Universal Dividend and Web of Trust for Dashcoin

Do you like a Universal Dividend and a Web of Trust to be incorporated in Dashcoin?

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I'm arrogant enough to say that, _IF_ anybody remembers me in the future at all, I'll get 100x more respect for the code I implemented for Dash than for a stupid vote.

BTW, did it ever occur to you that if everyone else is wrong and you alone are right all those stupid others might be right?

It is obvious why you are 100% wrong all of you that voted in this thread.
It is because you have no arguments against my talk.
You are speechless, and the only thing you are doing most of you in this thread is trolling.

So please, if you are not a troll, try to answer.

It is not about socialcoin. It is about smartcoin. It is not about not working and getting coins. It is about symmetry in time and space, it is about the chances to earn coins to be equal among generations. All generations should have the same chance to earn coins, and the same amount of work should result the same amount of coins, in all space and time. If your plan as a coin is not to respect future (generations), future (generations) will not respect and trust you. And if they dont trust you as a coin, you are already a dead coin. Dash is already dead in the future due to this catastrophic decision of the core team not to respect the future. Some of you, you didnt knew it. Some of you you are so stupid that even now I told you the truth, you refuse to accept it and you keep invest in this dead bubble. Of course dash has the potential to change, and this is due to the voting procedure. Voting can save dash, voting can change dash, and bring it to life again.
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This is just a troll attempt guys. Don't feed the troll. The more time spent on trying to counter such arguments, the more time is wasted that could be used for development efforts.

demo: the votes are clear, the idea is unpopular. Come up with a better one.
OK, here is the compromise. Pre-Proposal discussion: Proof of Banana.
Should the Dash network institute a new token distribution scheme to replace X11 miners? Implementation could work like this:
1 - Dash users can digitally sign a photograph of themselves holding a banana.
2 - Users submit their picture to a site similar to http://www.clarifai.com/#demo for approval. (try http://pngimg.com/upload/banana_PNG835.png as your url to see this function in action)
3 - Upon successfully issuing a tag named "banana", users will enter the daily payout pool for Dashcoin.
By the way, my dash wallet crashes whenever sychronization finishes. I run a win32 xp version.
Do you know why this happens?

Dash wallet crash again.
What kind of debug do you need?
Do you want microsoft report?

AppName: dash-qt.exe AppVer: ModName: msvcrt.dll
ModVer: 7.0.2600.5512 Offset: 00023509
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The troll in this one is real.... :D You guys make a great couple!

of course it is not a troll. it is a nice idea.
So lets keep the record of the vote, for the future generations to know.

Do you like a Universal Dividend and a Web of Trust to be incorporated in Dash coin?
  1. *yes for both
    1 vote(s)
  2. yes for Universal Dividend
    0 vote(s)
  3. yes for Wev of Trust
    0 vote(s)
  4. no
    14 vote(s)
Not simply exist.
Exist and be active, means you are doing transactions with the dash money they give you.

Real transactions, like bying or selling services, bying or selling food or anything like that.

This is how dash economy can become real, and not remain a virtual one.

Sounds like NEM's "proof of importance" http://nem.io

Although I must say proof of banana sounds more appealing and fun.
see? only trolling.
This is your answer to my arguments.

You reject future, and future will reject you.

It is not about socialcoin. It is about smartcoin. It is not about not working and getting coins. It is about symmetry in time and space, it is about the chances to earn coins to be equal among generations. All generations should have the same chance to earn coins, and the same amount of work should result the same amount of coins, in all space and time. If your plan as a coin is not to respect future (generations), future (generations) will not respect and trust you. And if they dont trust you as a coin, you are already a dead coin. Dash is already dead in the future due to this catastrophic decision of the core team not to respect the future. Some of you, you didnt knew it. Some of you you are so stupid that even now I told you the truth, you refuse to accept it and you keep invest in this dead bubble. Of course dash has the potential to change, and this is due to the voting procedure. Voting can save dash, voting can change dash, and bring it to life again.
see? only trolling.
This is your answer to my arguments.

You reject future, and future will reject you.

no wonder they are answering with jokes by now
between 2 different threads you are throwing around "dash is dead", fork this, no future .... maybe you should just start your own coin if everything is so terrible here !
why are you hanging around ?save the world ? come on, we all know you agenda, move on ....
no wonder they are answering with jokes by now
between 2 different threads you are throwing around "dash is dead", fork this, no future .... maybe you should just start your own coin if everything is so terrible here !
why are you hanging around ?save the world ? come on, we all know you agenda, move on ....

This is your answer to my arguments. Together with trolling, now comes the personal attack. No matter how you personal attack me, or trolling into this subject, the truth is that you reject future, and future will reject you.

