v0.10.16 - Onyx v2

Anybody have any idea why my MNs are not showing on the MN list? I've updated my MNs to 10.16.15 and I did "masternode start" from local and got "masternode successfully started."
Anybody have any idea why my MNs are not showing on the MN list? I've updated my MNs to 10.16.15 and I did "masternode start" from local and got "masternode successfully started."
MN's do deem to be taking a bit longer to propagate through the network as active with recent versions.
Quick idea (right now I'm at work and can't test this):

When the bad node registers let the other nodes ask THAT IP-address for the corresponding vin (or pubkey or whatever else is easy to access).

  1. it's a honest node -> it will give you the correct answer
  2. it's the bad node -> the 'good' node (which owns the physical address) is connected (we don't talk about IP-spoofing here, don't we?) and gives you the wrong answer (it can't return the bad node's vin/pubkey/etc. because it has no idea what's going on).
No correct answer, node not accepted.
I thought of that kind of checks too. But it's dangerous to ask from other nodes. While dsee propogate EVERY node will ask THAT IP if it's legit. That could lead to DDoS from the network to legit IP.
EDIT: ignore this answer I was wrong - it will not propagate :)
EDIT2: However one can get MN list and send dsee to every MN manually for example and they will ask legit
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I thought of that kind of checks too. But it's dangerous to ask from other nodes. While dsee propogate EVERY node will ask THAT IP if it's legit. That could lead to DDoS from the network to legit IP.
EDIT: ignore this answer I was wrong - it will not propagate :)
EDIT2: However one can get MN list and send dsee to every MN manually for example and they will ask legit

A time-out for the legity responses would take care of this. IP a.b.c.d wants to register but already tried 30 seconds ago -> ignore and keep the Masternode you already have for that IP. No DDoS...
A time-out for the legity responses would take care of this. IP a.b.c.d wants to register but already tried 30 seconds ago -> ignore and keep the Masternode you already have for that IP. No DDoS...
That makes sense... however you can point WHOLE MN network to some IP that is not even a MN.... And run this as many times as you want simply changing target IP... Or even your own... OMG... We are building an ION CANNON!! :grin:
Anybody have any idea why my MNs are not showing on the MN list? I've updated my MNs to 10.16.15 and I did "masternode start" from local and got "masternode successfully started."

Looks like user error on my part...I forgot to update my local darkcoin.exe from 16.6 to 16.15. Whoops! All is well now =)
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That makes sense... however you can point WHOLE MN network to some IP that is not even a MN.... And run this as many times as you want simply changing target IP... Or even your own... OMG... We are building an ION CANNON!! :grin:

I guess if someone successfully fakes lots of Masternodes/IPs he can do this anyway...
That makes sense... however you can point WHOLE MN network to some IP that is not even a MN.... And run this as many times as you want simply changing target IP... Or even your own... OMG... We are building an ION CANNON!! :grin:
Could hide the real MNs in a haystack of fake ones?
I guess if someone successfully fakes lots of Masternodes/IPs he can do this anyway...
Faking MN/IP (i.e. multiple vin on same IP?) gives nothing but few $$ you can save on hosting + you disturbing MN network a little(? should read some code before:)). Right now you gain no control over that MN, you can't force it to send messages to whatever IP you want - it will send only to its connected clients. However it will try to check open port (9999) on target IP even now... Which is not that different from sending "question" you mentioned actually... Hmmm... We probably need more protection from that kind of behavior even now...
Aswan, can you find the origin address of this transaction: d06e7cd0726f693b9133ed2be5505312d9fdfa18f60deb7e7a7d2423ff4b5b25 ?

Or if anyone else can find it, I'll be happy to know. Thanks.
Guess again. :smile:
(This isn't my tx but I was told to ask you guess again, and guess whose this tx is? ) :smile:

Edit: I made the same guess the first time too, but he said it wasn't it. :)

Is this your original address? Xm7tXY6gSmemQp95gtr1D37z5dcP6yE6yV