You're comfortable enough with the terminal interface to talk to your server? If not it's worth checking a few guides on the basics and playing around with it a bit, navigating directories, seeing what's in them, etc.
Log into the server and you'll be in your home folder and in there should be a hidden folder called .dash (note the . before the folder name, that hides it) and in that folder there should be the dash.conf file. You've already shown your masternode private key so just copy and paste the output of this command from the terminal window to here.
cat .dash/dash.conf
That command is short for Concatenate output should looks something like this if it's done according to Tao's guide...
...with the parts in caps changed to your settings, if the masternode private key in there matches your private key from your offline box and dash is running on the server (query it with something like "./dash-cli help") then you should be good to go.
EDIT: Just a point and I really don't mean to be rude, good security is very important and Tao's guide goes through just the simplest precaution, if it's proving difficult to follow then using a good hosting service would be a far safer option. There are several, Node40 has a good reputation but that's just my opinion.
Thanks for your help! And, the info i provided was changed before i entered it on here for security reasons,fyi. I have verified that both the keys match on the server and on the .conf file too. : (
Unfortunately, still not working. Suggestions?