I hope that someone can help me out here with setting up a MN again. I had no problems doing this in older versions but now i keep getting stuck at the same point. Please keep in mind that I am not good in linux but i have used this guide before to keep a MN going for years.

- I start WinSCP and i click on the folder icon with the wheel/star and make the .dashcore folder
- At this point the folder does not display in the right window unless i click on the show hidden folder in the lower right corner or i click CTRL - O and write /.dashcore
- I can copy the two files from the desktop to the folder no problems there
- Once i get back to putty, i can enter the .dashcore folder
- I go back to root and install Joe
- Back in the user folder I type joe .dashcore/dash.conf, get the screen that has nothing in it and paste the setup that i have in my notepad
- Once i hit CTRL - k - x i get the following ERROR OPENING FILE.

I have tried creating the folder in putty with mkdir .dashcore but even then it does not show up unless i un-hide hidden files in winSCP.

Thank you all for your help in advance.
I am trying to restart my masternode with the update. when I run ./dashd on the vps with the update I am getting an : Error loading block database. I am asked if I want to rebuild the database but everything hangs when I type yes. I did some research online and it seemed people got this message with bitcoin when there drives where full.

I have a 15G instance of which 4.1G is available. I've read minimum requirements are 20GB however I should be able to run dashd at least for a little while longer until the drive fills up, so I am confused as to why I am getting this error.

I want to install sentinel and get my masternode up and running again but am stuck on this part. Any suggestions, please?
I am trying to restart my masternode with the update. when I run ./dashd on the vps with the update I am getting an : Error loading block database. I am asked if I want to rebuild the database but everything hangs when I type yes. I did some research online and it seemed people got this message with bitcoin when there drives where full.

I have a 15G instance of which 4.1G is available. I've read minimum requirements are 20GB however I should be able to run dashd at least for a little while longer until the drive fills up, so I am confused as to why I am getting this error.

I want to install sentinel and get my masternode up and running again but am stuck on this part. Any suggestions, please?
Do "./dashd -reindex" once
I tried to reindex and that didn't work either. So I just started a brand new instance. Now I am at the ./dash-cli mnsync status part. I am not getting a sync. How long should it take?
A brand new instance would have to download and reprocess full blockchain first which is ~1.2-1.5 GB currently iirc. So the time depends on your bandwidth and cpu/ram.
Check current blocks via "dash-cli getblockcount" periodically and compare that to http://explorer.dash.org/ - this should give you some idea how far is your node from having full blockchain.
A brand new instance would have to download and reprocess full blockchain first which is ~1.2-1.5 GB currently iirc. So the time depends on your bandwidth and cpu/ram.
Check current blocks via "dash-cli getblockcount" periodically and compare that to http://explorer.dash.org/ - this should give you some idea how far is your node from having full blockchain.
Thanks! It's synced now. The node got the current block faster than the other sync variables, namely "isWinnersListSynced" and "IsSynced" took longer for some reason.
Thanks! It's synced now. The node got the current block faster than the other sync variables, namely "isWinnersListSynced" and "IsSynced" took longer for some reason.
Yep, it's ok. There are few steps in sync process, fist is blockchain, next is mn list, winners list and finally gov objs. Steps are not parallel, some of them rely on the other.
Yep, it's ok. There are few steps in sync process, fist is blockchain, next is mn list, winners list and finally gov objs. Steps are not parallel, some of them rely on the other.
Only problem now is I am still listed as PRE_ENABLED. Am I missing some step, or does it just take a while to become fully enabled from the network?
Only problem now is I am still listed as PRE_ENABLED. Am I missing some step, or does it just take a while to become fully enabled from the network?

PRE_ENABLED means that network saw your mn announcement you made from local wallet but there was no correctly formed message from your masternode itself yet. This should take 10-20 minutes normally.
I'm stuck here at step 4
step 4) install sentinel dependencies
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

When entered says it can not be found? Any suggestions to fix this part.
PRE_ENABLED means that network saw your mn announcement you made from local wallet but there was no correctly formed message from your masternode itself yet. This should take 10-20 minutes normally.
And now "Watchdog Expired" means? I think it has something to do with me not setting up the cronjob right on sentinel.
I'm stuck here at step 4
step 4) install sentinel dependencies
venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

When entered says it can not be found? Any suggestions to fix this part.

On step 3 did you have to run sudo apt-get install -y virtualenv? If so you have to go back and run virtualenv venv.
On step 3 did you have to run sudo apt-get install -y virtualenv? If so you have to go back and run virtualenv venv.

But when I enter step 4 cmd now it gives me in red could not open requirements file {errno 2} no such directory

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When I test the sentinel it says invalid mastnode? What and we're is the problem at?
Also when I run the dash daemon it's says dad core already running?Please someone help.
Thank you
My watchdog keeps expiring. Can someone confirm that my cronjob is configured correctly? I've made sure I am updated to latest version of sentinel, and I have also confirmed that my cronjob is pointing to the correct directory:

* * * * * cd /home/MYUSERNAME/.dashcore/sentinel && ./venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py 2>&1 >>sentinel-cron.log
Hi all, thanks to this awesome guide I have successfully set up 3 masternodes that I have been operating for a couple of months now. My only issue is that it seems that about once a week or two, each of the nodes (hosted on vultur) 'crash' (meaning the dashd process stops for some reason), and I have to go through the manual process of restarting the dashd client and digging the wallets out of cold storage to get everything up and running again. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to them crashing, and since I'm not a linux expert I'm having a hard time diagnosing what the problem is here. It does not appear that the instance itself is going down, so something else is causing the dash core to exit.

My questions are:

1) what is the best way to diagnose how/why dashcore stopped functioning?
2) Are other masternode operators seeing this pattern, meaning is this just typical behavior?
3) is the base 768MB / 15GB vultur node enough horsepower for a masternode, or could it be running out of RAM? Storage seems to be fine @ 15GB.
4) Is there a way to restart these nodes without having to dig out your wallet from cold storage each time?
5) Are there external ways to 'crash' someone else's masternode? I've disabled root logins and used the guide's basic firewall setup, should I be doing more here security-wise?

Sorry for the noob questions, I've got a lot to learn about Linux.