Reduction in proposal fee to 1 Dash (Pre-Proposal)

Should the proposal fee be changed to 1 Dash?

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Something maybe worth bearing in mind, increasing the fee is much more difficult than reducing it because it basically means a fork and there's more incentive to keep the lower fee. That's something best avoided imho, I'd rather see folks grouping together with similar projects and splitting the fee or have major proposals to fund multiple minor projects and base a fee mechanism on how that pans out than to see a change made that could have harmful consequences and be difficult to reverse.

The budget is not only for submitting implementation proposals. It can also be used for submitting simple questions, asking the masternodes about their principles .

For example a principle question may be : "Do you like all masternodes to have a static IP?" or "Do you want to implement a proof of identification for the masternodes?".
You have to encourage people to ask the masternodes about their principles, thats why a proposal fee should be kept low.
Of course the masternodes should not be enforced to answer to the questions
, thats why a mininum participation (currently set to 10%) should be there and only if this threshold is bypassed the reimbursement of the proposal fee should be payed.

Finaly the principle question after beeing finilized, the question should remain and continue to get voted, because the masternodes may change their mind in specific principle after one year or so, and this should be visible to everybody.
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The budget is not only for submitting implementation proposals. It can also be used for submitting simple questions, asking the masternodes about their principles .

For example a principle question may be : "Do you like all masternodes to have a static IP?" or "Do you want to implement a proof of identification for the masternodes?".
You have to encourage people to ask the masternodes about their principles, thats why a proposal fee should be kept low.
Of course the masternodes should not be enforced to answer to the questions
, thats why a mininum participation (currently set to 10%) should be there and only if this threshold is bypassed the reimbursement of the proposal fee should be payed.

Finaly the principle question after beeing finilized, the question should remain and continue to get voted, because the masternodes may change their mind in specific principle after one year or so, and this should be visible to everybody.

I think it's important to have cheap governance proposals. However, if we get MN only polls in these forums then that's going to be a huge help because it opens up the possibility of having a single governance proposal (a bill?) with multiple parts, and the proposer having some confidence that it might actually be approved.

There is another solution. We could have a minimum fee of, say, 0.1 dash and let the proposer set their own fee. The more dash they add, the higher it goes up on the list.

Or even better, a minimum price of, say, 0.5 dash plus 0.001 dash per word. This way it automatically pays translation costs.
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The idea of the cost is to prevent spam, not prevent proposals. At between $400 and $500USD right now, we are victims of our own success. This needs attention ASAP.
The current result of this vote shows that @David and @TroyDASH voted "No" and @Acedian and @SirHikmat voted "Yes". All the rest votes do not count, because the voters have not the masternode badge.

So although the majority of the Dash community seems to agree to reduce the proposal fee, the masternodes seem divided.
The current result of this vote shows that @David and @TroyDASH voted "No" and @Acedian and @SirHikmat voted "Yes". All the rest votes do not count, because the voters have not the masternode badge.

So although the majority of the Dash community seems to agree to reduce the proposal fee, the masternodes seem divided.
Four confirmed masternode owners voted. This was a waste of time. Only getting 30 votes...I am not going to risk 5 Dash on this.
Sorry for wasting peoples time, but thank you for your input.

The devs ask for their salary and get 200+ votes on the day it is submitted. Where other than making a real proposal can you get that sort of response?
I have a masternode, no badge - yet. Did I vote? I don't remember. Get me some brain cells please.

I voted yes, but I think the cost should be set to $50 - or half a dash.

And look! I got my MN badge - that is cool! [banana dance] - doesn't work here! :p

Sorry for wasting peoples time
- This discussion is definitely not a waste of time.
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I think somewhere around $50 is reasonable, and that it should be a flat fee across the board. If we had a system that automatically adjusts the fee based on fiat value rather than a fixed Dash denomination, we wouldn't have to worry about volatility necessitating more discussions and proposals to change it every time the price moves.
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The devs ask for their salary and get 200+ votes on the day it is submitted. Where other than making a real proposal can you get that sort of response?
Nowhere, because people wouldn't register multiple accounts in the forum just to have one vote in a poll for each masternode they own.
But perhaps this proposal could implement such a system.

