Updated Pools running (Paying Masternode Payments)

Our pool has been updated to the latest release!

Great work guys... Looking forward to RC4!
Is there a way to verify the version of a particular address? If there is, would pool owners be willing to put their pool address into a community database, so we could check realtime?
I for one would, as I think it would be good advertising for me.

Is this possible?
Cheers for updates guys, I'll get the pools with 11.05 added.

Shame it will be harder to workout if they have or not, simply by looking at the list.
19 mins ago 06/30 14:12:16 94044 [1][2][3] 4817.278 5 coinotroncom Xk1cQZoUoZ7C5soDsB7uRyZUsv5jz5tgRr 1.000200 [1][2][3][-]

As of 8pm EDT tonight, coinotron appears to have STOPPED paying masternode payments. Is this correct?

Also, my analysis of the blockchain today shows that we are not only no longer gaining ground, but actually losing ground on the percentage of blocks that pay... statistically, the trend is toward fewer masternode payments, possibly as low as 40% currently (though I'm not sure I have enough data to prove statistical significance). I think the evidence shows that miners are actively seeking to mine for non-updated pools (which makes sense for them, economically). Pools are likewise disincentivized to update. I'm not sure there's anything we can do at this point except shame bad actors (especially cases like coinotron that WERE updated, but seem to have reversed course, not that I can really blame them) and put our own hash power to work on compliant pools. Any ideas?
As of 8pm EDT tonight, coinotron appears to have STOPPED paying masternode payments. Is this correct?

Also, my analysis of the blockchain today shows that we are not only no longer gaining ground, but actually losing ground on the percentage of blocks that pay... statistically, the trend is toward fewer masternode payments, possibly as low as 40% currently (though I'm not sure I have enough data to prove statistical significance). I think the evidence shows that miners are actively seeking to mine for non-updated pools (which makes sense for them, economically). Pools are likewise disincentivized to update. I'm not sure there's anything we can do at this point except shame bad actors (especially cases like coinotron that WERE updated, but seem to have reversed course, not that I can really blame them) and put our own hash power to work on compliant pools. Any ideas?

coinotroncom is paying.
I think coinotroncom has a issue on Masternode list syncing.

And I have changed http://drk.poolhash.org/poolhash.html , from 3 hours to 6 hours.
pool pool_unknown_146 got a lot of blocks with no paying.

So percentage of payments is decreasing.

And I will make a graph showing percentage of payments, every hour, from starting block 91796.
So percentage of payments is decreasing.

No , the ratio has not changed. 144 of last 280 blocks (96008-96288) were not paid --> 51% unpaid. Thats exactly the same ratio we had 4 days ago:

I had a look at the last 12hours (Block 93776 - Block 94056) on http://drk.poolhash.org/graph.html

Total generation: 280 Blocks
Paid blocks: 137 Blocks
Unpaid Blocks: 143 Block

This means there is still 51% of overall hashpower belonging to 'bad actors'.

Remarkable that we are touch and go on a "51% attack" boundary here for days...

And I will make a graph showing percentage of payments, every hour, from starting block 91796.

This will be very usefull indeed :smile:
Graph added : http://drk.poolhash.org/mnode.html.
Update every 30 min.

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