v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

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I am testing a wallet with 45 tDRK amount to anonymize 5tDRK, if someone wants to join with similar amounts it would be great. I am assuming DRK will soon be worth hundreds so smaller wallets will be the norm.
My wallet is getting hit with a lot of "Payment to yourself" fees. After Darksending 39 tdrk, the wallet had 0 anon tdrk left. I had Options setting at 100 drk with 6 rounds... Overnight the wallet seemed to stall, this morning I reset the Options to 50 and 4 rounds... Got hit more with "PTY" fees...


And this is what the Coin Control looks right now:


Isn't the money supposed to be split into 10 drk amounts by now for the anonymizing to happen?
(The total balance in the wallet: 901.60349979 DRK
Options: 50 drk to be anonymized, 4 rounds.)


  • upload_2014-9-7_10-59-2.png
    254.1 KB · Views: 135

I tried 3 times to send coins from the test faucet to XmYpCAeBDZnvVH17GRGr45z1miGDXg7Dd8, the wallet version is
v0.10.13.3-beta, and nothing arrived. Did I miss something or just the test faucet is broken? If someone can sent me some coins to make some test with the wallet plz

I tried 3 times to send coins from the test faucet to XmYpCAeBDZnvVH17GRGr45z1miGDXg7Dd8, the wallet version is
v0.10.13.3-beta, and nothing arrived. Did I miss something or just the test faucet is broken? If someone can sent me some coins to make some test with the wallet plz

XmYpCAeBDZnvVH17GRGr45z1miGDXg7Dd8 is not a testnet address, you have to start your wallet with "-testnet=1" parameter.
Created issue 58, http://jira.darkcoin.qa/browse/DRK-58

When wallet start anonymizing process, you give your password to unlock it.
Then your wallet is open (unlocked), but you or anybody can send funds
and wallet wont ask your password for this, i think this is VERY dangerous,
because wallet can be unlocked state in several hours, and anybody
can send funds during anon process.

So, i think it would be wise if password is required again if you send funds,
and anon process is on going.

Yeah, but that would mean you'd need to prompt for password for each round for each denomination. So that mean you'd have to prompt your password 120 million times until all rounds were complete. Better to anon. all the coins needed with safe guard, then close the QT.

You can also go to the bank and make a huge withdrawals in cash and get mugged. Such is life.
Yeah, but that would mean you'd need to prompt for password for each round for each denomination. So that mean you'd have to prompt your password 120 million times until all rounds were complete. Better to anon. the coins and close the QT.

You can also go to the bank and make a huge withdrawals in cash and get mugged. Such is life.
No, you give one time your pass when anon begins, and second time if you send money.
XmYpCAeBDZnvVH17GRGr45z1miGDXg7Dd8 is not a testnet address, you have to start your wallet with "-testnet=1" parameter.
Damned, I'm sorry .... It's seems too easy to just run from binary with ./darkcoin-qt .... it's working now
Thanks a lot for your quick answer
No, you give one time your pass when anon begins, and second time if you send money.

Yeah, I do get you. And I think that could be coded in I guess... but fundamentally, the QT does send out nominations to the blockchain, and receives back denominatons, then re-sends them out etc X amounts of time... So basically its the same deal, it need the wallet unlocked.

Please correct me if I'm wrong... but if you send out anon DRKs out while the rounds are happening, that might interrupt the pairing flux. So it could be even worse.

But obviously I do agree that it would be great to have 1 password prompt to start denomination, and a 2nd prompt to manually send out DRKs. Absolutely agree.
New wallet, 1000 tDRK, settings: rounds 4 and min anon amount: 5.
DS was idle, sent 100 tDRK non anon funds.
After few minutes coin controls shows over 300, 5 and 1 tDRK denom items, i think 5 x 1 should be right.


EDIT: second pic
Good morning. I just woke up. I just set my wallet to the same setting, so far it's at 50% completion, but no splitting into 10 drk amounts. Has your wallet got 50 coins anonymized yet?
At 77%, 78 coins anon bal. I have a few 10 and 1 denominations still in round 2, the rest round 4.
Changing the settings (rounds to use, amt to keep anon, disable darksend) seems wonky. Feels like I always have to restart the client (win32) for any changes to take affect. Ideally this would not be the case, takes some of the polish off the product but oh well.

Also, my 8 rounds of denom 5k tDRk is not making any progress again, I had a burst of darksend action overnight and now stuck at 89%. I have 6 addresses with 500 coins each that are <8 rounds. I guess not enough folks anonymizing large amounts on testnet? If this were mainnet I would feel really uneasy leaving my wallet unlocked for so long while nothing is going on. Is there any way to kick start the darksend proess? I was thinking of send the "stuck" coins to a new address in my wallet, to re-start the process again? At least I might get those blocks of 500 broken into smaller chunks so that they find pairs to mix with. Or does anyone have better advice?
I just updated my MN... but now my console is full of

I just updated my MN... but now my console is full of

Known issue in .3 version, just log spam. Will be gone in .4
OK I may have an issue but I am not sure. Created new wallet, sent 45tDRK to it, set Darksend to 8 rounds, amount to keep anonymized 5tDRK. The process took long I guess to get the right entries, but it did try. Finally, the system was able to anonymize 2tDRK and showed 100% in the overview, but now I keep getting payments to myself of 0.004tDRK. Why is it still doing this? I would like to understand if this is an issue or not before I post it to Jira, anyone care to explain?

