As you can see above in Rion's superb video , if the 4k(10k) proposal passes the economic analysis reveal that it will result
the reduction of masternodes from 5000 to 2500(2180).
What can an ordinary masternode (that owns less than 4k) do in order to prevent this catastrophic senario? The only way to stop the reduction of the number of the masternodes (if the 10k or 4k proposal passes) is to change the hardcoded (by the DCG) number of the
50% rewards allocated to the DashPlatform (a reward stolen from the masternodes's reward). But how can we change that number?
As always, the way to strike the stupid and the agents is to vote the numbers. And how can we vote the numbers in the current budget system?
Simple, you have to use the TERNARY or ΤRINARY or BASE3 NUMERAL system
If you make the assumption that ABSTAIN VOTE=0, NO VOTE=1 and YES VOTE=2 , then you can vote from numbers 0-2.
if you cast TWO proposals (at the cost of 2 dash proposal fee) under the TERNARY system, you can vote numbers from 0-8
if you cast THREE proposals (at the cost of 3 dash proposal fee) under the TERNARY system, you can vote from 0-26.
So if you want to vote from 0% to 100%, you can divide 100/26=3.84 and thus if the average of the voting result of the budget vote is 1 then 3.84% is voted, if the average result of the budget vote is 10 then 38.4 is voted, if the average result of budget vote is 15 then 57.6% is voted e.t.c.
I have no incentives to propose such a system, because I am poor delegate voter holding 1 masternode vote, and also I hold only 6 dash in my wallet.
But if I were a masternode I would definitely ask a governance decision in order for this voting the numbers system to become legitimate.
Then I would
cast a proposal in order to vote about the percentage of the masternode rewards that the platform system is planning to steal.