You need to wait longer until more funds are denominated. Or try manual denomination. Or try sending smaller amounts.Anybody knows how to fix "Unable to locate enough Darksend denominated funds for this transaction" problem?
Thanks. Yes, this is a great suggestion for beginners like me.You need to wait longer until more funds are denominated. Or try manual denomination. Or try sending smaller amounts.
eduffield it would be nice to see how many coins are denominated in wallet. this allows easy overview how much you can send with ds+.
yep, that fixed itClose the QT, delete everything in .darkcoin/testnet3, except your wallet.dat, and restart.
For that go to "home" directory and do CTRL+H to see hidden folders. .darkcoin should be there
You can launch darkcoin-qt with the command line option "darksendrounds", e.g. ./darkcoin-qt -darksendrounds=8How to increase the numbers of darksend rounds again?
Is there any darksend api documentation available yet?
k thxYou can launch darkcoin-qt with the command line option "darksendrounds", e.g. ./darkcoin-qt -darksendrounds=8
It never crashed; it was just running a lot of those errors and apparently doing a lot of I/O operations. Given I've already sent the wallet.dat to Evan due to previous issues, I will rename that running directory and start with some fresh tDRK from the faucet here shortly.
Re. your crash: Never had problems with Ubuntu 64 - maybe your wallet/blockchain directory is corrupt. Did you already try to delete and restart from scratch? It's hard to track down unreproduceable errors...
On testnet, I would think something is wrong. We don't have that many masternodes for such bad luck. Do you show up on the list with :1 ?After more than 18h i do not get a payment. I did not touch the masternode or the hot wallet.
Concerns me a bit as i also have on mainnet times i did not get a payment for more than 5-6 days.
I think that is out out variance
So, in my situation, i think the Darksend+ has succeed.
Although there are still some little part are being debugged. But i want to say: Bravo,Evan&Dev team, Bravo, everyone in here for your contribution~
P.S: Sorry for the bad English and so many pics that may disturb your reading.
But what makes you certain that this input belongs to Raico and not any other account?mpXuEsrshxbmxxcZGtwUerxePvMFvgZS8N
I traced back from 3 mining inputs into that last output and seeing if I can follow a trail back.
Do you also own either of these addresses? Doing some chain analysis and finding that if I get a chunk of say 1000, it becomes fairly easy to identify a transaction 2 darksend rounds out. Just follow the big blocks of transactions. Will be nice to get some more noise in transactions and a nice 8 round depth. Tried opening terminal with -darksendrounds=8 but no luck, Nice description report though!
I traced back from 3 mining inputs into that last output and seeing if I can follow a trail back.
Do you also own either of these addresses? Doing some chain analysis and finding that if I get a chunk of say 1000, it becomes fairly easy to identify a transaction 2 darksend rounds out. Just follow the big blocks of transactions. Will be nice to get some more noise in transactions and a nice 8 round depth. Tried opening terminal with -darksendrounds=8 but no luck, Nice description report though!
Or not! If we cant find a link between sender and reciever, this is a total success!Hi MrMime , a good active thinking~
I own several wallets for testing but none of them include these two address you provided above.
And in my testing case:
- In order to make thing more clear, i haven't denominate that receiving address as you can see.
- Both of the sending and receiving addresses are unique belong to 2 different wallet.
- The sending wallet have done several denominating but definitely not 8 rounds.
Hope that may help you find out the link between sending and receiving. I think vertoe 's game is just good idea~
Or not! If we cant find a link between sender and reciever, this is a total success!
I think we need to recruit El Presidente for this one!
minimal anonymization phase == darksend+ by 2 masternode(darksend+ by 2 masternode), isn't it ?
We already know what looks like denomination + darksend(RC3).
Can you tell who sends even in RC3 ?
So I will not try.
eduffield There is an issue with the keypool that should be looked at.
Shouldnt there be two different key pools for main addresses and denomination addresses?
No quick&dirty solutions pleaseOr just a quick check for dupes?