Here is the overview:

Overview issue2.png

Here you can see the transactions:

Transactions issue2.png

Finally, this is coin control:

Coin Control Issue2.png
OK I may have an issue but I am not sure. Created new wallet, sent 45tDRK to it, set Darksend to 8 rounds, amount to keep anonymized 5tDRK. The process took long I guess to get the right entries, but it did try. Finally, the system was able to anonymize 2tDRK and showed 100% in the overview, but now I keep getting payments to myself of 0.004tDRK. Why is it still doing this? I would like to understand if this is an issue or not before I post it to Jira, anyone care to explain?

Here is the overview:

View attachment 424

Here you can see the transactions:

View attachment 423

Finally, this is coin control:

View attachment 425
I've had a similar case. I'm thinking of submitting it to JIRA also. Your pictures are quite large, if you can resize them, they would be better looking.
A couple of days ago I started a fresh instance of darkcoind v0.10.13.3-beta and let it sync (darkcoin.conf set to testnet and darksend disabled). I then executed getaccountaddress to get a fresh address, followed by "setaccount mkn64wqajC4Per8GaQTo7QvvKJCtUt9LHx consolidation" to name it. After that I backed up the wallet.dat and proceeded to send the balance from 12 old test wallets into this new address.

Earlier today I started up darkcoin-qt v0.10.13.3-beta (note GUI not daemon this time) using the backed up wallet.dat and it segfaulted after the initial loading sequences (I believe it was 3 lines of output, unfortunately lost due to all the "relay..." noise). I then started darkcoin-qt again, and it did the initial loading sequences followed by a rescan and then started normally. The really strange thing is I see a "Payment to yourself" at the top of the transactions list that had apparently just occurred (upon the 2nd loading of the GUI):
Status: 113 confirmations
Date: 7 Sep 2014 13:09
Debit: 0.00 DRK
Credit: 0.00 DRK
Net amount: 0.00 DRK
Transaction ID: 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023
How is it possible that I apparently paid a mixing fee/collateral payment when darksend has been disabled this entire process? Even more strange it's all 0s and it's being confirmed? For convenience: http://test.explorer.darkcoin.fr/tx/45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023

Edit: Upon closer inspection the strange transaction actually took place on the 1st run of the GUI client. Early on in the 1st run of the GUI client I see darksend is in fact disabled, but after the blockchain sync stuff it starts trying to do things it shouldn't be and segfaults. I've pasted the last bits logged as well as the segfault line from the kernel below.
2014-09-07 19:09:22 CDarkSendPool::UpdateState() == 3 | 3
2014-09-07 19:09:22 DoAutomaticDenominating: Split up large input (justCollateral 1):
2014-09-07 19:09:22  auto -- nTotalBalance 100000000
2014-09-07 19:09:22  auto-- nTotalOut 0
2014-09-07 19:09:22 keypool added key 1004, size=1001
2014-09-07 19:09:22 keypool reserve 4
2014-09-07 19:09:22 CommitTransaction:
CTransaction(hash=45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=7, nLockTime=0)
  CTxIn(COutPoint(752705ab2910d7f1da3da89a81aef199d20e9c0213d7cf20e6d843ae772a13a2, 0), scriptSig=3045022042c4c24d721bde8c)
  CTxOut(nValue=0.12500000, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 50fc5d680781)
  CTxOut(nValue=0.01250000, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 50fc5d680781)
  CTxOut(nValue=0.01250000, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 50fc5d680781)
  CTxOut(nValue=0.01250000, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 50fc5d680781)
  CTxOut(nValue=0.01250000, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 50fc5d680781)
  CTxOut(nValue=0.81049977, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 50fc5d680781)
  CTxOut(nValue=0.01250000, scriptPubKey=OP_DUP OP_HASH160 50fc5d680781)
keypool keep 4
2014-09-07 19:09:22 AddToWallet 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023  new
2014-09-07 19:09:22 WalletUpdateSpent found spent coin 0.99799977DRK 752705ab2910d7f1da3da89a81aef199d20e9c0213d7cf20e6d843ae772a13a2
2014-09-07 19:09:22 AddToWallet 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023
2014-09-07 19:09:22 Relaying wtx 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023
2014-09-07 19:09:22 SplitUpMoney Success: tx 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023
2014-09-07 19:09:22 received getdata for: tx 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023 peer=5
2014-09-07 19:09:22 received getdata for: tx 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023 peer=6
2014-09-07 19:09:22 received getdata for: tx 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023 peer=4
2014-09-07 19:09:23 received getdata for: tx 45d7d2aba5e056b9133d560d3607c0f49cd0489147121827811d2479d29d4023 peer=2
2014-09-07 19:09:23 connection timeout
2014-09-07 19:09:23 trying connection lastseen=2.1days
2014-09-07 19:09:24 Flushing wallet.dat
2014-09-07 19:09:24 Flushed wallet.dat 8ms
2014-09-07 19:09:28 connection timeout
2014-09-07 19:09:29 trying connection lastseen=2.0days
2014-09-07 19:09:34 connection timeout
2014-09-07 19:09:34 trying connection lastseen=30.1days
2014-09-07 19:09:39 connection timeout
2014-09-07 19:09:40 trying connection lastseen=0.1days
2014-09-07 19:09:45 connection timeout
2014-09-07 19:09:45 trying connection lastseen=0.1days
2014-09-07 19:09:46 refreshWallet

kernel: [14980319.429818] darkcoin-qt[19703]: segfault at 10 ip 00000000005a1566 sp 00007fff608b3330 error 4 in darkcoin-qt[400000+9a4000]
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