PS: All this translation talk made me change my vote. If people are going to whine for free translations we are not ready for a fee reduction.
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This is definitely something that needs addressed. As the price of DASH goes up or down we need a way to adjust the proposal submission fee. But I keep forgetting that 1 DASH = 1 DASH. The system works if you were an early adopter sitting on a pile of DASH. But definitely visibly prohibiting from the perspective of someone just getting into DASH.

I will vote to reduce the price of proposals. (I think under $100 is fine; Perhaps under $50). 5 DASH will price people out.
I think the correct thing to do is to reduce the proposal fee to zero, and ONLY IN THE CASE spam occurs, then rise the fee as much as it is required in order for the spam to stop. If the spam stops, then start again slowly reducing the fee until it reaches again zero, or until the spam starts again (in that case the fee will increase again). The rise or the fall of the proposal fee will be decided by a numerical voting among the masternodes (yes vote the numbers once again)

The dynamicaly voted fee is the only correct thing to do. Anything else, and whatever hardcoded number is decided for the fee, it is just wrong and a waste of time (especially a waste of time for the people who are talking or complaining about it).
The developpers should respect the time of the people, and fix this problem once and forever.
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@Acedian, have a look, now the score is

Masters: yes/no=6/2
Slaves: yes/no=24/6

<vote history> <-- why vote history is usefull?
Should the proposal fee be changed to 1 Dash?
*Yes. 30 vote(s) 78.9%

No. 8 vote(s) 21.1%
</vote history>
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@Acedian, have a look, now the score is

Masters: yes/no=6/2
Slaves: yes/no=24/6

<vote history> <-- why vote history is usefull?
Should the proposal fee be changed to 1 Dash?
*Yes. 30 vote(s) 78.9%

No. 8 vote(s) 21.1%
</vote history>

I want that masternode badge. How can I get it? I am a MN
I also agree that the fee should be lowered asap.
I read through other stuff in this thread and there are some interesting ideas, but they all seem difficult to implement and need a very thorough critical review first.
We should fix what we can at the moment and then start thinking about other stuff.
We have two polls having the same subject, so those two polls should be merged to one poll.
The two polls have some votes that are inconsistent. For example I voted "less than 1 dash" in the first poll and "yes" in the second poll. Whoever bureaucrat tries to merge the two polls to one, should inform me about the irrational way I voted, and ask me whether I would like to reconsider my vote. If I refuse to change my votes then the bureaucrat will cut my vote in half at the newly (created by the bureaucrat) merged poll ( ex. 0.5 of my vote goes to the (merged) option "less than 1 dash" and the other 0.5 to the (merged) option "yes"=="1 Dash")


<vote history>
How much Dash should a proposal cost at current prices?
5 Dash 6 vote(s) 15.0%
4 Dash 0 vote(s)0.0%
3 Dash 1 vote(s) 2.5%
2 Dash 6 vote(s) 15.0%
1 Dash 13 vote(s) 32.5%
*Less than 1 Dash 14 vote(s) 35.0%
</vote history>

No public information for this poll, on how the masters and the slaves voted.


<vote history> <-- why vote history is usefull?
Should the proposal fee be changed to 1 Dash?
*Yes. 36 vote(s) 81.8%

No. 8 vote(s) 18.2%
</vote history>

Masters: yes/no=8/2
Slaves: yes/no=28/6


I am unable to merge the two polls, because I have no information on how the users voted in the first poll. But I could write a code in order to merge the poll. This code should read the database and see who voted and how, and that way merge automatically without human intervention (assigning the task of merging not to a human being but to a program, also protects the privacy of the voters)

It is a pity that I write all these statistics manualy. This happens simply because @moocowmoo chose to install this forum which is closed source. So I am unable to write a plugin for it, and automate all this job.
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If one cant afford 5 Dash, one can use the pre-proposal forum to garner support and perhaps obtain help from serious supporters of ones proposal who can pool Dash together for the proposal. Done.
Sorry if this is repetitive/redundant. Seemed obvious to me.