v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

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You can't go by that though. I'd be on the richlist if it wasn't broken up into Masternodes.

true, I forgot about 'hidden' rich who divided their coins in multiple MNs :) But how often are you going to take out all your coins from MNs and decide to send them via DS all at once? Probably very unlikely. So if we put 5k DS limit, most probably very few in the main-net will ever notice that there is even a limit.
true, I forgot about 'hidden' rich who divided their coins in multiple MNs :) But how often are you going to take out all your coins from MNs and decide to send them via DS all at once? Probably very unlikely. So if we put 5k DS limit, most probably very few in the main-net will ever notice that there is even a limit.

Probably not often, it really shouldn't be a problem. At least short-term. I'm just concerned why my wallet has yet to denominate a single coin yet.
Money gets stuck. I have a wallet with 300k tDRK fully denominated through 9 rounds and I'm not able to move even 10% out of it due to a "Transaction too large" issue.

300k is a long way from 5k but I see the issue.

However, if something that serious is going to happen then a hard limit should be set and the user should not be able to override it.

In one wallet (spread over many addresses) I'd imagine a few hundred people would have 5000DRK. Thus I think the limit should set as high as possible while still being safe so fewest number of users have to jump through hoops for anonymity.
Money gets stuck. I have a wallet with 300k tDRK fully denominated through 9 rounds and I'm not able to move even 10% out of it due to a "Transaction too large" issue.
Use coincontrol to select the inputs to send. Should resolve that issue.
1000 tDRK from faucet, 8 rounds (I was running wallet with -darksendrounds=8), all good.
Another 1000 tDRK from faucet to the same wallet, few successful Denominations and then it hit Collateral Payment.

To: muqFjdh1S3eWro6KQ6yRX7zQSKqVubCHkf
Debit: -0.025 DRK
Transaction fee: -0.001 DRK
Net amount: -0.026 DRK
Transaction ID: 4803a9e9af0ba4ed088f3e0dc31f538a1171c1ff7206d25b2f7e9df62210c057

debug.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3kscgd4ppcmn5b/debug.log
wallet.dat https://www.dropbox.com/s/kxz959ard4vhsta/wallet.dat

EDIT: checked my router logs - there was no interruptions of internet connection
I've been working on setting a target amount for Darksend to denominate and it turns out to be a giant problem. What if the wallet just disables darksend by default for more than say 5000DRK, which you could override if you wanted to. It would also give a popup error saying "Darksend is not designed to run with more than 5000DRK in a wallet, to use darksend please make a new wallet with less than that amount" or something

Does it have to be a new physical wallet.dat file? or could a new address be created with 5000DRK sent over the a new address for the functions to complete?
With most people getting their tDRK from the faucet, getting 1000tDRK or more, I'm wondering again more about real world usage, say people with 10 DRK, 20 DRK, 5 DRK. Or less, how about an option on the faucet to get fewer coins? Maybe we'll see some issues using smaller amounts? Not sure, but I think we should test smaller amounts also to see how the network handles that.
With most people getting their tDRK from the faucet, getting 1000tDRK or more, I'm wondering again more about real world usage, say people with 10 DRK, 20 DRK, 5 DRK. Or less, how about an option on the faucet to get fewer coins? Maybe we'll see some issues using smaller amounts? Not sure, but I think we should test smaller amounts also to see how the network handles that.
I agree
I don't know why it kept paying me back the full amount. I am currently running, which seems to have some bugs.
I seems your miner wallet sees only one masternode (itself?). Could you run
$ darkcoind masternode list
on this wallet?
Alright, who wants my wallet? I've still yet to receive a single denomination. Using flare's bamboo build of 10.12.16 and Evan's original build post. QT, Linux 64.
I seems your miner wallet sees only one masternode (itself?). Could you run
$ darkcoind masternode list
on this wallet?
Output of it:
[email protected] ~/testnet > darkcoind -datadir=data masternode list
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1,
    "" : 1
I don't see my masternode on the list. I also seem to get these messages in debug.log.
2014-08-07 17:33:56 dssu - message doesn't match current masternode - [::]:0 !=
2014-08-07 17:33:56 ProcessMessage(dssu, 17 bytes) FAILED
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