolling in. But something funny is happening. My masternode's IP is not listed.
I have 6 connections, but masternode count is 5. EC2 instance public IP is 54.xx.xx.204. It should be there right?

ubuntu@ip-172-31-23-208:~$ darkcoind masternode count
ubuntu@ip-172-31-23-208:~$ darkcoind masternode list
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 1
ubuntu@ip-172-31-23-208:~$ darkcoind getinfo
"version" : 100602,
"protocolversion" : 70014,
"walletversion" : 60000,
"balance" : 6044.00000000,
"blocks" : 2993,
"timeoffset" : 0,
"connections" : 6,
"proxy" : "",
"difficulty" : 0.00024414,
"testnet" : true,
"keypoololdest" : 1398979431,
"keypoolsize" : 99,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00001000,
"unlocked_until" : 0,
"errors" : ""
Hello all, I'm trying a setup of darkcoin masternode. Can someone send me 1000 testnet DRK to this address: mrYXLTwjHeGSsXEGZ34YqjaGzKMaUurptw ?

thanks in advance!
thanks: up and running (I hope^^) :
darkcoind masternode list
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1

(my IP is the first)
I see it here too! Cool !

Is there a way to predict payouts/voting system?
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Please send me 5000 coin to test the masternode function.

My wallet on testnode: mo2n3e4hXkRnAwckZ6Tj4tLL4gXWBNMumR

Thank you!
Possible bug.

In my config file, I'm able to set the masternodeaddr=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9999 as whatever, even if I don't have a daemon running on the IP. The masternode starts successfully, and lists the pseudo IP address under masternode list.
Solo mining testnet. Trashed testnet3 without backing up wallet... I know I know... :D

this is not address 0, so please send a nice chunk so I can distribute via IRC if necessary. Lots of new people this weekend
Thanks Tante!
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Hummm, see that's why I'm worried. Even when I've had both my darkcoind instances turned off, I would still see my ip address. So I'm nervous because it seems that there is no way to tell if our masternodes are functioning correctly or not. It probably isn't going to actually function as a Masternode, though it's on the list, unless there is a darkcoind instance running there. Can't Evan implement a voting search function like he did for testnet so we can see if we're getting votes? Hummmmm
Solo mining testnet. Trashed testnet3 without backing up wallet... I know I know... :D

this is not address 0, so please send a nice chunk so I can distribute via IRC if necessary. Lots of new people this weekend

Solo mining testnet. Trashed testnet3 without backing up wallet... I know I know... :D

this is not address 0, so please send a nice chunk so I can distribute via IRC if necessary. Lots of new people this weekend

K, just a second!
Can't Evan implement a voting search function like he did for testnet so we can see if we're getting votes? Hummmmm

I knew I wasnt nuts!! ... yes, this is a must for Masternode Operators ... hmmm, liking that title, very manly and empowering ... ;)
Anyway, Tante, how about doing masternode=0 and firing up the daemon just the same? It could send out "switch off" signal to the network?

Thanks for the coins! Holy cow 50K :)
Live Long and prosper, you are now rich, LOL

Tried to trick my hubby that those coins were real, almost got him, LOL
I knew I wasnt nuts!! ... yes, this is a must for Masternode Operators ... hmmm, liking that title, very manly and empowering ... ;)
Anyway, Tante, how about doing masternode=0 and firing up the daemon just the same? It could send out "switch off" signal to the network?

Thanks for the coins! Holy cow 50K :)
I'm not understanding? What happens when you do masternode-0? You mean when i start it on the local wallet? So to get the extra instances of my ip address off, I can do masternode=0 and get them off? That sounds like a plan! I think I'm good right now. Only once on the list at the moment, I think because of the update :)
Goddamit!! Fresh install of 0.7.2 - not capable masternode... Everytime I eventuallu manage to fix it, devs call for an update loool

Running! Now it would be great to learn how to monitor the voting system. Yesterday I had like 5 hours without payout, then we all had to upgrade again, so dont know how soon to expect.
Right now listing masternode, I see 4 on local (including mine) and 3 on remote (excluding mine)
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./darkcoind masternode list

    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1

My masternode is the 3rd one: ""

I am monitoring the debug.log closely but in 4 hours (~100 blocks), mine has not been elected once. Winners only = [0, 1, 3].

Is there any special reason for this? I dont think I am in this bad luck (<1%), so it could be something wrong in my client side or in electing hash function.

Please advise!
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