It is not about socialcoin. It is about smartcoin. It is not about not working and getting coins. It is about symmetry in time and space, it is about the chances to earn coins to be equal among generations. All generations should have the same chance to earn coins, and the same amount of work should result the same amount of coins, in all space and time. If your plan as a coin is not to respect future (generations), future (generations) will not respect and trust you. And if they dont trust you as a coin, you are already a dead coin. Dash is already dead in the future due to this catastrophic decision of the core team not to respect the future. Some of you, you didnt knew it. Some of you you are so stupid that even now I told you the truth, you refuse to accept it and you keep invest in this dead bubble. Of course dash has the potential to change, and this is due to the voting procedure. Voting can save dash, voting can change dash, and bring it to life again.

Dash is dead in the future, but dash has a unique property among other coins, the voting procedure. And voting may save it and bring it back to life. Smart voting of course, not the one we see here:

Do you like a Universal Dividend and a Web of Trust to be incorporated in Dashcoin?
  1. *yes for both 1 vote(s) 5.9%
  2. yes for Universal Dividend 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  3. yes for Wev of Trust 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  4. no 16 vote(s) 94.1%
This is why I am still here and not leaving dash.
Because even if you vote stupidly, as a community you have the mentality of the voting procedure, a unique property among all other coins.
Voting is a hope for you to rise from the deads, and become the coin of the future which worths for someone to invest in.
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@demo This is open sourceYou state DASH is dead but the code exists. Why are you beating a dead horse?

Why don't you just fork the code write your own idea of perfect governance with any other features you want and demonstrate the supeiority of your space-time symmetry ideas? If you lack the skill set then surely with your brilliant logic and oratorical skills you can build a superior community around a coin of your own. I wish you the best of luck but would simply suggest it is a rather difficult undertaking.

I challenge you to do it.

Don Quijote
Greetings, I have been watching Dash for all of it's life and all of Bitcoins life too.

'demo' is correct but he has learning to do also but in the area of communication . Be kind he has caused no pain, hurt or deception to anyone here.

How did you get your first $ or £ or Euro.

100% correct answer is....

From somebody else.

Did you work for it (think back to your first sweetie purchase). No?......

In my case I was give a few pennies to go buy sweets or a few pennies change was given to me by family members, maybe into a piggybank.

It was just a 'token' payment to acknowledge my existence within the new environment called 'Earth'.

Our new environment is 'Dash World', 'Dash Nation' or..... "Evolution".

.01 DASH or something similar may not be a lot to you but some citizens around the 'World' will convert that token into 'bread', 'an egg' etc.

If you have lived through enough of your lifespan you will agree that unfortunetly, a small 'token' of gratitude speaks " Volumes".

Be kind, 'demo' is not here to deceive anyone, his control of 'Mind' is great but communication is a lesson during his lifespan.

Back in Dash

Greetings, I have been watching Dash for all of it's life and all of Bitcoins life too.

'demo' is correct but he has learning to do also but in the area of communication . Be kind he has caused no pain, hurt or deception to anyone here.

How did you get your first $ or £ or Euro.

100% correct answer is....

From somebody else.

Did you work for it (think back to your first sweetie purchase). No?......

In my case I was give a few pennies to go buy sweets or a few pennies change was given to me by family members, maybe into a piggybank.

It was just a 'token' payment to acknowledge my existence within the new environment called 'Earth'.

Our new environment is 'Dash World', 'Dash Nation' or..... "Evolution".

.01 DASH or something similar may not be a lot to you but some citizens around the 'World' will convert that token into 'bread', 'an egg' etc.

If you have lived through enough of your lifespan you will agree that unfortunetly, a small 'token' of gratitude speaks " Volumes".

Be kind, 'demo' is not here to deceive anyone, his control of 'Mind' is great but communication is a lesson during his lifespan.

Back in Dash


there are a lot of faucets around
we frequently do handouts for Newcommers
download a miner and mine from your computer
there are a ton of way to make coins :rolleyes:
Just to set the record straight, there is absolutely no "new environment" except Evolution.

"dash world" or "dash nation" do not exist. Dash Nation is the name of a thread to welcome newcomers to this forum.
"welcome newcomers" to....... A new environment (type==mental/communication)

Environments are not only just physical/material.
example "Facebook"

I didn't quite follow that. I'm referring to Dash's development roadmap. That is called Evolution.
Dash Nation is a welcoming thread for newcomers on this forum, and not physical like you describe. Two completely different things, thats it.
We are actually starting work to create a cool Dash Nation discussion platform. But it's very embryonary at this point

Your arguments are extremely valid, I hadn't thought of that. Parents give kids money so they start understanding the concept of money and value, how to use is responsibly. In cryptos we have testnet coins, where you can be a testnet millionaire if you like, and play with systems on a grand scale, to test and debug.

But as mentioned, there are also faucets that give you real Dash with actual value.

So I guess that should, in theory, reconcilliate demo's time-space asymmetry into a fluid unparalleled continuum, at least I hope so.

I am in not affiliated, or have tested these, I just used google;


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