God dammit... 3 days straight, doing nothing else with my life except trying to get this running.
donho and Lariondos have been helping through chat, but nothing goes! I am a linux noob, but can follow instruction like the best trained monkey on planet earth.
First, EC2 only has Ubuntu 14.04, no more 12.04. Tried every single region.
First time ssh into instance gives me this warning
so as suggested I ran the fixes, one works, the other doesn't
On chaeplin's RC1 guide, skipping the compile of course, straight to wget RC2 (update, upgrade, swap, dependancies) , step 6 - I get this error
apparently you can't "edit" in ubuntu 14.04, so I used nano which works ok...
HERE is where everyone's at lost. Even jumping through hoops...
seems to be a locale.gen issue, which I did address right when I ssh'ed in. Googled like crazy, tried numerous "fixes". Yesterday I managed to get it going, somehow, donho helped, but I did it all from root, which is not a good idea I know... I'd like to get it right! help! have 1.5k ready at testnet pool wallet !
If someone would take the time, I will make a idiot's proof tutorial for RC2 !! I don't want to wait for the AMI image, I want to get dirty and nasty with linux